Monday, August 02, 2004

Wait...was it supposed to go like that?

Theme song: "Gone" by Jessica Riddle
I am: take a wild guess. You're probably right.

I found another song that must now be banned from my I-Pod and I have Natalie to blame for it. Darn you Natalie for introducing me to the wonderful music of Jessica Riddle!! DARN YOU AND THE STUPID LOVE MIX THAT YOU LET ME BORROW AND THEN BURN!!

I had a total Kristen moment about 10 minutes ago. I put on some Everclear and rocked out. You should have seen me; head bobbing, screaming/singing random lyrics, jumping like a maniac. Dude it was the most fun I’ve had in 5 days. When the song ended, I just kind of sat down and checked my email. I’m not quite sure why…I may slightly be going insane from the amount of Kool-aid I’ve ingested.

Seriously I think I am loosing it.

Here are the clear cut signs:

I have the urge to jump up and down continuously on Amy’s giant trampoline until I puke

I want to crawl up inside the new trunk that I bought and pop out when my parents come into my room

I want to change my paycheck into small bills and roll around in them (fully clothed. No one likes paper cuts)

I want to buy a kiddy pool and fill it with Jello then swim in it

I want to pull a “Big Fish”

I want to burst out into song

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