Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Twitchy McTwitch
Currently Playing: "REV 22:20" by Puscifer featuring Maynard
Since last night, my left eye has been twitching like a small child on crack. It got so bad last night that I called my mom to find some kind of quick fix. Naturally, she said that it probably had something to do with me being over stressed and my lack of sleep. I believe my response was "Bah! I don't believe that. I think I have some kind of dangerous jungle-eye infection that will slowly spread to the rest of my body leaving me battered in the fetal position on the floor." I don't believe there was a response by my mother. I could almost hear her shaking her head. So, assuming that she was wrong and that I needed to make a mad dash to the ER, I continued out the night closing at the theater. Everything was going well, my eye hadn't twitched for a good 10 minutes and then I started talking to Ashley (new worker at the theater) and the second I started talking my eye went NUTS. So apparently, my mother is right. It's stress and I know EXACTLY what is stressing me out. Now...how shall I dispose of this stress?
Monday, November 15, 2004
and then I woke up to discover that yes, it was a bad day!
While walking down the dorm hall to the stairway I peered into one of the rooms near the end and noticed that the girls in that room had some kind of poster of men wearing boxer briefs, hanging on their wall. I will be honest here and admit that I found it somewhat disgusting. They were very clean cut men who looked very homosexual. Why would you want to gaze at these only half way attractive, homosexual men? I mean if I wanted something to put on my wall and gaze at endlessly I am going to find a picture of Ryan Reynolds with his shirt off or possibly Will Smith at his best but then again that's just what I would do.
I have been working on CSC 110 homework for the past twenty minutes and I cannot seem to stop staring at this clip art inserted automatically into this spread sheet, of two puzzle pieces trying to put themselves together. I am disturbed by the image.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Day by Day
Monday, November 01, 2004
Never as quiet as it seems
I am: sleepless in Springfield
I had another bad dream last night. I'm sure my subconscious is just playing with me now. Stupid subconscious. I SHALL OVERCOME YOU!
Bountiful selection at your discretion
I am: one with the force
My kiddie-Jedi-Costume went over well at work. I rocked. I find it somewhat sad that I had to buy my costume in the children's section of the Halloween store but whatever. I FIND IT SAD THAT I HAD TO GO INTO THE KIDDIE SECTION TO FIND IT. I mean, come on people. Being a Jedi for Halloween is a dream of adults as well.
In other Star Wars News:
The episode 3 trailer will most likely be on the Indredibles meaning that I might need to use my Jedi costume again when I go to the Employee preview on Thursday.
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Communication, a telephonic invasion
Theme music: "Spiderwebs" by No Doubt
I am: avoiding actually working on my homework
On white board: "I'm throwing myself a pity-party. All are invited. Festivities shall include such famous games as
~Pin the Tail on the big butt
~10 things I hate about boys
~Dude, I suck at school
Haha, boy I meant that to be more funny than depressing but I don't believe it came out that way. Oh well. -L."
Haha, phones suck. Haha yes they suck.
I'm working all projection shifts this weekend, which should give me a nice break from the randomness of working downstairs. The thing is that I really don't like going downstairs when I'm up in booth (It's a stupid superstitious thing) so I pretty much won't have any social interaction. It's all good. I get off work early enough each night to hang out with people after work. Not only that but I don't even have to run the late shows! BOO YA!!
I was able to enjoy X-Men 2 last night. Correction, I was able to gaze at hunky Hugh Jackman awesome abs last night. YOU'RE MY HERO HUGH JACKMAN!!! I did have to make fun of that girl who plays Rouge though. What a horrible actress!! There are more emotions than fear. Try experimenting with one for the heck of it!!!!!!!!
I have to make note cards for my art class now. This was fun. We should do this more often.
Monday, October 25, 2004
I am: watching TV for the first time in weeks
The phone rang as I sat down to type this post so...I did the natural thing and answered it. At first the lady asked for "Laura." I replied that I was her. She began to make jokes about something, she mumbled way too much, and then requested that I get out my bible. "Um who is this again?" I said.
"Ohh I must have dial the wrong number."
::click:: and she hung up.
I used my SMSU bookstore gift card to buy about 5 Prismacolor markers. Those suckers are expensive but definitely worth it. Ooo I played with them tonight and it was like drawing in heaven. I LOVE THEM!! Never will I touch a single Crayola marker again! NEVER.
Anger has consumed me
Sunday, October 24, 2004
I am: looking for someone to go bowling with, play cards with, see a freakin' movie with, or heck, go with me to the skate park so that I don't get raped or mauled by pre-teen punks with sad "Good Charlotte" t-shirts.
I do not believe I can express how awful this week has been...and by week I mostly mean Thursday through today. I don't think it is completely necessary for me specify why my week/weekend was so crappy, mostly because explaining complicated projection problems is somewhat boring to those who have never been upstairs at the Springfield 8, but partially because if I go into what really pissed me off on Thursday, I might spurt into a violent rage that is somewhat reminiscent of a post dealing with Mrs. Bylander and an unfair grade or two. Let's just sum that day up with, "It is totally not fair to actually grade one in Art considering Art is all subjective."
I am bored at the moment. Quite bored. I really want to go bowling. I cannot stress how much I want to go bowling.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Ben Robles and much much more
I am: Suffering from really bad breath
I ran into Ben Robles today. Not literally, even though that would have made this story slightly interesting. It's more like I saw him walking so I screamed, "BEEEEEEEEEnnnnn ROOOBLES!!!" It was great. He looked a bit stressed out though. Apparently he had just failed a mid-term and was prepared to fail and upcoming quiz. That's gotta hurt.
I "get to" house sit this weekend. There is no enthusiasm in that sentence. I guarantee it. Don't get me wrong, I love my house and all but it's so freakin' far away!!
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
I may have to make-out with my computer screen
I just may have to make out with my computer screen. After recently discovering that pictures of the new Blade Trinity banners were release I ventured around the web until I found them. Upon finding them I realized that I have developed and unnatural love for Ryan Reynolds.
So here's what he looked like pre-blade (aka Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place stage)

And here he is a Hannibal King in all his glory

Now...I must admit that I have always had a thing for Ryan Reynolds but never to the point where I was seriously considering making-out with my computer screen.
I put the wallpaper from the Blade web site on my computer. I should have known that was a bad idea. All I want to do is stare at it.
Let's compare him again...
Cute, adorable, Ryan...


My roommate, Rachel, agrees. He's way too hot for comprehension. She says it's all because of the facial hair but I say it's that AND his awesomely pumped up bod.
We both admit our love of guys with facial hair. Hey, some guys can pull it off and some can't. Ryan can...oh yeah, he definitely can!
Saturday, October 16, 2004
I guess ink isn't permanent
I am: Wondering why I am posting at 2:35 am instead of sleeping or atleast watching Bill Cosby
Upon taking off my suit jacket I caught a glance of my tattoo (on my upper back for those of you who have not seen it) and took notice of the odd shade of grey it had turned. It's fading.
Friday, October 15, 2004
Yes, awesome I say!
To make Art class even more interesting. The guy who I always talk about movies with threatened to steal my Nintendo Jacket which everyone knows is my precious.
Katelyn and I explored the Art Annex only to find that it is a dirty dirty place. Some paint would do that place some good. Some SERIOUS good.
Jimmy Eat World was on TV tonight. It gave me an excellent chance to review their new song "Pain." My final judgment is...good. Yes, I deem this song good. You all may buy their new Cd on Tuesday.
Thursday, October 14, 2004
So that's why growling isn't something you do in public
I am: half asleep
I've got this one verse from The Small Print stuck in my head.
"Sell, I'll sell your memories
For 15 pounds per year
But just the good days"
Now I have to play that song on iTunes until my ears bleed. Great, just great.
I went by my house today in hopes of picking up my American Eagle charge card (which should have arrived today but sadly didn't meaning I will have to wait at least 24 more hours to scream for joy). I guess before I get too far into this story I should explain that I have two dogs. Yes, they are very cute but bark like the dickens when they see something interesting, in other words they are constantly barking. Well, when they bark I tend to play around with them by barking back. Geeze that sounds weird but I promise you that it's a normal thing to do. Kind of like when people want to go into their baby voices whenever they see a small child. It's a thing that people do...I don't know. ANYWAY, back to the story: I go out to the mail, running so fast that the raindrops couldn't possibly touch me (no, really but I'd like to think so) and as usual the dogs start barking. On my way back to the door I could see them barking through our awesome glass storm door so I did one of those weird faces as them and started growling, which drives them nuts because they can see me through the door but they sadly can't get to me. Haha, stupid dogs! All of the sudden I hear this car door close and turn around to see a repair man across the street just staring at me. I wasn't quite sure what to do so the both of us just stood there, staring at each other until I ran inside and started laughing hysterically.
Rachel has informed me that she may not return back to the dorms for quite some time.
"I may not even return. I'm just going to disappear."
"Okie dokie." I say while typing away at the computer, "Don't die."
"Oh I won't. I'll be ok." she says as she begins to walk out the door
"Ok good. Have a good time and eat some waffles."
At this point she stops in the middle of the door way and turns around completely to give me a look like What?! but I beat her there by doing my "Eh, I have no idea what I'm saying" shrug of the shoulders look. It was one of those roommate moments that you'll never forget.
