Sunday, December 28, 2003
Don't push
I've been sitting on my fat pa-toot playing Kingdom Hearts and thinking "WHY CAN'T I BEAT THIS LEVEL WHICH IS CLEARLY EASY!" For the past few min.s I've been listening to this mixed CD that Justin from work let me borrow and I thought I might share a tid bit of one of my favorite songs from that very CD.
I want a lover, I can't find the time
I want a reason, I can't find the rhyme
I want to start some static, but I can't afford,
to hit the ground like I fell off my skateboard
Now a days as clear as you please, strap with protection or strap with disease.
Laughter, it's free any time just call me
439-0116 when your down with Sublime you get
funky fresh lyrics, you get nothin
Friday, December 26, 2003
I've been to hell and back
It amazes me how many people will choose seeing a movie over quality family time. When I arrived at work, at about 2:30pm (we opened at 3:45pm) there was already a crowd of people around our doors. As I approached they all swarmed me like flies on poo (sorry that was the only way to really get my point across). I was bombarded with questions and might I say they were pretty stupid ones.
Ex. "Are you sold out of LOTR ROTK?"
What I wanted to say was, "Why yes, we haven't even opened our doors but we sold 480 tickets to those little green elves that live inside the theater."
Anyway the managers finally showed up and let us in at 3:00pm. By 3:30pm there was a line all the way from the locked doors to the street. When we finally unlocked the doors people rushed in like we were selling Tickle Me Elmo dolls that could be bought no where else. The first lady bought 15 tickets to ROTK. The next bought 12 tickets to ROTK. As you can imagine we soldout very quickly. CRAZY I SAY CRAZY!
Other then the massive amount of people the day was good. I was excited when one of my managers actually invited me over to play his Simpson's trivia game. The only thing about that is that I think he just says things like that and doesn't really expect me to hang out with him. You know how there's always that popular boy at school that everyone wants to hang out with because he's just That's Andrew. He's an awesome manager that everyone wants to hang out with. It's so weird because almost all the employees have been over to his apt. to hang out and play games except me and I've been there for a year and a half (much longer than most).
After I left work, without hanging out with Andrew, I zipped over to Ashley's house to see what she was up to. I talked with her for about 30 mins and caught up with everything that was going on in her life. I feel so bad that I haven't been hanging out with her as much. It's just that I work so much that I have no time for fun.
OMG the guys at my work are! A long time ago I heard this story about an ex employee who used to say this code over the walkie (walkie talkie) to let all the guys know that there was a really hot girl in the lobby. At the time I thought, "wow I'm glad he doesn't work here anymore because I'd beat him sensless if he ever said anything like that infront of me." I went about my business and a few months later I hear over the walkie this CODE clearly being spoken by one of my managers!! I WAS SOOO MAD that they were using the walkie to call all these guys to come out and oogle some slutty girl! I yelled at one that he was being a pig and his only response was "You're only upset because I'm not saying the code about you." Which is a typical guy remark and might a say a third grade response. Now I could still be upset at all of these guys managers but I have decided that it is only fair IF they let the girls come up with their own code. We have and might I say we did an awesome job of picking it. No longer will hot men go unnoticed! "Ayeyeye. Muy Caliente!"
Christmas has rocked for me. I have not only been bless with a super great family but also wonder gifts (lol)!
Gots to love da...
*Wireless controller for PS2
*2 games for PS2 (Kingdom Hearts and Prince of Persia)
*Sweet action Printer
*green shoes
*brand spankin' new desk
*Offspring CD
In fact I think I'm going to go play with the PS2 now. Kingdom Heats is very addictive.
Thursday, December 25, 2003
Well this WAS a good day
So I haven't been able to check my blog for a long time so I haven't had a chance to see people's comments and geeze am I pissed off now. All I was trying to say last post was that I feel great that I don't have to curse or tell dirty jokes to be entertaining. Sorry that I'm SO FREAKIN' stupid that I can't even get that point into other people's heads. I deleted it so that people wouldn't see how I "contradicted myself" to the point where the whole post was meaningless.
Let's accept it Laura isn't smart. She's no poetic genius like Natalie or Charlee and she doesn't have enough talent like Kristen to get her anywhere but you know what? She's satisfied with the fact that she is who she is.
I'm happy with myself because, not only am I a rockin' Christian but also don't need stupid things like drugs to make my life better like SOME PEOPLE. I'm happy that people at work consider me this little innocent girl who won't drink or say dirty things.
Knowing what I have just posted people will probably criticize every single word. Whatever. Do what makes you feel better because that's what matters, isn't it?
Today has sucked, but I won't let it get me down.
Pick my chin up off of the ground.
There's somebody I lost. Somebody else found
We already turned the tables.
But he's still looking so willing and able
But I'd better not cuz I might get shot, better look away.
I'm so glad that its over, glad that it's over.
I'm so glad that it's over. The day was bad, but now it's over. I'm so glad.
It's been a long day. I just wanna go to bed.
Let dreams take over my head. No, I think I'm dying; I think I'm dead
I'm gonna pick out my Sunday dolphin, gonna sail across the ocean.
Caught by the cops and I think it's Wonder Woman, Superman Oh yeah.
I'm so glad that its over, glad that its over. I'm so glad that its over.
Today was bad, but now its over and I'm so glad. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.
I'm so glad that it's over, glad that it's over. I'm so glad that it's over.
The day was bad, but now it's over and I'm so glad. Yeah
I'm so glad that its over, glad that its over. I'm so glad that it's over.
The day was bad, but now it's over yeah I'm so glad. Yeah Yeah Yeah!!!!!
-12 Rods
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
Sunday, December 14, 2003
Me 2 Kristen
1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that you have in common with me.
3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you.
(Comparing me to Kristen)
01. My parents don't even remember my first word and yet I still love them.
02. I can play the trumpet and know how to move to the beat yet, I still dance like a white girl.
03. I've been saying the word "hunky-dory" a ton lately and people look at me strange when I do.
04. I DON'T like looking at pictures of myself thanks to the wonderful pieces of metal in my mouth.
05. I hate stress.
06. I've never been out of the country.
07. I hate when people say things about me behind my back
08. I also hate when people TypE LyKe D1s.
09. I'm addicted to cheese sticks and buy them at every restaurant I go to
10. I LOVE Thai and Indian food!
11. I study French.
12. I am really tired
13. It troubles me when my friends have problems and I don't know what to do for them.
14. I haven't bought a few gifts for people at my work only.
15. I love Cartoon Network.
16. I hate the song "White Christmas" with a passion.
17. I'm not sure what to do about college and it's freaking me out.
18. I have a lot to learn
19. I don't like cats as much as dogs.
20. I have issues at work with an employee but can't talk to anyone b/c everyone loves him/her.
21. I really think that the world would be a better place if it weren't so overpopulated.
22. I have well over a hundred jelly bracelets.
23. I love hugs... and kisses (hehe I added that in)
24. I have read many craploads of books in my time and I like to think about each of those books becoming a part of who I am.
