Thursday, June 10, 2004

A new All Time Low

Theme Music: "Barlow Girl" by [SuperChick]
I am: in a somewhat Comatose state

It’s bad enough that I’m a girl who spends ¼ of her paycheck on PS2 games but last night, or should I say this morning I became one of the saddest girls on earth.

So after I figured out that it is impossible to beat Final Fantasy X in 4 hours, I attempted to go to sleep. It was at 4:30am that I hit this “all time low.”
There I was lying in bed trying to decide if I wanted to invest in a set of Final Fantasy X action figures or even buy FFX t-shirt.
When I realized that I was becoming some sort of FF geek I started to freak out. Memories of Linzy spending hours on her PS1, dehydrated with massive bags under her eyes, as she tried to beat FF IX, flashed through my mind. Those were some good times. Linzy and I…sitting around the TV…. screaming because she kept dying during a battle. Good times…I AM NOT OBSESSED DARN IT! I can stop playing anytime I want to. I just want to finish the game first.

::sigh:: you know you’re obsessed when you end up screaming at inanimate objects. I was so frustrated with how long it was taking me to beat each level that I ended up shouting, “Stop crying Yuna [FFX character]! Ya FREAK OF NATURE!! JUST SHUT UP AN USE THE DARN AEON TO BEAT SIN!” or “Be a man Tidus! RUN AWAY!!”

It’s gotten to the point where I think about game strategies constantly. After church when all the college people had gotten together, my mind just kept wondering (which I had plenty of time to do since I was HORRIBLE BORED!!!). I kept thinking about how I need to finish those last levels in Price of Persia and how I wasn’t sure if I saved my game last time I played it (uck, I don’t think I did).

To top everything off, there is some kind of freaky dog ghost running around our house. I saw it for the first time last night as I was walking up the stairs. No joke; it looked like the evil dog from Harry Potter: POA!! I started flipping out!!!! Then I realized it was 1am and I was over exhausted. Then today I heading out the back door and something ran by me. The rational side of me would just say that it was one of the dogs but both of them were already outside. I’m going to guess that Hannah’s tentacle ghost has somehow made its way over here (lol).

Dude, I think I just heard something clawing at the ceiling and I’m pretty sure that it wasn’t the usual ghost that haunts my room. Darn you Hannah! I know this is your fault!

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