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Busting out the Pineapple Soda
I am: sipping on Pineapple soda
My eyes hurt...immensely. I just thought you all would like to know.
Andrew and I beat Silent Hill 4: The Room. The he busted out Mortal Combat Deception only to find out that his Xbox hadn't saved last time he played it, meaning that he had wasted 4 hours of his life beating Konquest mode for nothing. Now he has to go back and beat it again. I had never seen him so mad. I believe he said, "I am so angry I could beat the crap out of something!" I took that as my queue to leave. I felt really bad and somewhat irritated at the Xbox myself.
I am going to drown my sorrows of the day in some Pineapple Soda then sleep for about 7 hours.
Monday, October 11, 2004
I am: wet
Today was the first day that the sky decided to open up and puke up a nice batch of rain while I was walking to the class is the furthest away from my dorm. By the time, I made it into my computer class my hair was dripping; on the floor, the chair, and then on the keyboard.
Oh man, on Thursday I had the worst case of food poisoning in the history of man. I seriously thought that my stomach was trying to digest glass. I got out of my IDS 110 class, grabbed my stomach, and knew that I was about to puke my guts out (I hope you all enjoyed reading that lovely description). I never throw up, either so if I ever do that’s how you know that I’m gravely sick. I cannot express how much my stomach hurt. I almost went to the hospital it was so painful. DARN YOU CHICKEN FROM HELL! NEVER AGAIN, NEVER AGAIN!
I think what made my whole “food poisoning experience” worse was the fact that on Thursday; this girl in one of my classes wouldn’t shut up. First, you have to imagine me completely white faced because I looked like I had been jabbed in the gut one too many times. Well this girl who sits by me in one of my classes would just not shut up about how bored she was.
Her: “I totally hate this class. It’s totally ridiculous. I mean we don’t really do anything important in here anyway!!!”
Me: “ugh… I think I’m going to puke.”
Her: Don’t look now but a girl just walked in wearing the sluttiest of outfits. Oh my GOD! How does she live with herself looking like that? Look at her fat ___. That is so totally disgusting!
Me: “ugggh. My stomach is killing me.”
Her: “OMG when is this class going to be over? I’d rather shoot myself then sit her for another 15 minutes.” Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Me: Jesus…please save me from this girl!
I swear I almost knocked the crap out of her. But anyway.
Now I am off to finish the loads of homework I have for Art 115. Grr.
Friday, October 08, 2004
I will marry a hacker if it is the last thing that I do
I am: pumped!
Tonight could have possibly one of the best nights to be watching TNT…in the course of TV history. Not only did they show Anti-Trust but Wargames as well. So after seeing one awesome movie about computer hackers and whatnot I was wowed with another performance, by Mathew Broderick none-the-less as a computer genius gone horribly right! It was almost a perfect night, until I saw that they had no intention of continueing this awesome line up with a showing of Hackers. That’s when I cursed the name of TNT. How could you NOT play Hackers when you’re already playing two other movies about..well..hackers?! What has the world come to?! I am now doomed to go to Best Buy and shell out 10 dollars just so that I can see Jonny Lee Miller bring down an evil corporation trying to unleash the world’s greatest computer virus.
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Memories of Georgia

For so reason I keep thinking about my trip to Atlant, Georgia. Uck, even though there are parts that I would like to forget. Like dropping my shoe in that nasty pond water.

But it was fun. Wet shoe or not.

I blame the frog.

Hope you guys enjoy just a taste of the photos from there.
This is just a test of the emergency posting system....I repeat this is just a test. Had this been a real emergency you would have been instructed to bang your head repeatedly against your computer monitor.
Once again this is just a test.
Thank you and that concludes this post of the day.
Monday, October 04, 2004
I am: So freakin' hungry it's not even funny
Ray asked us to fast this Sunday and that's exactly what I've been doing for the past several hours. I do believe my stomach is digesting itself but hey, I'm getting closer to God.
I don't believe I'm going to be able to sleep much tonight. Andrew and I just finished playing another round of Silent Hill 4 and the image of that FREAKIN PINK BUNNY is pretty much giving me the creeps. ::shudders:: Stupid game...
Friday, October 01, 2004
And boy, when I hit that send button...
I am: Hiding my face in my hands
Last night, Lori and I swapped stories of stupid things that we had recently done or said. She shared her Orkin Man story and I...yes I...shared one of the STUPIDEST RESPONSES I HAVE EVER SAID. I decided, because being slightly embarrassed is just not enough, that I would share my story the the viewers of this fine blog and allow them to laugh at the idiotic things that I say.
Honestly, this isn't really, a story. See, someone had sent me and email saying that they were "going to send me a thank you in the real mail" and me, being the deficient human being that I can be sometimes, I responded with, ::said in a very Napoleon Dynamite voice to further express how midless this comment was:: "That wouldn't be the kind of thank you that explodes, would it? (ha-ha boy that joke sounded funnier in my head)"
I cannot convey how ashamed I am that I thought that joke was actually funny. It's like one of those moments when you're talking and you THINK you know what you're going to say, because of course you've thought about it for a whole .001 seconds, but then you just blurt out one of the most ridiculous things ever.
::hides face in Nintendo jacket:: I have never sounded like more of a dork in my life. ::bangs head against keyboad:: But no, it's ok. I've lost all dignity but, it's ok. It made Lori's night.
Memories of today
I am: pink!
Because Today was filled with wonderful moments, like:
"Wait, are you saying that there are different types of Metal [music]? ::pause:: Mind.....can't...comprehend... PLEASURE OVERLOAD!!" said in complete sarcasm to Katelyn when she asked what Death Metal Music was.
"You make me cry Katelyn"-Me
"Not as much as you make me cry Laura."- Said in a British accent by Katelyn
"What?! You were paid $11 to clean this entire room?! Sheesh. I'd pay you....::long pause::...at least $14!"- Me to Katelyn when she was talking about her sick-sad work-study program
"Don't eat the bananas"- Katelyn...being Katelyn
"No George no! STOP! NO STOP!! JUST STOP!!!"-Laura commenting on what she would say if she ever ran into George Lucas.
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Quotable me
I am: beating the crap out of my keyboard ,knrdswa4oiryY4 [8 2drs mov[q0y8
Perfect Laura Quotes:
"Wait, you're not going to slaughter me like those children in Bolivia, are
"Yes, I stalk you. I'm sorry. I can't stop. I know where you live and I secretly
have a shrine that I built just for my dorm room." [to Andrew when he
commented on how I had run into him at Best Buy for the past
two Fridays ]
"You should have said, 'and no Mike, I am not going to dance for you....unless
it is for sweet sweet candy!!!'" [to Lori when she was talking about her
upfront email to Mike]
"I guess I'd better get rid of those nunchucks then, huh?" [to Megan,
our RA for our floor at my dorm, when doing her safety inspection and
asked if we had any illegal weaponry]
Sunday, September 26, 2004
Moderately humorous story
I am: weird
As many of my friends know, last season I bought a wicked awesome red and white "Nintendo" jacket from Hot Topic for half price. 20 bucks baby!!! OH YEAH. It brings me much joy. The other night I was wearing this jacket while hanging out with Kevin, Sandor, and Courtney over at the "K&A joint" (It's easier to call it that than to say "Kevin and Andrew's apartment") when Andrew returned home from one of the several jobs that he now has. At first he did the whole double take thing then said, "Why are you wearing my jacket?!" I laughed out of sear confusion because clearly THIS WASN'T HIS JACKET. Then I remembered how Andrew had bought a similar but less cool, mostly because it didn't have Nintendo on it, red and white jacket at American Eagle. I attempted to explain to him that it was MY jacket and then asked why in the world I would put on his clothes but he just seemed confused. I stopped my explaining and just turned around to show him the Nintendo logo on the back.
"Ohh." he simply said.
It cracks me up to think that I would be insane enough to put on pieces of his clothing. I should totally buy a guy's shirt at American Eagle (it doesn't matter which one, he owns the entire store) and wear it while hanging out with him. Why I am bent on freaking him out is still a mystery to me.
Why Teenage Mutant Turtles holds a dear spot in my heart
April : "Toots"?
Casey Jones : Babe? Sweetcakes? Ah, Princess? You wanna throw me a clue here? I'm drowning.
Donatello : Good thing these guys aren't lumberjacks!
Michaelangelo : No joke! The only thing safe in the forest would be the trees!
Casey Jones : [About April's farmhouse] Didn't they use this place in The Grapes of Wrath?
Donatello : You're a claustrophobic.
Casey Jones : You want a fist in the mouth? I've never even looked at another guy!
Leonardo : Awesome!
Michaelangelo : Richeous!
Donatello : Bossanova!
Michaelangelo : Bossanova?
Donatello : Chevy Nova?
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Aww that's cute
Silk Road is way too expensive and they have stupid fortunes. -R
Theme song: "Angels or Devils" by Dishwalla
I am: Stuffed
When walking from the Plaster Student Union (or the PSU for short) I saw what could possibly be the most adorable couple in the entire world. As they walked hand in hand I noticed that the girl wore a shirt stating "I like Ike" and he wore a shirt saying "I [heart aka love] JC."
Ironically, there is a psycho couple fighting outside my window. Every so often, I hear the most vulgar of obscenities. I'm learning so much at college.
Why is it that I can't reach my sketch book when I need it most?