25. I can't wait for college
26. I need inspiration.
27. My head itches.
28. I think solar power is the greatest thing ever and everybody should use it.
29. I enjoy school this semester except for English (in my case Grammar and Comp), which really isn't that bad.
30. I love animals.
31. I don't like labels, but I tend to label everything around me to gain a better understanding of things
32. I am not freaked out about spending the rest of my life with someone.
33. I wish I had a lifelong supply of fudge.... and hotsauce (hehehe I added that in too)
34. I hate fakely ripped jeans and fakely vintage-ized clothes.
35. I need a haircut.
36. I wear makeup sometimes. When I think about it.
37. I have a 29 year-old sister who is 4 inches shorter then me and still gets carded everytime she orders a drink.
38. I love Queen with all my heart
39. I don't emulate celebrities and it annoys me when people think that's the only way you can have a style.
40. I want a certain someone to call me right now.
41. I really enjoy thoughtful gifts, even if they cost nothing.
42. I get giddy when I get to go to work because it no longer feels like "work" and more like fun.
43. I need more clothes because I girl can never have too many clothes
44. I've never had a "REAL" boyfriend
45. I strive to be the best that I can be even if that means being normal
46. I'm 5'4"
47. I'm sadly only american and wish that I had some kind of foreign blood.
48. I want to be more then I am
49. I constantly want to be around people even if that means sitting around and just listening or watching
50. I want to change the world... but I don't know where to start.
51. I like silence sometimes
52. I don't want to be alone
53. I love to find money in my coat pockets.
54. It makes me incredibly happy to have my room clean
55. I like to spend time with my sister but it's hard to reach her
56. I'm the best in my family at cooking but shhhhh, well maybe 2nd compared to mom (lol!)
57. I don't like close-minded people
58. I freak out and go crazy at concerts
59. I always spell opportunity wrong on the first try.
60. I would love to live in a musical.
61. I can't believe that no one likes Skillet when the band clearly rocks!
62. I'm addicted to the dollar store
63. I want to get several holes pierced in my ears
64. I can't imagine being old
65. I want to live at Disney World
66. I am frequently confused by politicians and political decisions in this country
67. I wish I could fly.
68. I think perfection is impossible.
69. I can't stand posers.
70. I hate being alone on weekends
71. I feel like high school is way overrated by the people in it.
72. I procrastinate too much.
73. I reeeeeeaaally want to be in a band.
74. I love the sent of rubber cement and Kristen's special glue stick
75. I wish I had a 4-wheel drive in the snow
76. I need to call people more
77. I wish life was like a Dr. Pepper commercial.
78. I've been hurt and broken but there is always someone there to pick up the pieces
79. I just don't want to be hated
80. I can't believe certain people make more then me when I've worked longer then them.
81. I jump up and down a lot.
82. I don't see why people can't just get along.
83. I think an accent makes almost any guy hot.
84. I live in Kansas for 11 years.
85. I like to eat dry pasta.
86. I'm moving Switchfoot over for Skillet because SKILLET ROCKS!
87. I'm praying for someone
88. I often feel socially inept.
89. I'm scared of aliens.
90. I hate it when things I like get really popular and then they're not mine anymore. (ex. Harry Potter, Punk rock, torn jeans, ect.)
91. I'm a Christian
92. I have issues trusting people
93. I love taking long trips with friends.
94. I hope it snows tonight.
95. I think life is really mostly beautiful.
96. I can't comprehend what I was thinking two years ago
97. I eat chips with cottage cheese.
98. I've really made some good friends online and I think that makes me a loser.
99. I don't have any tattoos.
100. I like to sing at random moments.
Rant of the Day: GAMES...
I don't like playing games with people, and no I don't mean games as in Taboo which happens to be one of my favorite games. I like to get straight to the point because I don't tip toe-ing around. There is no reason to sit back and let things happen right in front of you when you know you can do something about it. Lately I've been saying "I don't want to play this game anymore" because that's all that's been happening. Games. No more backstabbing and no more highschool antics; some people need to grow up.
Natalie's party was nice. Almost everyone dressed up which made us all feel more comfortable in our formals. OO and to make everything better, Natalie had my hotsauce! I was so happy I thought I was going to hug her! I'm glad that she set this whole thing up because I got to meet a whole bunch of really cool people whom I'd love to hang out with again.
Thursday, December 11, 2003
I got to hang out with Leslie and Daniel tonight while we picked out gifts for Leslie's boyfriend Josh. I have yet to get my white elephant gift for work but I'm sure a trip to the dollar store will slove everything. I'm REALLY excited about this upcoming work, christmas party. It's going to be a blast.
I also excited about Sat. Natalie is throwing this wonderful shindig at her house and it is formal so we get to dress up! I thought for sure I would be wearing the bridesmaid dress from my sister's wedding (amazingly beautiful) but when I put it on it looked HORRID!! I went through my entire closet looking for something that would make me look super sexy. I was about to give up when I came across my Homecoming dress from Frosh year (the one that carries bad memories of Dani saying that no guy will ever go out with me). I tried it on and WOW! I really like how it's going to look. Let's just say I'll be "bling bling"-in' when I walk in the door.
That's all for tonight but I thought I'd leave ya'll with a little more Queen (WHO DOESN'T LOVE QUEEN??).
She keeps Moet and Chandon in her pretty cabinet
'Let them eat cake' she says
Just like Marie Antoinette
A built in remedy for Khrushchev and Kennedy
And anytime an invitation you can decline
Caviar and cigarettes well versed in etiquette
Extr'ordinarily nice
She's a killer queen gunpowder gelatine
Dynamite with a lazer beam
Guaranteed to blow your mind
Recommended at the price
Insatiable an appetite wanna try?
