Thursday, September 23, 2004

Why is it that I can't reach my sketch book when I need it most?

White board: Our sink now drains! The Lord does work in mysterious ways! -Laura "Queen of the Apes"
Theme music: "Bittersweet" by Falling up
I am: Blurry

It's day 4 of my cell phone and I STILL can't download ringtones and whatnot to it. Grr. Grr I say! Why get a fancy-smancy phone if you can't use all it's awesome features.

I am also still listening to Green Day's "American Idiot" album. What can I say? I am in love with it.

In art related news:
I started to add on to a few pieces I've done in the last month by doing a few water color washes over them. So far I have created crap but colorful crap none the less. Whopeee! I also have the sudden urge to have some serious Sharpie fun.

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