Theme music: "Bittersweet" by Falling up
I am: Blurry
It's day 4 of my cell phone and I STILL can't download ringtones and whatnot to it. Grr. Grr I say! Why get a fancy-smancy phone if you can't use all it's awesome features.
I am also still listening to Green Day's "American Idiot" album. What can I say? I am in love with it.
In art related news:
I started to add on to a few pieces I've done in the last month by doing a few water color washes over them. So far I have created crap but colorful crap none the less. Whopeee! I also have the sudden urge to have some serious Sharpie fun.
Much Randomness
I am: borrowing time at the Cheek computer lab
I was let out of class about 20 minutes early and realized that by the time that I walked to some place that might, just might, hold my interest for more than 3 minutes that I'd just have to get up and walk to my next class. I guess that' s why I am in the computer lab writing this utterly pointless post filled with much randomness.
An intense pain had become apparent in my hand so I guess this post will be short. Who hoo.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
"Went to find Jesus. Be back in 5 minutes."
Theme Song: "Hello McFly" by Reliant K
I am: Hunky-dory a-ok
I really don't have anything to post. I just wanted to show off what our white boad says today because it's funny.
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
I am: Cold, oh so very cold. Brrr, what is the thermostat set at? Sixth Sense coldness? Geeze!
Ok...so yes I have discovered this wonderful site named "site meter" which not only lets you know how many people visit your site by the hour but also lets you know all sorts of info about them such as the time zone they are in or...what ISP they have. It's so nifty that it can even tell you what parts of your site they've looked at.
Today when I was checking it I took note of someone looking at some of my VERY OLD POSTS from November 2002. Upon checking what I had written that month, I became horribly embarrassed. HORRIBLY!! Look, whoever visited my site at Sep 21 2004 1:15:56 pm Pacific Standard Time using Microsoft WinXP and Internet Explorer 6.0, I was young and angry!! I was also very crazy. I HAVE VERY MUCH SO CHANGED!!! Lol, I can hear my roommate cracking up now.
BTW Green Day's new album may very well be the BEST album of the year. Buy it people! Where else are you going to hear a "pop-rock opera?"
Why my friends love my voice messages
I am: killing time
I must start this post off with “Blah” because that is what I would love to scream at everyone. Just “blah”: plain and simple.
Rachel and I shared horrible voice mail experience today but I think mine totally thrashed her attempt at “funniest message ever recoded.”
Judge for yourself:
“Hey ________,
It’s Laura. I was just returning your call and wanted to let you know that this week is going to be hard to schedule a meeting just because of work but if you call me later this week I’m sure…OH MY GOSH. Oh my gosh Oh my gosh Oh my gosh Oh my gosh Oh my gosh! [sounds of car coming to a screech] I ALMOST HIT A FREAKIN CAT! DUDE, IT CAME OUT OF NO WHERE! [heavy breathing] Goodness that was close. I think it’s gone now. [THUMP SCREECH] What was that? Did I just hit that cat? AHEEEEE!! Oh my gosh Oh my gosh Oh my gosh Oh my gosh!!!! [car breaking/driver side door opens and closes] Oh wait, no it’s ok. That was just a rock. Haha. Cat, rock: same difference.
Am I still leaving a message?
Ummm…anyway just call me back.
You can rest easy knowing that the rock is fine.”
Monday, September 20, 2004
"I declare I don't care no more" aka another Green Day post
On a side note: Green Day's new CD comes out tomorrow. I encourage you all toI am: Sickened
get your lazy butts out of those comfy computer chairs and buy it. ALL OF YOU!
Uck, I’m not quite sure why I’m posting…as usual; I am not in the mood. I was going to share to all how crappy of a day I had but I’d rather not show more teenage angst than I already do for that may increase the number of people who think I am some kind of teenybopper. SWEET MOLASIS PEOPLE I AM NOT 16!
Therefore, instead of some kind of post that sounds more like the lyrics to a Green Day song than the rational thoughts of a college student, I have decided to entertain all with an entertaining Tamila and Laura story. Ah yes, those were the days.
Back in sophomore year, I practically lived at Tamila’s house; I was spending the night so much. Well, as a little ritual that we’d do before finally falling asleep at 4am I’d come up with these ridiculous “what if” questions and of course these scenarios were so far fetched that the thought of it even happening could only cause mass hysteria. I’d always make up some kind of situation involving, her current boyfriend of the time and Tiger woods (her current obsession). I was always trying to get her to betray her boyfriend for Tiger Woods. Why? Because I was a sick, sick human being that’s why. ::giggles uncontrollably::
This one night I came up with my most pathetic attempt.
“So Tamila, let’s say that you are left alone in Kendall’s room for about 5 minutes and you feel the need to creep through his stuff and in doing so you find a strange collection of Tiger Woods paraphernalia. Upon further investigation, you find what appear to be ‘paparazzi-like’ pictures of Tiger by the pool and changing clothes. At the exact moment that you are taking a closer look, Kendal walks into the room, mouth gaping open. What do you do?”
As usual, it was a “Tamila” response:
“Well, I kindly say to Kendall ‘Sweetie, honey bunch, sugar-bun, this whole Tiger obsession has got to go. Look, there is only room for one person in Tiger’s life and let’s just face it. You’re not his type.”
Thursday, September 16, 2004
There's no emoticon for what I'm feeling!!!
"There's no emoticon for what I'm feeling!"-Comic Book Guy "The Computer Wore
Menace Shoes"
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
I like swimming in the sea
I am: discombobulated
I just got back from playing poker at Lori's new house and I am ashamed to admit that not only was this my first time playing poker but I also lost all of my chips within the first hour. It was so horrible that everyone felt the need to constantly make fun of me, which was fun the first 2 hours and then it just became redundant and annoying.
On the other hand I beat Daniel 4 times at Speed and beat Daniel AND Ryan at least once at Double Down. Considering it was the first time I had played Double Down in about a month and some, I was impressed.
My mom's surgery went ok. We're still waiting for some test results though. Uck, I hate waiting. Patience is a virtue that I do not have.
"I tried talking to Jesus but He just put me on hold Said He’d been
by calls this week And He couldn’t shake His cold"- Colin Hay
I love that line. It's such a Dave Eggers line.
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
I am: shocked that Sunny-D is not orange juice
So I am highly ticked because one of my favorite artists, Mark Ryden, not only was at the San Diego Comic-Con International, 2004 but he also has a NEW exhibit at the Grand Central Art Center in Santa Ana, California which only makes me want to go to California more. I've come to the conclusion that I will NEVER be able to see his work up close. I really wanted to see his "Blood" exhibit because of all the awesome reviews but I never got the chance. Once again not living in California has hindered my life. DARN YOU CALIFORNIA AND YOUR AMAZING ART EXHIBITS!!!
I am: Wondering why in the world no one told me how wonderful orange spray paint is
I have a vandalism problem and I think that I have take the first step by admitting that it does exist. First it was writing on every bathroom stall on the way to and from Georgia and now it’s dollar bills.
The other day, while working box, I became very bored. More bored then I had ever been in my entire life. I decided to show some imitative and do something about it so…I started writing on one dollar bills. It wasn’t as if I was destroying the image of the bill. In fact it was in that very small border in which nothing sits. I thought of how awesome it would be if one of my friends was handed a dollar bill and found their name and “rocks my face off” on it. So started putting “ [insert name here] rocks my face off” on about 20 bills. Though it would have been killer if I had done several names, I realized that it would take longer for them to circulate back so I only did two names. I feel as though if I were to tell those names then the element of surprise would be destroyed so I everyone will just have to wait about twenty years to see if it was them who I destroyed government property for. How sad. By the end of my shift, I had successfully written on 25 one-dollar bills and had handed them back to customers.
Apparently, it is a federal offense to vandalize currency. Eh, whatever. I always wanted to see what it was like in prison. I can see it now. Me in a jail cell with some burly woman as she tells me about how she stabbed some secret service guys. “So what are you in for?” she will ask.
“I wrote on some one-dollar bills.” I shall say.
Thursday, September 09, 2004
::cough cough:: No Rachel, I'm not dead yet
I am: lacking in the lung department
I've been sick for the past week if you can't tell by the title. You'd think my teachers would be annoyed with the coughing and would just tell me to go home and get some sleep but no.they actually want me to attempt to learn while I lose a vital body part.
I feel so bad for my roommate Rachel because I'm sure I'm keeping her up at night with the cough and the sniffing and the wheezing. It's all good though she talks in her sleep.
I'm sitting here, typing this as I wear my uber comfortable yet 4 sizes too big Oak Grove "Uncut" t-shirt. Its yellowness makes me happy. Kristin has offered do her shrink-a-dink process to it, for a price of course, but I don't know. I have trust issues and this is one of my favorite shirts.
I'm pretty tired considering I just spent a good 5 hours cleaning the office at the eight. Oh, man it was great! I got all these wicked awesome stickers from random things. I also found a year-old pixie stick and ate it. That pretty much grossed out Mike (general manager) but I informed him that Pixie Sticks are pure sugar and sugar NEVER goes bad. It did taste pretty nasty though. Uck...I think I can still taste that rancid grape in my mouth. Excuse me while I brush my teeth.
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Monday, September 06, 2004
It's not a problem until I say so DARN IT!