To avoid complications
She never kept the same address
In conversation she spoke just like a baroness
Met a man from China went down to Geisha Minah
Then again incidentally if you're that way inclined (she's a
killer queen)
Perfume came naturally from Paris (naturally)
For cars she couldn't care less
Fastidious and precise
She's a killer queen gunpowder gelatine
Dynamite with a lazer beam
Guaranteed to blow your mind
Recommended at the price
Insatiable an appetite wanna try?
Drop of a hat she's as willing as a playful as a pussy cat
Then momentarily out of action
Temporarily out of gas
To absolutely drive you wild - wild
She's out to get you
She's a killer queen gunpowder gelatine
Dynamite with a lazer beam
Guaranteed to blow your mind
Recommended at the price
Insatiable an appetite wanna try?
Wanna try
Sunday, December 07, 2003
White on rice
I love that quote from Tamila more then anything else she ever said because its true. Guys need to be aware that certain colognes drive girls crazy! OMG this one guy at my work wears this amazing sent that just, ugh, makes me go crazy! The other night he was wearing it and I was tempted to follow him around all night just so that I could smell him. I talked to Ashley and Charlee about this thur and Charlee says that it's a fact that cologne can make any guy seem ten times more attractive.
Hehe, I love working at a movie theater because you get to see everyone, and you know what that means don't ya? Ohh yeah, eye candy galore! Megan and I almost crawled over the counter today at the sight of this group of guys. Our mouths literally were hanging open. ::drool::
No matter what mood I am Queen seems to be able to have a song for it, today it was somebody to love . It's not one of those depressing songs that you want to cry to instead it's something you want to sing along with.
Everyday - I try and I try and I try -
But everybody wants to put me down
They say I’m goin’ crazy
They say I got a lot of water in my brain
Got no common sense
I got nobody left to believe
Yeah - yeah yeah yeah
Oh lord
Somebody - somebody
Can anybody find me somebody to love?
Got no feel, I got no rhythm
I just keep losing my beat
I’m ok, I’m alright
Ain’t gonna face no defeat
I just gotta get out of this prison cell
Someday I’m gonna be free, lord!
EEK, guess what???? My theater is having a christmas party!! I'm so excited because I'm helping out by coordinating the "white elephant" gifts. OOO and Amanda had this awesome idea of what to get the managers as a little thank you for being there for us this entire year, I can't really say what it is but it's going to rock!!
Sunday, November 30, 2003
Back from holiday
I guess that shouldn't/wouldn't bother me so much if it wasn't for the comments the teacher made (not just on that day but the entire semester). I don't want to give up. I am serious about what I'm doing in there (though some may doubt) but just entering that class hurts.
You know the feeling that you get when you enter a room filled with rocket scientists and you know science but not to the extent that they know? I get that feeling all the time. When I hang around certain 'smart' friends, when I enter portfolio, going into journalism class, ect. It's not like this feeling should bother me because I've mostly been getting it all my life, so I'm pretty used to it but it's now a ton of rocks on top of my chest causing me to work harder just to breathe. It sucks.
It used to be that I could see myself in the future going to college, getting married, doing fun and interesting things but now all I see is a blur and that uncertainity is not a nice feeling.
Anyway I know I've got to have some kind of REAL talent that'll take me somewhere and in time God will show it to me... right? I just have to keep waiting.
Geeze if that wasn't a depressing post...I'd better end this on a happy note.
I've got this easter button that's really cute. It has a picture of a candy bunny whose ear is bitten off. The caption says "This kind of senseless violence must be stopped!". I love it so much!!!
Thursday, November 20, 2003
The never ending debate
HOTsauceOBSESSED: "mwhaha"
ALiSoN283: evil laugh
ALiSoN283: it will never leave your head mwhahaha
HOTsauceOBSESSED: isn't that spelled "Muhahhahaha"
HOTsauceOBSESSED: and pronounced "moo hahaha"
ALiSoN283: lol well little miss perfect!
ALiSoN283: i think mine is just fine
HOTsauceOBSESSED: I'm just playin'
ALiSoN283: lol
HOTsauceOBSESSED: lol isn't that great?
HOTsauceOBSESSED: Like a cow laughing.
ALiSoN283: cows can laugh? i wonder what other animals can evily laugh
HOTsauceOBSESSED: cows laugh
ALiSoN283: lol
ALiSoN283: that makes me laugh
HOTsauceOBSESSED: they laugh at me all the time
HOTsauceOBSESSED: ooo I almost called you a cow
HOTsauceOBSESSED: that would have sounded bad
ALiSoN283: haha
HOTsauceOBSESSED: glad I didn't
ALiSoN283: me too
ALiSoN283: haha found a highlighter
ALiSoN283: moo-hahaha like a cow
HOTsauceOBSESSED: lol!!!"
HOTsauceOBSESSED: was it you who kept bugging me about how I said "muhahhaha"?
Natiweez: it was me if you were saying it "moo-ha", but I seem to remember that being tamila
HOTsauceOBSESSED: it is "moo-haha"
HOTsauceOBSESSED: like a cow laughing
Natiweez: except that it isn't.
HOTsauceOBSESSED: is it "mwahaha" or "muhahaha"
HannahSolo16: It's muahahahaha. A "u" with no "h" after it.
HOTsauceOBSESSED: and is it pronounced "Moo-haha" or "mwhaha"
HannahSolo16: It's pronounced "mwahahaha."
HOTsauceOBSESSED: nonononono!
HOTsauceOBSESSED: its like a cow laughing!
HOTsauceOBSESSED: "mooo" but the "ooo" is quick
HannahSolo16: No, it's like a maniacal genius bent on world domination. :-P
HOTsauceOBSESSED: lol"
And the debate continues...
the Friday Five!!
1. Using one adjective, describe your current living space.
2. Using two adjectives, describe your current employer.
Well-mannered yet Rapacious
3. Using three adjectives, describe your favorite hobby/past time.
inspired, inventive, and stimulating
4. Using four adjectives, describe your typical day.
limitless, merry, melodramatic, and overall breathtaking
5. Using five adjectives, describe your ideal life.
thrilling, steamy, picturesque, ardent, and intoxicating.
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
What a Randy day!
The other day in Portfolio Carissa was asking the question "If you could have one song written about you what would it be?" My first thought was "Your Song" Ewan McGregor style but she (Carissa) brought up that all he talks about is the song not really the love he feels. It took me a while but I've finally come up with two choices.....
