Monday, June 14, 2004

Just paint me pink and call me "Ducky"

Everything seems to be moving in slow motion now and not in a good way.

To start things off I think that Ashley and I’s friendship is sinking into the ground like a Hummer in Egyptian quicksand. We aren’t returning each other’s calls, we haven’t hung out in what feels like a year, and IT SUCKS! I’m highly ticked because Ashley rocks my face off and she’s my Best Friend and privy to information that could be useful in blackmailing me (haha…no, but really she could destroy me). I have a plan though. I’m going to salvage it by calling her at least three times this week and making conversation with her even if that conversation has to be about soured milk! Then next week I will email her everyday until she has had her fill of me. It will be marvelous.

Then church pretty much blew my mind. I had one of those horrible revelations right after the alter call had finished. I have the worst timing when it comes to revelations.

Haha, all you cat haters will be glad to hear that I almost ran over a feline the other night. It scared the living crap out of me. I was on the phone to...only-God-knows-who…when I see these two yellow eyes pop out of nowhere in front of my car. I flipped out and did one of those crazy swerves, that you only see in the movies, just in time to miss the stupid cat. I think I actually screamed into the phone. I hope that person’s eardrums are ok. At least I got some amusement out of the experience.

On a final “bad day” note:

I think I’ve lost something but I’m not quite sure what.
and when I say “lost” I mean in a metaphorical way.
It’s weird. I can feel myself becoming more and more dull by the second. Blah.

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