Theme Music: "Goodrich Quality Theater Theme Song"
I am: awaiting the release of the NEWEST edition of Trainspotting on DVD
I believe I have some how created a DVD buying addiction. I find myself buying more and more DVDs and it is becoming somewhat of a problem. This week I plan on getting "Clerks" the 10th anniversary addition which I can afford but only because I received $50 in the mail from a loving relative who didn't realize that I graduated about 4 months ago. After this little spree I promise to stop. I will just have to deal with not being able to say that I own such beloved DVDs as "The Punisher" or "Angel: season 4" ::sigh::
Saturday, September 04, 2004
I am: questioning how much wood a wood-chuck could really chuck
Last night Andrew, Nicole, Christa, and I all went to Nubrew and saw two of the coolest Christian bands in the world. Education of Monkeys (who played at my church on Wednesday) and New Anthem ::drools all over keyboard::. It turns out that the Lead Guitarist is what I like to refer to as "eye candy.” I tried to get Andrew to go up to him and talk to him for me (because yes, I am still in Junior High) but he put up a fight. "What do you want me to say?! ::in a very feminine voice:: 'You played so well tonight! You guys are just so hot right now!'" "Fine! Mock me all you want!" I responded. To make a long story short there was no interaction between cute guitar man and I. He was too busy with the blonde high school bimbos.
Random story time:
When Tamila and I were in the 9th grade, we were pretty much attached at the hip. I remember how did stupid stuff all the time like starting new catch phrases. We even came up with the term "He has a little sweet in his tooth" which refers to one "sounding gay.” Then if a guy walked "gay" we'd say he "had a little shimmy in his shake." Well, the other day I was waiting for the elevator and I overheard this guy talking to his roommate and I couldn't help but think "Dude, that guy has so much 'sweet in his tooth' that he probably has cavities!" I attempted to cover up my laughter by running away but the second I hit the door to my room I cracked up. I ended up calling Tamila just so that I could have someone else to share in the laughter.
Tamila and I came up with stupid phrases like that all the way through high school When her debate partner Matt gave up rides home we’d roll down the windows and literally scream “GET THE LEAD OUT” at the small children walking home. Actually, it wasn’t even just small children. I believe that we yelled that at anyone who was walking…good times. Good times. How we were never beaten up is a mystery to me.
I have concluded that all art schools have the SAME EXACT ESSAY QUESTIONS. I swear there must be some kind of generic application floating around that schools just photo copy and give out.I've also found that these schools tend to take more interest in you when you mention that you will be transferring into their school. I've never received more phone calls from schools in my entire life!! I'm planning on going up to the Kansas City Art Institute next month to talk to one of their people. I've already done this once so this time it should go about 10 times faster. Finally:Natalie and Hannah will be excited to hear that my stellar photo album will be open to the public soon. So you guys will finally be able to get in without having to type in the lame password, I gave you, every time.
Friday, September 03, 2004
Put on hold
I am: wondering if that stuff on the ceiling is cottage cheese or rotten milk
If this is your first time to my site I must explain that yes, my life does rock and yes, I am happy about 95% of the time but every so often I will have a bad day and feel the need to share my crappy emotions with all my friends (and occasionally a random visitor to my site). I do use this site as my "journal" so what I post here I wouldn't just randomly come out and say to some one but I understand that this is public and therefore open for anyone to see but if I didn't post about those bad days I wouldn't really be human I'd just be some kind of cheapened version of a carebear. No one really likes cheap carebears do they? I think I have a pretty awesome mixture of funny stories and silly anger posts. I do worry that people will assume certain things about my posts...then think I'm some kind of weird freak...and call the police but I'm sure people know better than to assume and would email me if they had further questions about posts before they would commit me. One might hope that's how it would go.
Oh Goodness there is a strange construction worker hanging on a rope outside my window. He just freaked the living heck out of me. Now he is looking at me. I will avoid all eye contact. ACK IT'S NOT WORKING!!!!
Did I mention that all construction work on my resident hall was supposed to be done about a month ago? Lies I say! ALL LIES!
What did you say?
I am: appearently starting the trend of looking hung over
I believe one of the girls on my floor just informed me that I look hung over. I told her I wasn't and probably could have explained that I don't drink but that would require energy...something I have absolutely none of. When I got back into the room and looked in the mirror I realized that yes..I look very hung over.
I should start a trend. The "I'm not hung over but I sure look like it" look. It could be all the rage.
The Cat Lady of Guadalupe and my 7 year plan
I am: Strangely shaking from either a lack of sleep, stress, or some kind of unknown fear about bunk-beds. Heck it could be all three for all I know.
I told Kevin and Andrew that if I started collecting two cats a year starting with my next birthday I'll be able to be "The Cat Lady of Guadalupe" by the time I'm 25. Andrew kind of giggled and Kevin just looked at me with confusion and said, "Why would you want to do a thing like that and be a freak?" At which point I had to explain to him that my cats were going to be my only source of companionship and finding companionship with fifteen cats is not a "freak" like thing to do. Old ladies do it everyday. I'm just getting a head start. He made some kind of smart comment about "companionship" which I do not care to repeat and I gave him the evil eye. And thus is the story of the second time I have ever given Kevin the evil eye.
Thursday, September 02, 2004
I am: wondering where my scotch-tape went
There I was sitting outside of my IDS 100 class and then I saw him. In all his glory he walked right by me. He was exactly how the head of the SMSU art department WOULD look like. Thin with long grey hair pulled back into a pony tail, casual button-up shirt, with classy tie, and glasses that just enhanced the intellectual look. I wasn't quite sure what to do other then stare open-mouthed. I had to contain my urge to stand up and scream...My art career is resting in your hands!
In other news:
Hannah is now allowed to leave me about 10 million voice messages just because they make my day. For instance...
"Hey Laura, it's Hannah. I left your pictures by the front door. I am now off to Borders where I will sit in a corner, eating a cookie, while I read obscure British music magazine by myself. The end. Bye."
That made my day.
In other...other news you all will be happy to hear that God has decided to spite me even more and my life has become even sucky-er. I mean it's not like the past month hasn't been hard enough but wow I mean I must have really pissed off God.
Not only am I going to be evaluated in projection on Friday by Daniel but my mother is now having surgery which scares the living heck out of me. I couldn't even tell Courtney without starting to tear up. I covered it up well by pointing to the TV and screaming, "Is that the guy from Quantum Leap?!" I rock at covering up emotions. BOO YA!
Friday, August 27, 2004
Thursday, August 26, 2004
SMS death trap
I am: very impatient
I just.....::breathes heavily::...walked up 12 flights of stairs....because ::grabs chest in pain::...the elevators are broken...again.
Did I mention how much I hate living in the dorms? Yes...it's like living in the 4th circle of Hell. Yay!
No one has emailed me in several days and it's beginning to really piss me off. I mean I've sent Natalie two emails at least and NO RESPONSE. No..I'm not really mad at Natalie I mean she never emails me anyway. I'm just taking my frustration (look I spelled it with an 'r' Natalie!) out on her because I just left her another voice mail. I'm really mad at OTHER people who won't email me. ::cough cough [insert EVERYONE ELSE'S NAME HERE] cough cough::
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Mounting bobcats and comatose states
I am: fearful of bad habits
As I was unlocking my bike to go to class I heard my name screamed across the court yard. I turned around and low and behold it was TAMILA! I immediately screamed , "TAMILA DANIELLE GRESHAM WHAT ARE YOU DOING??!!" I came to find out that she is in the same dorm as me and only 2 floors up. After class we got together with her boyfriend Steve to get some food. I can honestly say it was the most fun I've had in a few days. The best part of the afternoon was when Steve retold a story that Tamila's Father had told about him and his new girlfriend who is "as country as buttermilk." apparently the two (Tamila's Dad and the girlfriend) were driving down the road when they came upon a bobcat. Now this is where the story gets sketchy. First of all...what is a bobcat doing by the side of the road? Just chillin' like a villain?? I guess Tamila's Dad thought it would be great to bust out a 2x4 and beat it to death. Why the bobcat didn't run away or maybe attack is beyond me. The animal must have had special needs or something because I'm sure it could have taken Tamila's Dad out with one hit. So after killing this defenseless animal they took it home and "mounted it." At the time that this story was being told to Steve he didn't quite understand that they're are multiple definitions of mounting. I believe he said that he was thinking, "Well I knew her dad was from the South but I didn't think he was THAT southern." He finally understood that the corpse was placed above their mantle and not used as some kind of sexual toy.
Another story about Tamila:
I called her up to ask if she wanted to hang out but...
"I'm napping with Steve right now." she said.
"Are you spooning with Steve, Tamila?"
"We were earlier but now we're just sleeping."
"Well ok...I'll let you return to your utensil-like comatose state."
She laughed and hung up.
Good times...good times.
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Five Stages of the Simpsons
Homer: No way! Because I'm not dying! [hugs Marge]
Dr. H: The second is anger.
Homer: Why you little! [steps towards Dr. H]
Dr. H: After that comes fear.
Homer: What's after fear? What's after fear? [cringes]
Dr. H: Bargaining.
Homer: Doc, you gotta get me out of this! I'll make it worth your while!
Dr. H: Finally, acceptance.
Homer: Well, we all gotta go sometime.
Dr. H: Mr. Simpson, your progress astounds me.