1. "I've just seen a face" by the Beatles
2. "Layla" by Eric Clapton (live)
Overall I really think "I've just seen a face" is what I
really want. This will sound very dorky but... I really want some guy to just randomly appear with guitar in hand and sing that to me. Hehehehe, ::sigh:: if only that happened in real life and not just in movies and long a waitedBuffy Episodes.
I found some very entertaining sarcastic remarks. Take a look for your self:
Whatever look you were going for, you missed.
Well, this day was a total waste of make-up .
See no evil, hear no evil, date no evil.
I'm not your type, I'm not inflatable.
I'm trying to imagine you with a personality.
This isn't an office, it's hell with fluorescent lighting.
Sarcasm is just one of the services we offer.
If I throw a stick will you leave??
Errors have been made, others will be blamed.
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Its the inferno test!!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Very High |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Very High |
Level 2 (Lustful) | Very Low |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | Moderate |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | Very Low |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | Low |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | Very Low |
Level 7 (Violent) | Low |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | Moderate |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | Very Low |
Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test
I'd like to think I'd go to heaven (lol).
I played the Online Name Game and it was a blast!
Laura, Laura, Bo Baura
Bonana, Fanna, Fo Faura
Fee, Fy, Mo Maura
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
I want to be the minority
"I want to be the minority
I don't need your authority
Down with the moral majority
'Cause I want to be the minority
I pledge allegiance to the underworld
One nation under dog
There of which I stand alone
A face in the crowd
Unsung, against the mold
Without a doubt
Singled out
The only way I know
I want to be the minority
I don't need your authority
Down with the moral majority
'Casue I want to be the minority
Stepped out of the line
Like a sheep runs from the herd
Marching out of time
To my own beat now
The only way I know
One light, one mind
Flashing in the dark
Blinded by the silence of a thousand broken hearts
"For crying out loud" she screamed unto me
A free for all
F 'em all
You are your own sight
I want to be the minority
I don't need your authority
Down with the moral majority
'Cause I want to be the minority"
::sheds a tear:: that song ROCKS MY FACE OFF! I want to put a few of those lines on a shirt and walk around the school all day and laugh at all the "pink shirt" girls. Well not really, I'd feel bad if I laughed at them. Maybe I'll just make the shirt and laugh at them in my head.
I found this amazing mixed CD that I had made a LONG time ago. Its got Green Day, Eric Clapton (doing the live version of "Layla"), Madonna, Lauryn Hill ( "Doo wop")
I found this funny thing called a Weather Pixie today. It reminded me of the comment on Nat's site about how much Hannah hates Dollz. Hehehe I think she'll really enjoy this.
Monday, November 10, 2003
Crushes are an evil evil thing
"I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,
And in His word I do hope"
-PSALM 130:5
God rocks. He seems to make everything better.
I want tickets for the Everybody Wants to Rule the World Tour. I want to see Relient K in concert REALLY BAD. ACK, they're coming to KC on the 12th! NOOOOOOO I'll never be able to see them again! Grr. Now THAT band has a bunch of cute guys! Hehehe, I'd feel like a little teenybopper if I ever had the chance to meet one of them.
I can't believe it but the short story "1408" by Stephen King is being turned into a movie. I'm so happy! That story is my favorite out of Everything's Eventual. They've changed what happens slightly but it should still be pretty freaky.
"The point is Mr. Enslin, that if you can't be swayed from your intention by a record of twelve suicides in sixty-eight years, I doubt if the gasps and fibrillations of few chambermainds will stop you."
"He paused by the evening-dressed lady and reached into the darkness, feeling for the light switch. He had just one moment to resister ( it feels like skin like old dead skin).
Something wrong with the wallpaper under his sliding palm, and then his fingers found the switch."
"This is nine! Nine! This is Nine! Nine! This is ten! Ten! We have killed your firends! Every friend is now dead! This is six! Six!"
Saturday, November 08, 2003
"Kidnap the Sandy Claws
Throw him in a box
Bury him for ninety years
Then see if he talks..."
Good song man! It cracks me up!
The Nightmare Before Christmas rocks. It has got to be the BEST movie of all time. I enjoy being weird and so what if people think that I'm twisted. REAL friends would support me being different from the crowd (lol).
I SAW ELF LAST NIGHT AND IT WAS GREAT! I sat next to Daniel and Courtney (who brought Andy S. who has to be the coolest ex. employee/MIT ever!! Anyone who wears a "Free Kobe" shirt deserves to be ranked the coolest!) Amanda kept kicking my chair and I swear she attacked my head once or twice. Lori made some kind of comment about having to sit close to the screen because she couldn't have tall people in front of her (Poor poor Lori. It's pretty sad when people at Silver Dollar City think you're 11 when you clearly look like you're in your 20s). It was fun hanging out with all the Sp 8 people. I miss being able to go to those late showings with them. All summer I went and now that school has started I don't have any time to.
Katelyn came into my work today with her sister and father to buy tickets for Brother Bear (at least I think that's what they were seeing). I wanted to talk but it was hella busy. I kind of gave her a "Umm bad time to talk come back later" speech. I hope she didn't take that badly. I was hoping that I would see her when she came back to see her movie but I didn't run into her again. ::sigh:: I'll just have to wait till Monday.
I have this Cappies workshop tomorrow which I'm somewhat excited about because Mimi and I are going to get to hang out. She is so much fun to be around! Just say something like "mmmm bacon" or "hey let's go eat some pig products" and you'll see what I mean. That girl is obsessed with pigs! I saw her car for the first time a few weeks ago and it is covered with all sorts of pro-pig stickers. Hehe I want to get her some kind of "I ::heart:: pigs" sticker to add to her monumental collection.
I was listening to Nirvana the other night (Heart Shaped Box) and I really want to draw a picture to go along with the lryics. I was sitting there in my car just thinking of Kurt Cobain holding his guitar, head bowed while his dirty blonde hair cascades over his face pale face only revealing his mouth utting these confusing words. I really want to draw that now. DON'T TAKE MY IDEA!! MUHAHAHA!!!
I realize I never really end these posts. I just stop, as if I had more to say but just randomly posted it because I felt like it. Hmm.
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
Ya, I'm an irrational number!
What Irrational Number Are You? | |||
You are φ Of all the irrational numbers, you are considered to be the most beautiful. Those who know you well have called you by many names, all golden. However, most people don't know you by name and probably won't even recognize you by sight, but they do like to see you. Despite your pretty face, you are by no means shallow. You are involved it many things: finance, biology, architecture, art, music, and much more. In some ways you and e are a nearly perfect match. The power and intensity of e excites you. Your lucky number is approximately 1.61803399 | |||
My blog is so evil...

