Friday, October 01, 2004

And boy, when I hit that send button...

Theme music: "Pretty fly for a white guy" by The Offspring
I am: Hiding my face in my hands

Last night, Lori and I swapped stories of stupid things that we had recently done or said. She shared her Orkin Man story and I...yes I...shared one of the STUPIDEST RESPONSES I HAVE EVER SAID. I decided, because being slightly embarrassed is just not enough, that I would share my story the the viewers of this fine blog and allow them to laugh at the idiotic things that I say.

Honestly, this isn't really, a story. See, someone had sent me and email saying that they were "going to send me a thank you in the real mail" and me, being the deficient human being that I can be sometimes, I responded with, ::said in a very Napoleon Dynamite voice to further express how midless this comment was:: "That wouldn't be the kind of thank you that explodes, would it? (ha-ha boy that joke sounded funnier in my head)"

I cannot convey how ashamed I am that I thought that joke was actually funny. It's like one of those moments when you're talking and you THINK you know what you're going to say, because of course you've thought about it for a whole .001 seconds, but then you just blurt out one of the most ridiculous things ever.

::hides face in Nintendo jacket:: I have never sounded like more of a dork in my life. ::bangs head against keyboad:: But no, it's ok. I've lost all dignity but, it's ok. It made Lori's night.

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