I am: restless
Classes are going well. Everyone seems to be very friendly but I'm not quite sure that I really enjoy college. Maybe it's not that I'm "not enjoying college" maybe it's that I'm not enjoying my life right now. Who knows. I'm very restless though.
I had the most random conversation with a guy on the elevator a few nights ago. As I waited in the elevator with my tripod case flung over my shoulder a guy inquired what the heck I had in the case. I believe he asked me if it was a gun or blueprints.
“Oh it’s a tripod for my camera,” I said.
“Are you like a photographer or something?”
“Haha yeah something like that.”
“So what do you take pictures of?”
“Just random things but mostly people.”
“Well you know what you should take pictures of?” At this point, I am pretty freaked out that he’s going to say something pedophile -ish
“Really?” ::I try to contain my laughter.::
“Yeah. They’re CRAZY here. They randomly attack all the students here!”
“Yeah I think I’ve heard that before.”
“You could get an awesome shot of one attacking someone.”
“That would definitely be different.” ::I slowly back away praying that my floor will soon be upon us::
“You really need to take some squirrel pictures!”
The elevator beeps indicating that we have reached my floor so I say goodbye to the nice squirrel guy and leave. I got back to my dorm room and pretty much couldn't stop laughing.
I think I should take some squirrel pictures just for him.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
I'm half alive but I've been mostly dead
Not much happened tonight. I somehow got roped into seeing Alien vs predator a third time. Who would have thought that it would suck all three times?
Courtney attempted to teach me some Jewel songs on piano. It was a failed attempt. Laura is a girl of few talents and playing the piano is a talent she will never have. None the less, I am greatful.
Friday, August 13, 2004
Santa Monica
I am: obsessively listening to Everclear
I HAVE to stop listening to this song before I go insane. Well, more insane.
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Making Dave Eggers Proud
I am: drawing
It's been a very artsy-fartsy few days for me. We've gone to quite a few museums while down in Atlanta and the experience has really opened my eyes to different styles. I've taken this time to experiment with my 35mm camera to try to get a handle on how to capture the "right shot." I used my mother and father's digital camera at the Fern Bank Museum to take these awesome looking pictures from the DNA exhibit. What's really cool is that I barely had to alter them. I can't wait to post them for everyone to see! I think I'm even more excited about getting my 35mm shots developed. Today we went to the Botanical Gardens Chihuly exhibit. Dale Chihuly creates these AMAZING glass sculptures that have been mixed in with the most exotic flowers in the world. There was no better time to whip out the camera than when we were there. I am positive that the pictures will turn out breath taking. Now that I think of it, my tattoo really would have fit it with all those flowers. Infact, I believe I saw a flower that looked JUST like my tattoo. Freaky weird.
Why I should stop wearing my backless tennis shoes:
We were getting ready to enter the conservatory when we see the serine looking pond right infront of the doors. We walk over and see that they have mixed these glass balls in with the water Lilies and Lilly pads. I was quite amazed by the sight of it all. It was as if I was looking at something out of a coffee-table book from the Mud House. I went closer to take some pictures. That's when my sister started yelling at me to come over and look at the frogs who had popped their heads out of the water. At first I was hesitant. I mean who really wants to look at frogs? I slowly walked over and surely enough I saw these frogs with somewhat of a reflective skin, something I had NEVER seen before. My sister, egged me on to take a few shots so I sit down on this sort of ledge that they have separating the pond from the walking area and started clicking away. When I had take about 3 or 4 really nice shots my sister called me over to tell me that the family was bored with the frogs and that it was time to move on. I turned around and felt my shoe catch on something and PLOP. It falls right into the nasty green water. I panicked and tried to grab it as fast as I could, while my sister, mother, and father, all died from laughter. Unfortunately it slipped out of my hands and once again into the water, making an even bigger splash and noise. It was awful. To top everything off, all the observers of my folly freaked out and thought I had dropped my camera in so they all ran over and asked what happened. Ugh. I had to walk around the rest of the time with one wet foot. My family thought it was the greatest thing in the entire world. My sister couldn't stop making cracks about it. I guess it's ironic considering about 10 minutes before that all happened I had just read a sign that said "Please do not put objects in water." It's even more ironic that, that sign was RIGHT BY where my shoe fell in. ::sigh:: my life is like some kind of Dave Eggers book.
Ack, a good episode of X-Files is coming on and I mustn't miss a minute of Mulder.
Monday, August 09, 2004
The socially challenged
Theme Song: "so much for the after glow" by Everclear
I am: suprisingly still drawing the same thing
I really don't have anything too important to talk about tonight. In fact I
wasn't even going to post tonight until I realized that I needed to stop drawing
what I was drawing and come back to real life. This topic is really silly and
the only reason I am posting about it is because I was thinking about Katy
Schultz, how awesomely nice she was to me at Kickapoo, her little
lessons in life, and wondering where she went to. So this post is dedicated
to her and her infinite wisdom.
Some people just shouldn’t be allowed to socialize. The government should lock them up and forbid human contact with such people. They should treat them like SARS and make all those who may have these personality faults wear surgical masks so that those fine people who do have the ability to act appropriately with others will not be contaminated. My friend Katy once said, “Some people have these horrendous personalities and they don’t even know it but, how couldn’t they? You’d think they’d get the hint when people avoid them or even walk away when they’re talking!”
Let me tell you people, I have met these “pleasant personality deficient” groups of human beings and I’ve been tempted to act upon my thoughts and slap a few just to see if I can literally knock some sense into them.
Example: There was this girl who sat with Ashley, Alison, and I at lunch who would burst out with such random things that it had to be a crime. One time she went on and on about how she could barely afford school lunch yet she would always buy ala cart. So she’s have like curley fries and a salad or one of those HUGE mini pizzas with chocolate milk and a shake. Then, after she had finished her own mean she would look at everyone else’s food and ask for something. If you said no then she would give you ::dramatic music:: the speech!
“So my family is pretty much poor and can’t afford to feed me that’s why I ask for food everyday. My mom tried to get a special deal through the school where they give me free lunches but they cut us off because she makes too much money. I guess that’s because she works three jobs or something. I don’t know but this school is so stupid. They just want me to starve to death and when I do we’re going to sue them…”
“Uh huh” you’re not getting any of my pudding. I worked hard to get it and it’s mine!
“I mean my family can send me to school but it’s so expensive to buy these lunches! I just don’t think it’s fair that I have to pay for my lunches when I’m practically poor! ”
“Yeah…” please let her shut up
“Sure I can be eating this pizza today but tomorrow I may have to go hungry.”
“What if you get a job?” yeah you psycho food stealer
“Yeah, but I really don’t think I should work during school and all. I mean almost every person who has a job and goes to school just can’t support an A average. I can’t afford to have my grade suffer. Not to mention that I don’t have any transportation since I don’t have a car. My family is poor. Did I say that already?”
“What about taking the bus? It’s REAL cheep.” You pompous, lazy, freak
“I don’t think that would work. Buses scare me.”
“Taxi?” maybe that’s fitting enough for you
“Car pool?” try to say no to that one!
“Look, there is just no way for me to get to and from a job. Plus I don’t really want one. I want to keep my grades up.”
“Did I mention that I work a 25 hour a week job and have an A average?” SNAP!
“Oh. Well, I’m too poor right now to be looking for a job. Are you going to eat that thing of fries? I’m so very hungry.”
“No.” starve you demon from hell!!!
Examples: These haven’t really happened to me I just made them up to prove a point, though I do know as well as my friends know people with SWYWWEYW (Say What You Want Whenever You Want) syndrome.
In the middle of a gripping death scene during some new hyped movie, they lean over and whisper, “I think I just saw some nipple action. Sweet!”
During a moment when one of your other friends is having a crisis they announce, “I JUST FARTED!”
When pastor has just made an alter call they declare, “Sleepy time.”
At work, during a huge rush of people they say, “My butt hurts so bad from last night.”
There's not much you can do with these socially challenged people other than hang your head in shame if you know them.
Sunday, August 08, 2004
IO WEVWEIOR[1QEIIWO24]-99 ::Bangs head against keyboard::
I am: experiencing some kind of mental breakdown
Ashley might need to commit me. I'd explain further but I'd prefer that only half my friends know my state of mind.
On another subject:
My family and I went to this "Mystery Dinner Theater" thing and it was wicked awesome! We all had these mini parts that we acted out at certain points with these professional actors. I wish we had a restaurant like that in Springfield! The food rocked and they served complementary wine to those who were old enough. My theory was that they wanted to liquor up the audience for a better show. Hahha on a random note I found quite a bit of entertainment in a small package of "whipped butter." I kept looking at it and thinking..."Whipped butter: Tastey topping or Masochist munchie?"
I am way excited about moving into the dorms. I'd rather just move into the dorms and not go to school but ya know, you've got to take what you get. You guys will have to email me if you want my room number and phone number. I don't believe it to be too safe to post such information on the internet.
Saturday, August 07, 2004
Georgia...oh sweet Georgia
I am: stuck on the same subject
My family and I have taken a vacation to Atlanta, Georgia to see my Sister and Brother-in-law's new house so if some of you wonder why I'm not answering my home phone or why you haven't seen me slave at the movie theater it's because I am out of town...correction, out of state.
We're on day 3 of our trip. It feels like day 6 but ya know. Whatever. I have found that my sister's wireless internet come in handy when you want to check your email outside..or check out IGN.com in the kitchen or even buy someone's birthday gift while watching Invader Zim.