Its been an INTERESTING day
That's the first one. Here's the other one...
Does your weblog own you?
How sad is that? I am owned by a Blog.
In the library again
We're playing around with right now. We're having to sort through all the crappy quizzes to get to the good ones.
Monday, November 03, 2003
This post is for Kristen
It's an EVO Sprite of Nightcrawler, her FAV character. I think its kind of cute but I wish they had a gambit one but noooooo. Guess he's not special enough.
Sunday, November 02, 2003
If only...
Geeze, if only I had prayed for brains instead (lol)! Since the looks and brains are out, I guess all I have left to get me through life is my bright personality! WHOOPEE!! If only...
I finished making another batch of buttons. I now have a wide collection of Half-Life 2 buttons!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?? Hehhehehehe, I'm so excited. I only wish I had geeky friends to share them with ::sigh:: if only...
This will sound so random but does this phrase sound right "Artistic ability of a cow"? I just thought up that phrase in about two seconds. Are cows not artistic? Why would I think that cows are not artistic? If cows could talk then this problem would be solved... if only...
Bummer man
Do you ever feel like something is going on that no one is telling you about? Yeah, I got that feeling today. I walked into the office and two of my managers were talking about this one girl who apparently bats her eyes. They weren't really making fun of her; in fact, one manager was like "Oh I just love her!" At one point one of them said to the other "OO that remind me...I have to tell you something". Then it got all quiet. I think that was a signal for me to leave. It wasn't like I wasn't doing anything though, I was clearly bagging tickets. So before I left I giggled and said something like "Okie dokie, I'm going to leave so that you all can talk secretly" and they laughed with me. I am way too paranoid. Honestly, I doubt that they all sit around a big table and talk about me!! It's just that sometimes I hear things from my co-workers...Not negative things but things. I worry. I KNOW I'M LOVED I'M JUST PARANOID!!!
I was reading Kristen's journal and it reminded me of how much I miss my OLD group of friends. Sure we weren't as "smart as her friends as MSA" were (apparently) but we were SMART! Man, Natalie and Linzy were so much fun to hang out with. I remember the LONG discussions we would have (at the PARTY house A.K.A Natalie's house) late at night about God or the meaning of life. That was so great. I also remember the crap that tore our little group apart!! STUPID STUPID RUMORS!! I hated being associated with a certain person's opinion. I had my own opinions!! I WAS MY OWN PERSON!!! I didn't hate Natalie! I had no problem with her. Then crap happened...and more crap happened...and then even more crap happened. It sucked. Then Natalie thought I was this evil person which sucked (and I'm sure she had a right to think so because I was somewhat evil to her thanks to the lies I had been told). Anyway, I missed the GOOD TIMES.
I have this beautiful Beatle's song in my head.
Words are flying out like
endless rain into a paper cup
They slither while they pass
They slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow waves of joy
are drifting thorough my open mind
Possessing and caressing me
Jai guru deva om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Images of broken light which
dance before me like a million eyes
That call me on and on across the universe
Thoughts meander like a
restless wind inside a letter box
they tumble blindly as
they make their way across the universe
I love it because it just gives me such a relaxed feeling. It's beautiful. I'm weird like that.
PS. I lied on Kristen's Journal Commenting system thingy. As Alison put it "and that whole Marxists joke, seriously I got it, but it wasn't funny". My toes are stepped on. Owie.
Thursday, October 30, 2003
Alison and I start these weird conversations...
Justin Timberlake will hire us to work for his Birthday party. He'll pay us thousands. "We could meet celebrities and perform our disappearing act on those unworthy such as... Brittany spears (he would love that) and so on". We'll be rich and buy lots and lots of computer games. Yes, we have found our purpose in life. As she says "WHOO HOO finally."

You are Trinity, from "The Matrix."
Strong, beautiful- you epitomize the ultimate
What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Puppet theater cracks my butt!
Looks like the mutant's hiding in this old darkened cathedral.
Jean Grey:
...Which means there's probably mountains of religious symbolism coming.
Fear the reverb on my German!
We come in peace. Now take off your shirt.
Wow, you guys are right to the point...
I kill anything that moves with my claws!
Marry me.
Guess I'll go ahead and do what every fangirl in the audience is dreaming of right now.
We hate you, Mystique.
Argh, Rogue or Jean Grey...can I have both?
I refuse to take any more of this abuse. *DIES*
Jean Grey:
There's no other choice...I must sacrifice myself and let you all escape.
I could help you lift the ship.
Jean Grey:
I could teleport you to safety.
Jean Grey:
I could make winds push the water back.
Jean Grey:
Just let me kill myself already!
Noooo, my lover is dead!
Well, I mourn her more!
No, I mourn her more!
Woohoo, less competition!
This site is so great. I totally suggest that you all vist it. There are even little pictures to go along with the dialog. ITS SO GREAT!
Monday, October 27, 2003
Buttons rock!
Friday, October 24, 2003
::takes deep breath::
its funny because I handle stress very well. It used to be that when i was confronted with a problem in which I am being beaten down, I'd just go off and cry like a little baby but now that I've matured I can sit there and take it. I am very proud of myself. I didn't cry!!! I HAVE GROWN UP (it only took 16 years)!
I... I... just can't type anymore.
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
I called to get my work times today then I remembered that I have this art club/service learning hours project on thur the same time as when I work. So I asked Rebecca to cover my shift then made sure everything was ok with my manager(s). I don't think he was pleased. When he first picked up he sounded all cheery but then when I asked if it would be ok for her to cover my shift his whole tone changed. I think I upset him (something which I had no intent on doing). I hate putting people in a bad mood, I think its because I have this obsession with pleasing certain people. Its weird because I can piss off Ashley and care less (lol).
I took this great care bear quiz today. It made me laugh.

Raver Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Thursday, October 16, 2003
OOoo someone with a point!
My finger hurts. I burned it on the hot glue gun, who would have thought that a "hot glue gun" would be so hot. The bad thing about the hot glue is that when it gets on your finger (and burns all heck out of it) it stays there unlike boiling water which you can wipe off. I've got this BIG blister on my finger now. Its kind of cool.
I went to quizialla today and took some fun tests. I am pretty sure that this sounds like me. If you disagree then please comment. I love the picture though! How cool is that??
You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal.
