Monday, October 11, 2004


Theme Music: “Out of Control” by Hoobastank
I am: wet

Today was the first day that the sky decided to open up and puke up a nice batch of rain while I was walking to the class is the furthest away from my dorm. By the time, I made it into my computer class my hair was dripping; on the floor, the chair, and then on the keyboard.

Oh man, on Thursday I had the worst case of food poisoning in the history of man. I seriously thought that my stomach was trying to digest glass. I got out of my IDS 110 class, grabbed my stomach, and knew that I was about to puke my guts out (I hope you all enjoyed reading that lovely description). I never throw up, either so if I ever do that’s how you know that I’m gravely sick. I cannot express how much my stomach hurt. I almost went to the hospital it was so painful. DARN YOU CHICKEN FROM HELL! NEVER AGAIN, NEVER AGAIN!

I think what made my whole “food poisoning experience” worse was the fact that on Thursday; this girl in one of my classes wouldn’t shut up. First, you have to imagine me completely white faced because I looked like I had been jabbed in the gut one too many times. Well this girl who sits by me in one of my classes would just not shut up about how bored she was.

Her: “I totally hate this class. It’s totally ridiculous. I mean we don’t really do anything important in here anyway!!!”
Me: “ugh… I think I’m going to puke.”
Her: Don’t look now but a girl just walked in wearing the sluttiest of outfits. Oh my GOD! How does she live with herself looking like that? Look at her fat ___. That is so totally disgusting!
Me: “ugggh. My stomach is killing me.”
Her: “OMG when is this class going to be over? I’d rather shoot myself then sit her for another 15 minutes.” Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.
Me: Jesus…please save me from this girl!

I swear I almost knocked the crap out of her. But anyway.

Now I am off to finish the loads of homework I have for Art 115. Grr.

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