Monday, June 07, 2004

Hannah's Voicemails

Theme song: "Call me, beep me" -Kim Possible Theme Song
I am: highly entertained

Therefore, I was checking my voicemail today and found that Hannah had left not only one, but TWO messages. What’s funny is that, that sort of thing USUALLY annoys the heck out of me but when it’s Hannah then it’s ok and here’s why….

First message:

“Hi Laura, [dramatic pause] it’s Hannah [emphasis on the name ‘Hannah’] not Natalie. I know the caller ID says Natalie but [drawn out ‘but’] I’m just using her phone… really it’s me….”

Second message:

“Hi Laura [her usually pause here] it’s Hannah [her usual emphasis on her own name]…this time your caller ID will say Hannah and not Natalie because I am using my own phone. Sorry about the confusion…”

There is just something so great about hearing Hannah say “Hi Laura!” I can’t explain it. It makes me laugh every time.

So as if it wasn’t embarrassing enough, I have decided to tell the story to the entire internet. What can I say? I have no shame left.

So today, I wore this really cute brown top right? Well it happened to be unusually hot in the theater today and I practically sweat through the thing because it was so heavy. Sadly, I had no idea. So there I was…walking around all day with these massive blotches of sweat on my shirt and I didn’t even find out until I went to the rest room to check my hair! Uck, that is just so disgusting! I was dreadfully embarrassed when I found out. I just went about my day, acting as if everything was fine, which it wasn’t. I was completely freaking out about it. I wanted to run and hide under a rock.. I was tempted to take off my shirt and run away quickly but I figured that it is better to be sweaty and clothes than sweaty and topless…uck.

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