"And The Phoenix's cycle had reached
zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He
emerged from his own ashes, to be forever
Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl
(Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum
The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life,
the number 0, and the element of fire.
His sign is the eclipsed sun.
As a member of Form 0, you are a determined
individual. You tend to keep your sense of
optomism, even through tough times and have a
positive outlook on most situations. You have
a way of looking at going through life as a
journey that you can constantly learn from.
Phoenixes are the best friends to have because
they cheer people up easily.
Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Not again
made another comment about me and this time it was to Kristen. Appearently he said something like "Oh my God is Laura wearing the Same sparkle eye shaddow as you?" I guess some other things were said. Whatever. I'm sick of being friends with people who are friends with this jerk. So I refuse to hang out with "THOSE PEOPLE" (they know who they are). I think they'll take note of it tomorrow.
Now he's telling Ashley that he knows I'm copying Kristen because I put on eye makeup right after she did!! ITS ALL CRAP!! I don't even carry eye makeup!! SHe didn't even put on eye makeup today!!
I want to hit him and my fear is that I will.
I want to throw up. I want to just puke everything that I am up. Its totally not fair that he's doing this to me! I did nothing to deserve this! HE is just like MATT COLEMAN!! He dresses like him
There is a reason I tired to be invisable all through high school; to avoid these kind of butt-heads that want to mess with your life.
Monday, October 13, 2003
In the famous words of Ottis Redding
"And look like nothin's gonna come my way
So I'm just gonna sit on the dock of the bay
Watching the tide roll away
Ooo, I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time
Look like nothing's gonna change
Everything still remains the same"
Thursday, October 09, 2003
Bless me!
CSI is on tonight ya!!! I'm so happy. Greg, the DNA guy, is my hero!! I LOVE HIM SOOO MUCH!!! AHH! He's so cool!
So I have to work concession this weekend. Yuck...I had finally gotten to the point where my clothes and car didn't smell like popcorn.
Crap is happening at work that people are really pissed about (I'm not quite as upset as them but whatever).
Look if you can't take the teasing don't dish it!! Little underclassmen need to grow up and learn that teasing is teasing, its not serious! I'm really sick of this guy who can't take a joke. Sure he can dog peopple all he wants but once someone else says something to him he freaks out and goes "YOU DON'T LIKE ME!!! BOO HOO!! I'm so sad!"
Sunday, October 05, 2003
The weirdo speaks again!
I feel like a freak and not in that "oo cool, now I'm a freak" sort of way. Never before have I had a problem with being one until now. I am constantly being called weird and for some strange reason its just now setting in that, that could possibly be an insult (lol). Its not my fault that I say the wrong things at the wrong times, that's just me trying to say the right thing but failing horribly.
Seriously, if you think you say the wrong things then you should hear me! The stupidist things come out of my mouth and I sware when I hear it in my head they sound soooo different. I may also, possibly, be annoying but I'm not sure (I'll have to get back to you on that one lol). I have had people tell me that they are amazed that I stay so calm when I embarrass myself. My comment back to them is something like "I embarassed myself? When?"
I just want to be a fun person to be with and I hope I am (my friends tend to think so).
Friday, October 03, 2003
n : an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
A small exclusive group of friends or associates.
I hate cliques with a passion. I know I usually ended up in one from 7th to 11th grade but now that I'm a Sr. I hate them with a passion. Its just not cool to exclude other people. In fact its really immature.
The way I see it a clique consists of these main parts:
1. The Ringleader
This is the person who controls the entire group and holds the most power. Seen as the most popular or attractive, The group typically follows his/her every move. Gatherings are almost always at the ringleader's house.
2. Second in Command
The Best friend too the Ringleader. Like the vice president he/she fills in where needed. Holds the second most power.
3. The Suck-ups
Their only purpose is to kiss up as much as possible. The ONLY REASON why they are third, power wise is because the ringleaders think they are perfect little angels who could do no harm when the truth is they are secretly out to overthrow the leader.Sad Sad people.
4. Wanna be's
These are the rest of the people in the clique. They prance around admiring the ringleader.Consisting of the "funny one", the "Arty one", the "sporty one", or whatever other label you can slap on them.
When it comes down to it they think they're better then everyone else. They are usually tightly knit and don't let "outsiders" in very easily. It sucks. Its not nice to other people and I'm ashamed that I was ever in one. I never want to exclude anyone from anything EVER.
Its been a bad night. If you know me then you know that I am constantly smiling or laughing about something but that's not the case tonight. Do you ever feel like your invisible, like no one really notices whether or not you're there? I hate that feeling. Usually I just shake it by thinking all the funny things that happened that day or about Katelyn O'Connor saying "Because I'm not a jerk!" (lol!) but there comes a point when a person can smile no longer. I don't feel like being all happy and ditzy today or tomorrow. I don't think people even notice that I do that to make a positive impact on them. Tomorrow I don't think I'll smile and see if anyone notices. Chances are they won't because they haven't before but whatever.
I feel very....forsaken (is that the right word?). Like no one cares whether or not I laugh at the hard stuff and try to be positive. I don't know. Its late and I'm sure I'm only saying this because I'm so tired. i'll be back to my bubble-ly self soon enough. No worries!
Monday, September 29, 2003
Because I'm not a jerk...
Today was pretty nice. I got to wear my Nightmare Before Christmas jacket which I bought at the wonderful Hot Topic store in the mall. My art teacher thought it was "freaky weird" that I was wearing it. Well you know what, she's a bit weird herself. While I was at Hot Topic I found the Fight Club pin that was stolen from me. That is I found another copy of the exact same pin. Fight Club is the most awesome Brad Pitt movie ever. I want to make a whole bunch of pins that just have Fight Club quotes on them. Some of my favorite include....
"I wasn't really dying, I wasn't host
to cancer or parasites; I was the
warm little center that the life of
this world crowded around."
"I wanted to destroy something beautiful."
Narrator: When you have insomnia, you're never really asleep... and you're never really awake.
Narrator: This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.
I've almost finished writing my paper on my friend Liz from Joplin (hey Liz!!!) I plan on posting a link to it as soon as its all done. To sum it all up..."Don't judge people by the way they dress. Stereotying someone because they dress Goth is not cool." (lol) I think she was really flattered to hear that she made such an impact on my life. I'm so happy I could bring her some sunshine!
I'm going to buy a button maker darn it!! I need to make some buttons for the people who sit with me in art. They're going to say "...because I'm not a jerk". Hehehe that's Katelyn slogan for the rest of the year. I also want to make a whole bunch of pins for my friends (hey that rhymes).