So far I am impressed with my sister's house. It still smells of fresh paint. Mmmm...there's nothing more relaxing then sniffing fresh paint. Right now I have take residence in my Brother-in-law's office, which give me unlimited access to their wickedly awesome and fast internet. MUHAHAHAHA!!!
Do you ever get that feeling that you're missing something by not being at home? I NEVER get that feeling but the second we arrived in Atlanta that's all I've been able to think about. It's uber weird. To be honest I have the feeling that something important might be arriving in the mail. I don't know if it's a package from Amazon.com, free stuff from Best Buy for having boo koos of reward points, some horrible news about the residence hall that I'll be moving into, or something else. Well, whatever. I'm going to call our house-sitter on Monday and ask her if I've gotten anything. This might sound random but why are they called house sitters? I mean they really don't sit on your house. They should be called house-watchers. I am starting a new trend. I will call all baby and house sitters...watchers. I encourage you all to join me.
Haha, have any of you guys seen the episode of Futurama where the gang finds the "Lost City of Atlanta?" I believe it's called "deep south." Oh man, it's so great!! They make fun of Atlanta so much that it should be a crime. You all need to see it!!!
Monday, August 02, 2004
Wait...was it supposed to go like that?
I am: take a wild guess. You're probably right.
I found another song that must now be banned from my I-Pod and I have Natalie to blame for it. Darn you Natalie for introducing me to the wonderful music of Jessica Riddle!! DARN YOU AND THE STUPID LOVE MIX THAT YOU LET ME BORROW AND THEN BURN!!
I had a total Kristen moment about 10 minutes ago. I put on some Everclear and rocked out. You should have seen me; head bobbing, screaming/singing random lyrics, jumping like a maniac. Dude it was the most fun I’ve had in 5 days. When the song ended, I just kind of sat down and checked my email. I’m not quite sure why…I may slightly be going insane from the amount of Kool-aid I’ve ingested.
Seriously I think I am loosing it.
Here are the clear cut signs:
I have the urge to jump up and down continuously on Amy’s giant trampoline until I puke
I want to crawl up inside the new trunk that I bought and pop out when my parents come into my room
I want to change my paycheck into small bills and roll around in them (fully clothed. No one likes paper cuts)
I want to buy a kiddy pool and fill it with Jello then swim in it
I want to pull a “Big Fish”
I want to burst out into song
Friday, July 30, 2004
Haha, no really. Where did you go?
I am: in day two of Denial
I haven’t listened to Alien Ant Farm in a loooooong time. I popped in the CD tonight for some reason and couldn’t stop listening to that “Movies” song. Now I’m obsessed with that song. I must ban it from my I-Pod before it becomes a problem like “Iris.” I love how I try to relate every song to my life. I'm so cute when I do things like that!
My current list of songs banned from my I-Pod for obvious and stupid reasons:
"Ordinary" by Train
"Vindicated" by Dashboard Confessional (I honestly CAN NOT listen to this song)
“I’m only happy when it rains” by Garbage
“Biggest Mistake of your life” by New Found Glory
“Movies” by Alien Ant Farm
“Iris” by the Goo Goo Dolls
“Truth of my youth” by New Found Glory
“Every me and Every you” by Placebo“Staring at the sun” by Offspring
The Village was interesting. Boy, was that movie not what I expected. I really can't make up my mind whether I liked it or despised it. It was kind of like "Can't Hardly Wait" in the sense where it was this wonderful mixture of awesome and aweful. Goodness am I acutally comparing a teeny bopper movie to a M. Night movie? Heaven forbid!!!
You can’t really hate a movie that is written by the same man who did “Signs” and “Sixth Sense” or can you?? ::dun dun duuuuun::
Before I can tell about how awesome the screening was I must give you a background story: So when “Signs” first came out a group of people who go to my church went to go see it on opening night. So everything was going great and then the scene where M. Night Shyamalan (the director) makes his first appearance comes up. This guy in the group, Hunter, stands up, in the middle of the movie, points at the screen and says “THAT’S HIM!! THAT’S THE DIRECTOR!!” Of course, the rest of the church group is horribly embarrassed. Now I just heard about this story a few weeks ago and when it was told to me I just could not stop laughing. Ever since then I have teased Hunter like mad! Naturally, he denies screaming it but if you knew Hunter then you know he would do a great thing like that.
So knowing this I tell Andrew that we have to re-enact this at tonight’s showing. We talked about how we were going to do it. We’d stand up at the same time and scream,
“THAT’S HIM!! THAT’S THE DIRECTOR.”Unfortunately, they never showed a clear shot of him. All you got was his stupid reflection so about 30 seconds after the scene cut Andrew stood up and shook his finger at the screen. No one really got it. Darn.
I showed off my tattoo to a few people at work. Lol, the best person was Amanda.
Me: Hey check this out! ::shows tattoo::
Amanda: Oh My GOD!! That’s awesome!
Me: Yeah I know!
Amanda: It’s so beautiful! ::gets closer and starts rubbing it.
Me: ::clenches face in agony::
Amanda: I can’t believe how great it looks. ::continues to pet the tattoo::
Me: Yeah ::in more agony::
Amanda: ooo ::still petting::
Me: AHHH!! By the way my skin is raw back there.
Amanda: Ooo. I’m so sorry. Did I hurt you?
Yeah, as if that wasn’t enough, this guy from church, Kevin, decided to get my attention by patting me on the back which would have been fine if my skin wasn’t pratically falling off back there.
It’s raining again. How natural. The forecast calls for rain almost all weekend. Is this a sign of things to come? Just to warn you all, the Lord might be attempting to drown me.
Oh man, today I really crapped things up. Apparently I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t say things in my mind anymore, I just spit them out like some kind of cracked up crack head, which would be fine if I didn’t do that at work. I was going to blame it on some kind of early turrets syndrome but I don’t think I could get away with that excuse. Darn.
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Trainspotting moments
-"Rent Boy" in Trainspotting
Saturday, July 17, 2004
Quotes from a night with Hannah and Natalie
"Why can't I be stephen speilburg's best friend." -Laura
Little girl: Here's a pendant that has absolutly nothing to do with this movie.
Lancelot: Thank You. I'll hock this for needle drugs!
-Laura's more entertaining version of "King Arthur"
Dude, I need to learn to not check my email on other people's computers
Friday, July 02, 2004
Weird boy with headphones
So on Wednesday I left youth seeking some sort of food for consumption and headed for the McDonalds on Battlefield. Everything was going as usual; my food was dripping grease through the bag, I had to repeat my order twice to the lady, and the smell of burnt fries was drifting through the air. Then, as I went to fill my cup up with orange soda, a 16-year-old boy popped out of nowhere. He began to compliment my purse and tell me that he planned to become a fashion designer and design clothes just like my purse. I was nice and told him that, that was awesome. I proceeded to walk out the door when I noticed that he was following me. He stopped me right as I was about to walk out and asked me who sung the song was that playing over the loud speaker at that exact moment. I said
"I'm not sure." and pushed the door open. He walked after me as he said
"Yeah, it's Life House. They're Christian you know. Are you a Christian because I am?" I responded that I was and quickened my pace to my car. He kept speaking, "Well that's cool. I really hate Springfield because they're are all these people who say they're Christians but they really aren't and that makes me mad. Everyone judges you, you know? I can't stand that. I love Christ and I don't know how anyone could ever judge someone if they love Christ. You know what else I hate? I hate fake Christians. You're probably a fake Christian, most of the people in Springfield are. [ at this point I am in my car. My door is open and my keys are in the ignition but I can't leave because he is in the way. I decided to be nice and listen to his rant about God] I think everyone should spend an eternity in Hell because most people deserve that. I mean you probably should be there too. I don't think I would be there because I am spreading the world of God. [ He continues like this for another 5 minutes. I interrupt him at one point, where he is mis-quoting the bible, to say...]
"I'm sorry, but I have to get back to my church group."
He begins again with his rant..."Oh, haha, what church do you go to?"
"Oak Grove Assembly of God. It's a really awesome place."
"Wow. Do you like the people in your group?"
"Yeah. They're all really nice."
"I bet some of them are fake and very stuck up. That's how it is with all church groups. You think they're going to be nice but then they gang up on you and exclude you. I probably shouldn't go to your church because I'd just find fake people and I can't stand fake Christians. You're a fake Christian too, you know? I bet you're going to go off to your fake group and tell them about this freak that followed you to your car and told you about Jesus."
No kidding...this is what I said, "Probably."
"You must think I'm pretty weird following you out to your car."
"But I'm not. I'm just trying to tell you about God and get you to change your ways."
"Well, I really have to go because it's getting late and..."
"And God forgives us. He'll forgive you too."
"Yeah, so..."
I am seriously turning my car at this point. My lights are on my stereo is blasting and he is still talking about how evil I am. Finally, I tell him "thank you" and shut the door. I drove out of that parking lot so fast that I could smell burnt rubber. I got half way to Ben's house and realized how hilarious the whole situation was. I couldn't stop laughing. That whole situation just made my night 10 times more interesting.
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Popping the bubble
Yay for facades!
Monday, June 28, 2004
Short post
I am: not in the mood
I don't know if a lack of sleep is causing serious problems or what but I just can't seem to keep my mind on one subject.
