Friday, June 25, 2004

Nice guys don't always finish last

Theme Music: "Nice guys finish last" by Green Day
I am: Shocked

If you don't know me you probably, don't realize that I try to go out of my way to help people. If I see someone, I know crying on the side of the road I'm going to walk over and ask if they need to talk. It's just something I do. Well, after church on Wednesday I noticed one of my fellow church mates running out of our usual hangout, crying. I followed her to her car and asked her what was going on. At first she was hesitant. She just shook her head a few times. Being the o' so very annoying person that I am, I pressed on to get her to open up. We only talked for about 10 minutes before she reached for her phone and said she needed to call someone. I left to give her some privacy.

I was shocked yesterday when she drove up to my work and handed me a "Thank You" card in which she apologized for being rude and thanked me for checking on her. I was really "wowed" by this. I mean, I do nice things all the time but no one really me a card! They usually just blow it off as me just being me. Dude, it was so awesome!! I've covered people's shifts, bought people random gifts, and sat with people for HOURS while they cry their eyes out to me but I've NEVER gotten anything in return.

I really needed that card believe it or not (not in a material sense). See, a few days ago I was thinking that all this niceness was pointless because no one really seemed to notice or care. Now I know that people do want you to go the extra mile.

Believe it or not, I keep doubting that the card was meant for me. I mean someone else was out there for a good hour with her when I only spent 10 minutes with her. I really do hope that talking to me helped her though.

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