Random note: We don't have school on friday!! WHOOPEE!!!
So my best friends boyfriend smacked another girl (that he's lusting over) on the butt. HOW NOT OK IS THAT?????!!! Then, ohh it gets better, he tells my best friend that he's lusting over her foreign exacange/roommate and using her drama friend for eye candy. Then he claims that he feels bad about doing so. COME ON! Who tells their girlfriend that? STUPID STUPID MAN!!! All of this happening on her birthday weekend!
Sunday, September 21, 2003
Who loves Orange soda?
In other news I went to work sick on sat. and sun. I think people noticed.....hmmm oh well. I really needed the hours. I can only pray that they don't make me work on Friday (Ashley's Birthday).
Yesterday I got a whole case of orange soda....mmmmmmm orange soda.
Kel: "Who loves Orange soda, Kel loves orange soda, is it true, mmhhhhuuuhh I do I do I doo oooh."
I miss Lawrence, Ks. I miss it bad. Even though the people there treated me like crap and ruined my life forever, I still want to go back. There is just something about the town that will always be home to me. I wrote an essay about it last week. We were assigned to write a descriptive essay and I decided that describing the last time I saw my room was what would make me happiest.
Tuesday, September 16, 2003
Has anyone seen my nose?
I honestly think that going to Kickapoo is going to kill me (one day at a time). I walked into the school this morning and snot just started dripping out my nose. It was so nasty. The entire day I was sniffing (it was so funny because people thought I was crying lol).
Yesterday I had a total mental break down at the end of Portfolio. When the bell rang I just sat in my seat crying because I want to have all this talent that I clearly don't have. I was looking at some of my old work and I for some reason its better then my new stuff. I'm working on this new color pencil piece that could finally get me out of my slump (that is if God will help me). I feel like one of those ducks covered with spilt oil that you see on TV. I try and flap my wings and all I get is caught in the oil.
Anyway, I hope that I don't have to work on my friend's birthday. Which is totally going to rock. I guess we're doing a mystery dinner party and one of us "dies" and we have to figure out how commited the murder.
I fear that I won't get the day off because I've asked for Halloween and Thanksgiving off. I put in the "ask off book" that I was willing to work Christmas and Christmas Eve (which is a BIGGGGGGG deal in my family). I hope I don't get disowned.
Song of the moment: For no real reason I find myself listening to "Tempted" by Squeeze. Its a good song what can I say? I like oldies.
Friday, September 12, 2003
I maybe over generalizing but CHRISTIANs ARE HAPPY, POSITIVE, people. Christians realize that everyone has their faults but not to obsess on them. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you may think you want to be friends with people but then you meet them...and they suck. My advice today is "get right with God so you can get right with yourself".
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
I'll do it EEEEEEE-bay!
I HAVE DISCOVED GLORIOUS (spelled right???) EBAY!!! That place is amazing. Without it I would have never found this kick @ss Trainspotting shirt! I am so excited!
Friday, August 29, 2003
They told me to update....
I've finally gotten around to updating this thing (sorry by the way). Its been really crazy around here. Between spending quality time with the "parental units" and trying to help Ashley show Sweedish girl around town, I've had NO TIME!!! Not to mention I have to work (some of us can't skip out on our shifts like others can). I can promise that once school starts, that I'll update atleast once a week.
So 6 people are going to [quit/quit already] at my work which not only sucks because we have to train more people but because there is always that horrid chance that one of my friends gets hired. Now don't get my wrong, I love all my friends but I think that it would be a really bad sit. for everyone because well...working with friends whom you see all the time causes you to get really annoyed with them. That's why I didn't work with my best friend at the Palace (theater). I could just see us throwing the popcorn at each other and screaming "I HATE YOU!!" "I HATE YOU TOO!!" and then hugging and crying the next min. "I didn't mean what I said. You're my best friend. ::sniff sniff::".
Thursday, August 28, 2003
See L-Dub is down 'wit dat'
I don't know why that came to mind but it did today. Funny...I smile when I think of that because the comment was so STUPID THAT SHE MADE TO ME!!!
Anyway I'm in portfolio class, trying to draw this colouge when I realize that I can't draw anymore. Here I am in this advanced class, surrounded by all these people who are KNOWN in my school as these excellent and I can't even draw a simple picture of this asian girl in a kimono. I felt so..icky. I know, or atleast I think I do, that I can draw well but is that good enough? ARG!! I hate doubting myself. Its just that...these girls in my class are so FREAKIN' GOOOD at drawing.
On a lighter note: my friend Ashley is Prez of Drama club so I get to help her out with all the fun stuff we do in there. I'm even going the 'hoody' design for her. All of us are going to have nicknames on the back. Mine will be one of the following..
L-Dub it has to do with my last name begining with W.
I can't all of them are soooo good!!
Monday, August 25, 2003
How much is lunch??
I'm so used to being able to get up late that when I almost didn't get up at all this morning. Thank goodness I have a mother who enjoys waking me up early, even if it is 30 mins earlier then I asked her to wake me up at.
I'm pretty much enjoying my classes except for Grammer and Comp, which requires me to write a paper each week and tons of homework. I already have homework in there. I guess I have to write a 'letter' to the teacher explaining what I plan to accomplish in her class.
I think Portfolio class is going to be my fav class but I haven't decided if I'm going to take the AP test or not. My only fear is that when they rate my portfolio that I'll get a 1 or a 0 which would really suck (the highest is a 5).
Lunch really sucked today. Of course all the freshmen had no idea how to pay for their food (geeeeze just scan your id tag genius) so I ended up waiting in line for 20 mins. Lol then I remembered that we got out of school at 12:50 so I was like "Heck with that I'll eat at home!!!". Its pretty sad that the food at home is better then at school. I mean....considering its the food at MY house.
Finally saw Tamila...the convo was going good until SOMEONE showed up and made some kind of stupid remark about me which he thought that I would think was funny. Grrr.
Sunday, August 24, 2003
donde están...
So I was checking my messages today and Tamila called..yeah, it took her 2 months but she finally called. Anyway she's in Rogersville. Why? I DON'T KNOW!! I tried to get a hold of her but some weird guy answered the phone and told me that she had left to go see a movie with her mother (which obviously wasn't at the theater that I work at because I didn't see her and I was there most of the day/night). I really need to talk to her!!! A person can only go so long without talking to their best friend before their head explodes. Man, she's going to think its so funny that Natalie is working at SnoBiz ,able to give handouts to her friends, and Tamila isn't even here to get any!! HAHA that's what she gets!! [Long story; don't ask.]