Work was fun. Hehehe silly newbies...they have problems with everything. I think I could make millions by recording the stupid things they do and passing it off as a reality show.
Saturday, June 26, 2004
Bumps in the night
I am: freakin out
It starts out to be a rockin night. You end up closing the theater faster then expected, you borrowed an awesome CD from one of the Assistant Managers, and you just read the funniest email on earth. Then you hear it...the scratching, the moaning, the chirping. THERE IS SOME KIND OF ANIMAL IN OUR ATTIC AND IT IS GOING TO EAT ME. SAVE ME!! Oh God, I can picture it now. It's probably some kind of hairy-mutant Daddy-Long-Legs. It's pissed because I killed its sister. I know it. Darn me and my incessant need to kill all bugs that come within 5 feet of me!
I guess Hannah is encountering the same problem tonight:
Nights like this are almost enough to make me want to move out, and get an apartment, where everything that is capable of making suspicious noises in the night is within sight of me. Before this night is over, I'll very likely spot a mylar balloon demon or a creepy tentacle demon on the ceiling again. I'm freaking myself out just sitting here, but at least I didn't make it worse by watching 2001: A Space Odyssey before bed.
Friday, June 25, 2004
Nice guys don't always finish last
I am: Shocked
If you don't know me you probably, don't realize that I try to go out of my way to help people. If I see someone, I know crying on the side of the road I'm going to walk over and ask if they need to talk. It's just something I do. Well, after church on Wednesday I noticed one of my fellow church mates running out of our usual hangout, crying. I followed her to her car and asked her what was going on. At first she was hesitant. She just shook her head a few times. Being the o' so very annoying person that I am, I pressed on to get her to open up. We only talked for about 10 minutes before she reached for her phone and said she needed to call someone. I left to give her some privacy.
I was shocked yesterday when she drove up to my work and handed me a "Thank You" card in which she apologized for being rude and thanked me for checking on her. I was really "wowed" by this. I mean, I do nice things all the time but no one really ever...gives me a card! They usually just blow it off as me just being me. Dude, it was so awesome!! I've covered people's shifts, bought people random gifts, and sat with people for HOURS while they cry their eyes out to me but I've NEVER gotten anything in return.
I really needed that card believe it or not (not in a material sense). See, a few days ago I was thinking that all this niceness was pointless because no one really seemed to notice or care. Now I know that people do want you to go the extra mile.
Believe it or not, I keep doubting that the card was meant for me. I mean someone else was out there for a good hour with her when I only spent 10 minutes with her. I really do hope that talking to me helped her though.
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Way better than Ted and Bill's excellent adventure
I am: Rockin!
Today was excellent! I finished all of the chores, made my bed, and still had enough time to drop by Caveman Comics, Borders, Barns and Noble, and Merlin Books! How awesome is that? Sure I didn't buy anything at those places...but man, it was fun looking around. I'm sure the clerks just loved how I loitered around their stores for a hour. Tehehe.
Thanks to Justin, I have now acquired a taste for Ben Harper's music. I've been listening to "Ground on Down" all day. Something about that song just makes me want to get up and rock out!
Dude, I've been getting the greatest compliments lately!! A few days ago, some guy said I have the most awesome shirts and then today someone said that my eye make-up looked really great! There's nothing like a compliment to make you're day rock even more!!
Not only that but I'm almost finished with my little black journal! I have a whole year's worth of fun adventures in it!! I know that when Amanda read it she couldn't stop laughing. She said that when I die I have to leave it to her so that she can get it published. Yeah, it's really not that funny.
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Take a hint people
Well Bugger!
I am: waiting
So, I was driving home tonight (more like today) and I got this horrible feeling that maybe my life is just that; driving down James River Freeway listening to Incubus while packed into a lonely and dark car. Dude, it freaked me out. I started hyperventilating and screaming. Then I remembered that I now have the awesome ability to make pudding cookies and then realized that, that's all one really needs in life.
Good times...good times.
I haven't heard from Linzy in a while. I am beginning to worry. Usually she gives me a random call by now but nope. Nothin'. I might give her a call tomorrow and she what she's up to. I love her voice messages! They're almost as good as Hannah's.
"Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaura. [pause] yeah this is Linzy [pause] ::breath:: [pause] so give me a call [pause]. Yeah.”
I ought to leave a really long message on her voice mail just to annoy the heck out of her. Tehehe, there's nothing more entertaining then seeing Linzy annoyed.
I've decided that Wednesday is going to be my day. Yes, I have decided! Hannah doesn't know it but I will be invading her house for various reasons. One of which is to see this horrible monster that seems to live in her kitchen. The other so that she can calm me down after I have a mental break down.
On Wednesday, I will break out the super hero outfit and impress all!! "Boo yaw" and here's why: I'm really sick of the crap that's been going on lately with some of the people that I hang out with and it's going to stop one way or another. I'm taking control of the situation if it's the last thing I do. I'm sick of being ignored and given the cold shoulder. Believe it or not, I do exist!!! I’m sick of people conforming for the stupidest of reasons. WHY CAN’T YOU JUST REBEL! Darn all those who conform, darn them all! But, most of all, I’m sick of being treated like crap!!
I have the sudden urge to draw myself as a super hero. Yay for super heroes!!
Saturday, June 19, 2004
Sleepy time
Friday, June 18, 2004
This morning we were swamped by a hundred-some evil munchkins. I hate tiny children whose parents have no control over them. But it’s fine...that happens when you work at a movie theater. Then some projector brain-wrapped and the movie was stopped. Then we received a delivery from Regal, that I didn't enter it into the computer. Then when I was told to enter it, I asked about a dozen annoying questions and drove the rest of the managers nuts. THEN I thought I was supposed to leave at 7pm when I was REALLY supposed to leave at 6pm. To make everything 10 times worse I rang up an order so horribly wrong that one of the managers was going nuts trying to figure out what I had done. When she called to tell me what I had done all I wanted to do was apologize a million times but the few “I’m sorry-s” that I got out didn’t seem to help.
Let’s just say that the word "fudge" was used a lot today. Its days like this that make me feel like crap all the time. Dude, I feel so incompetent. Uck.
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
I am: Ready
The employee meeting is Thur. and I am all set! I can't wait! I have this awesome outfit picked out (gosh I hope they let me wear it). It's this really cute black tank with my flame comfy pants and then a white-collar shirt to go over the tank. Then to top it all off I have this uber cute tie! I think I just spent 15 mins looking for my comfy pants. I went running around the house screaming
"COMFY PANTS COME BACK TO ME!"You must understand that I cannot live without those pants!! THEY ARE THE ESSENCE OF COMFY!
Monday, June 14, 2004
Just paint me pink and call me "Ducky"
To start things off I think that Ashley and I’s friendship is sinking into the ground like a Hummer in Egyptian quicksand. We aren’t returning each other’s calls, we haven’t hung out in what feels like a year, and IT SUCKS! I’m highly ticked because Ashley rocks my face off and she’s my Best Friend and privy to information that could be useful in blackmailing me (haha…no, but really she could destroy me). I have a plan though. I’m going to salvage it by calling her at least three times this week and making conversation with her even if that conversation has to be about soured milk! Then next week I will email her everyday until she has had her fill of me. It will be marvelous.
Then church pretty much blew my mind. I had one of those horrible revelations right after the alter call had finished. I have the worst timing when it comes to revelations.
Haha, all you cat haters will be glad to hear that I almost ran over a feline the other night. It scared the living crap out of me. I was on the phone to...only-God-knows-who…when I see these two yellow eyes pop out of nowhere in front of my car. I flipped out and did one of those crazy swerves, that you only see in the movies, just in time to miss the stupid cat. I think I actually screamed into the phone. I hope that person’s eardrums are ok. At least I got some amusement out of the experience.
On a final “bad day” note:
I think I’ve lost something but I’m not quite sure what.
and when I say “lost” I mean in a metaphorical way.It’s weird. I can feel myself becoming more and more dull by the second. Blah.
Sunday, June 13, 2004
I've got to stop talking in my sleep
I hung out with Nat and Hannah the other night and I brought along my pretty red journal to make notes of interesting events. I thought I'd share a few of the notes I made:
8:23 pm
Natalie warns me of the state her room is in. I am fearful to enter. I may faint. I think I should make her a sign that says "Insert Disclaimer here" for above her door.
8:24 pm
Oh the horrors!
8:37 pm
Nat and I have drawn attention to Springfield's ant problem. Our plans are to decrease the population by feeding them concentrated Mountain Dew. Only she and I know it's awesome killing power.
8:53 pm
Discovered that Hannah doesn't know how to cook Toast. I will pray for her soul.
8:56 pm
My first child will be named "The Cheat" (not to be confused with "The Hannah") and his/her first word shall be "Douglas."
9:15 pm
The word "Addendum" has been used too much. I have plans to approach an employee tomorrow and say "An Addendum to my list before..."
A fight has broken out between the friends. They claim that their e-boyfriend is e-cheating. This is something to post about in my blog.
9:20 pm
The group is restless. Somehow, I got sucked into driving them all to Barns and Noble. Hahaha, I will make them listen to Cadet.
9:30 pm
Almost smash Hannah's hand in the car window. Sadly funny.
