Thursday, September 09, 2004

::cough cough:: No Rachel, I'm not dead yet

Theme Music: "Hysteria" by Muse
I am: lacking in the lung department

I've been sick for the past week if you can't tell by the title. You'd think my teachers would be annoyed with the coughing and would just tell me to go home and get some sleep but no.they actually want me to attempt to learn while I lose a vital body part.

I feel so bad for my roommate Rachel because I'm sure I'm keeping her up at night with the cough and the sniffing and the wheezing. It's all good though she talks in her sleep.

I'm sitting here, typing this as I wear my uber comfortable yet 4 sizes too big Oak Grove "Uncut" t-shirt. Its yellowness makes me happy. Kristin has offered do her shrink-a-dink process to it, for a price of course, but I don't know. I have trust issues and this is one of my favorite shirts.

I'm pretty tired considering I just spent a good 5 hours cleaning the office at the eight. Oh, man it was great! I got all these wicked awesome stickers from random things. I also found a year-old pixie stick and ate it. That pretty much grossed out Mike (general manager) but I informed him that Pixie Sticks are pure sugar and sugar NEVER goes bad. It did taste pretty nasty though. Uck...I think I can still taste that rancid grape in my mouth. Excuse me while I brush my teeth.

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