Friday, June 11, 2004
Laura's Fury
I’m pretty sure that all my friends know better than to talk down to me not because they respect me but because they know how bad my temper is and fear my fury. Just ask Tamila or even Natalie. In fact, Ashley knows better then most because she and I recently had it out a month or two ago when we had a little spat.
I believe the last time someone talked down to me; I looked them straight in the eye and in the coldest tone ever said,
“Excuse me! Do not take that tone with me! If you have a problem I suggest you get over it and quick.”(This caught the person off guard because I’m usually pretty nice and cheery.) Ha ha, the look on their face was priceless.
Tonight was the first time that I was talked down to and somehow managed to bite my tongue instead of breaking loose. I just can’t stand it when people take that tone with you as if you were three or just plain stupid! No one has the right to treat me like that!! I’m a person so talk to me as if I were one! I’m sorry if you think that you have the right to degrade people. You really don’t! I don’t care whom you are but if you disrespect I will not stand for it.
The ONLY reason I did not tear into this person is because there were several people around and it was just not worth the effort. I’m so ticked about it though.
I was so mad that I ended up not saying anything until I reached Becca who cooled me down a bit.
Thursday, June 10, 2004
A new All Time Low
I am: in a somewhat Comatose state
It’s bad enough that I’m a girl who spends ¼ of her paycheck on PS2 games but last night, or should I say this morning I became one of the saddest girls on earth.
So after I figured out that it is impossible to beat Final Fantasy X in 4 hours, I attempted to go to sleep. It was at 4:30am that I hit this “all time low.”
There I was lying in bed trying to decide if I wanted to invest in a set of Final Fantasy X action figures or even buy FFX t-shirt.When I realized that I was becoming some sort of FF geek I started to freak out. Memories of Linzy spending hours on her PS1, dehydrated with massive bags under her eyes, as she tried to beat FF IX, flashed through my mind. Those were some good times. Linzy and I…sitting around the TV…. screaming because she kept dying during a battle. Good times…I AM NOT OBSESSED DARN IT! I can stop playing anytime I want to. I just want to finish the game first.
::sigh:: you know you’re obsessed when you end up screaming at inanimate objects. I was so frustrated with how long it was taking me to beat each level that I ended up shouting, “Stop crying Yuna [FFX character]! Ya FREAK OF NATURE!! JUST SHUT UP AN USE THE DARN AEON TO BEAT SIN!” or “Be a man Tidus! RUN AWAY!!”
It’s gotten to the point where I think about game strategies constantly. After church when all the college people had gotten together, my mind just kept wondering (which I had plenty of time to do since I was HORRIBLE BORED!!!). I kept thinking about how I need to finish those last levels in Price of Persia and how I wasn’t sure if I saved my game last time I played it (uck, I don’t think I did).
To top everything off, there is some kind of freaky dog ghost running around our house. I saw it for the first time last night as I was walking up the stairs. No joke; it looked like the evil dog from Harry Potter: POA!! I started flipping out!!!! Then I realized it was 1am and I was over exhausted. Then today I heading out the back door and something ran by me. The rational side of me would just say that it was one of the dogs but both of them were already outside. I’m going to guess that Hannah’s tentacle ghost has somehow made its way over here (lol).
Dude, I think I just heard something clawing at the ceiling and I’m pretty sure that it wasn’t the usual ghost that haunts my room. Darn you Hannah! I know this is your fault!
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
I KNOW I CAN BEAT THIS SUCKER. I just need a good 24 hours more!I've got like 10 levels left (out of 27).
It's just not humanly possible to beat this game in one night. I'm sorry but it's not.
Monday, June 07, 2004
Just because You can't beat Final Fantasy X in 5 hours doesn't make you any less of a human being
I’m so proud of myself. I’m developing “gamer blisters.” Yay!!!
Hannah's Voicemails
I am: highly entertained
Therefore, I was checking my voicemail today and found that Hannah had left not only one, but TWO messages. What’s funny is that, that sort of thing USUALLY annoys the heck out of me but when it’s Hannah then it’s ok and here’s why….
First message:
“Hi Laura, [dramatic pause] it’s Hannah [emphasis on the name ‘Hannah’] not Natalie. I know the caller ID says Natalie but [drawn out ‘but’] I’m just using her phone… really it’s me….”
Second message:
“Hi Laura [her usually pause here] it’s Hannah [her usual emphasis on her own name]…this time your caller ID will say Hannah and not Natalie because I am using my own phone. Sorry about the confusion…”
There is just something so great about hearing Hannah say “Hi Laura!” I can’t explain it. It makes me laugh every time.
So as if it wasn’t embarrassing enough, I have decided to tell the story to the entire internet. What can I say? I have no shame left.
So today, I wore this really cute brown top right? Well it happened to be unusually hot in the theater today and I practically sweat through the thing because it was so heavy. Sadly, I had no idea. So there I was…walking around all day with these massive blotches of sweat on my shirt and I didn’t even find out until I went to the rest room to check my hair! Uck, that is just so disgusting! I was dreadfully embarrassed when I found out. I just went about my day, acting as if everything was fine, which it wasn’t. I was completely freaking out about it. I wanted to run and hide under a rock.. I was tempted to take off my shirt and run away quickly but I figured that it is better to be sweaty and clothes than sweaty and topless…uck.
Friday, June 04, 2004
One too many Harry Potter fans
After today, I can safely say that I hate all Harry Potter fans…ALL OF THEM.
This morning everything was fine. Lori and I took an exciting trip to the bank and I almost put a dent in my car from a box of quarters (those suckers are heavy!). I mean, sure we had people lined up outside the doors at 8:15 for the 10am showing of HP3 but nothing even close to the crowds on opening day of LOTR: ROTK. I figured that since the “first showing” crowds weren’t so bad that the rest of the day would blow by like a soft summer breeze. The 10am and 10:30 am showings went over well, as expected. We weren’t slammed yet we had enough business to be making a profit. Then the 12s came…and boy did I learn not to judge a day by its opening crowds!
First off, one of our concessionists couldn’t come in (and eventually quit…long story) then someone got the bright idea to stop popping. As you can imagine we almost ran out of popcorn. I had never been so mad in my life. A movie theater just can run without popcorn! It’s sadistic! My head almost literally exploded when I heard that someone had decided to say to some of the newbies, “We have enough popcorn for today.” After I threaded to write some people up, I cooled off in the office (screaming really does make everything better) until about the 5/6pm round when we got beat to death. We had four registers open in concession and every one of them had a line to the box office. Sure, we had a runner for every register yet that made no impact on the lines!! It was crazy. I felt so bad for the closing managers that I ended up staying and extra 2 hours just to help stock.
The day wouldn’t have been so bad if the Harry Potter fans weren’t so annoying and/or mean. They kept asking the stupidest of questions and complaining about sound problems when there weren’t any.
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Craving God
I am: Renewed, Energized, And Happier
"my heart is craving a little revelation
Oh so much sweeter than my imagination
I’m telling my heart catch the sunlight with a spoon
I’ve only tasted your reflection off the moon
My heart is moved by a higher expectation
Of something sweeter than all of creation
Every time I blink you'll see it
May I have one glimpse of you?
Every time I breathe you'll hear it
May I have one word from you"
I open this post with a few words from one of my favorite Christian bands, Cadet, because they summed up this entire night for me.
I ended up deciding to go to the Youth/College group tonight because God is so much more important than any petty problems in my life. I really thought the night was going to suck for various reasons but as soon as Ray (pastor) started talking everything just faded away. I wasn’t thinking about stressful events of how I would deal with upcoming conflicts, it was just the words and I. He talked about how people sometimes seem to loose their passion for church and how we can avoid such a thing by exploring what God has to offer us. It was awesome.
I made the right choice by going because when I left I felt ten times better then I did when I came in.
God rocks, you guys!!
Jogging at 5am
I ran for a good hour before I realized that I needed to get home. Sadly, the second I walked in the door I came back to reality. All my problems hit me like a sack of potatoes. It was fun while it lasted.
I wish I could run all day.
Another night of Self-revelation
I am: Queasy
Ugh, my stomach hurts. It’s literally doing flips within my body. I haven’t felt this nauseous since I was forced to go on Wildfire with Ashley and her two F.E.S.-es (foreign Exchange Students). That was a day of excitement lol.
donde esta mi familia! -a little inside joke for ya there, Ashley.
Nat and I were going to have this awesome, “Girl’s night out” thing tonight but it turned out to be a bust so we hung out with this guy from my church college group, Jared, instead. It was a lot of fun. We took him to the Mud House and taught him E.R.S….the hard /Tamila way MUHAHAHA. We didn’t exactly tell him the rules. We made him sit there and catch on to the game. HAHA! It was a fun filled night. Tomorrow we plan on taking him shopping with us downtown. There’s nothing like hanging out with friends and shopping!
So, after reading Hannah’s most recent post I have decided that I will NEVER spend the night at her house. Sorry Hannah, but the thought of being eaten by an unknown spider-like monster just isn't appealing to me.
Speaking of sleeping or lack-there-of, the past few nights I’ve been having the weirdest dreams. I always end up waking up in a cold sweat at 3am. I’d love to describe the dream to you all but unfortunately I only remember the feeling of intense fear as I leapt out of bed. I haven’t had to deal with dreams like this in a long time. I wonder what my subconscious is trying to tell me. ::shrugs shoulders:: eh. Who knows?