I bought Windows XP yesterday hoping that it would help my computer run smoother. Well....5 mins after it was installed an error message poped up!! How crazy is that? I yelled so loud that the dogs freaked out and ran away. They'll be ok.
So I have this evvvvil plan to totally get Ashley back for covering her friends' cars with crap....cover her car with crap. Hehehe although when I do it, her car will turn out to be a work of art. The girl never puts her car in the garage!! She's basicly asking for it to be messed with! So I'm going to go out and get that window chalk and write stuff like "...because friends trash their friends' cars" and "Ozark, Ozark Mountain Ducks ::swoosh::" and "ohhhh...donde están mis padres". All VERY funny inside jokes. VERY FUNNY . Ok so they aren't that funny. Then I'm going to totally cover her car in T.P. She's going to love it! Oh yeah and take a picture and put it in her birthday card. Its just a good thing she never reads my web site or else my plans would be ruined.
And when she realizes that it was I, Laura, master of getting people back, there is nothing she can do because I put my car in the garage every single night and I would catch her if she ever tried it at my work.
Yep, I am ready to fall into bed and have happy little dreams about Ewan McGregor.
Wednesday, July 30, 2003
Ewan McGregor deserves an Oscar
- Ewan, on an experience during filming A Life Less Ordinary in Denver, Colorado; Buzz Magazine March 1997
Tree-Hugging Hippie
AND SO WHAT if I'm a tree hugging hippie. There is nothing wrong with that. Hugging tress is fun. I love trees and I think that we should save them (don't you think so too?). That doesn't mean I'm going to go out and place my self infront of a bulldozer but it does mean that I try and recycle whenever possible so that my children will live in a cleaner, happier world.
And why...why would you just walk up to me and throw my keys on the ground...why? What is the point in that? Do you NOT want me to leave? Do you really want to see me pick them up? Come on!
That was my rant for the day. I will soon post something new. ps The quote "People who talk in metaphors outta shampoo my crotch." is mildly funny but not something that I would repeat over and over and over.
Sunday, July 27, 2003
He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep
I have realized that worrying takes up too much of my life. I should be spending time enjoying now and not worrying about the future.I've come to see that I have not been trusting in God as much as I should be and I am ashamed of that cold fact.
While driving home from work, instead of being happy that I've gotten a chance to spend time with such great people I am worring about what kind of impression I left them with or how things will go tomorrow (Did I say all the right things today? Do they think I'm weird? Was I secretly written up and not told? What if I'm late to work tomorrow because I don't have enough gas?).
Its COMPLETELY STUPID that I do that!!! I should be singing along to my favorite Beatles lyrics but instead I'm creating little wrinkles in my forehead! But you know what? I'm through with it! All this time I have claimed to be Christian and yet I cannot even trust God enough to give him my worries?? What's up with that? I am changing that all right now. I am putting my worries into God's hands and trusting him.
"And why do your worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like of onf these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, whis is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not be much more clothe you, o you of little faith? So do not worrym saying ' What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you eed them. But seek first his kingdon and his righteousness and all these thing will be given toyou as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own" (Matthew 6:28-34)
Thursday, July 24, 2003
Huh? What? Oh I'm sorry I wasn't listening....
So yeah, I closed the other night and let me tell you that is not fun. I never realized that mopping could take so much out of you. At the end of the night I was sweating like crazy but atleast the backroom was somewhat cleaner. On a side note:I told that one manager that he looked like David Boreanaz and he sort of freaked out and was like "I get that all the time but I have no idea who he is". Then...Laura being the "don't think just say" type I said "Wow really? I was totally obsessed with him a year or so ago". (Don't ever say that to your causes this horrible silence that can never be broken) Then I tried to recover by quickly saying "he's not that attractive anymore though". ONCE AGAING STUPID THING TO SAY!!! He responded with "What are you tying to say Laura" (but he was laughing when he said it so its all good). I'm sure he thought nothing of it. I'm pretty sure. Anyway, I just try to remember to never mention this to him.
I had this horrible dream last night that I got a ticket for running a red light and my license got taken away. I woke up screaming. Why did I have this dream you ask? Because Tanner HAD to tell me a story about how he knows all these people who have had their licenses taken away and how horrible it was for them. DARN YOU TANNER!!!
Monday, July 14, 2003
::God save the weak::
So I was at Journalism camp last week and looking through magazines when I found this article called "Why Aren't You Listening, God?" It was basicly about this girl who was being made fun of because she had glasses so she prayed to God every night that he would make her sight better (yeah I thought that was stupid too). After years and years of no answer she got upset and started to lose faith. As she put it in the article " God knew my real need. I did need a repair but not on my eyes but on my heart". She soon saw that God was answering her prayer. He was making her look deep inside herself for what she really wanted, an emotional healing. I advise that everyone try and read this article. Its in Campus Life , the June/July issue of this year.
The BIGGEST petpeeve I have are those who are weak in faith. I don't care what you believe but believe in it. Don't chose a faith because its the latest fad or because it sounds cool, chose it because its what's going to make your life better. I am a christian because I know in my heart that no other religion would fit me. Sorry, but buddah just won't work for me. See God and I are cool. "I call him G-dog and he calls me Lolo". It just works like that. If you can find that kind of relationship God then you're set.
:: a change would do you good::
as you can see I've changed the page around a bit. I haven't gotten the new site ready yet so stuff is going to be posted here for a while. I also think I have broken my thumb. Hmmm maybe the swelling will go down in a few days. See at camp a few of us decided to play pool w/o the pool sticks and that was...uh dumb. Somehow my thumb got suck between the 8 ball and the 5 ball. It was pretty painful but I got over it. Now its this pretty purple. Maybe thats a good thing.
I haven't talked to my Best Friend Tamila in a while. I called up Matt (her debate partner) and he said that she's in Az. for the rest of the summer. My fear is that her family is going to make her stay there and I'll never get to say goodbye to her. I feel really bad that we haven't been hanging out at all. I have faith that she's going to call me and give me the low-down on what her living sit. is. Last time I talked to her she mentioned something about them moving back here so that she could finish highschool. I know her and her boyfriend have a pretty close relationship (hehehe 'inside joke' nothing bad) so I can't see her leaving without putting up a fight.
Work is going good. A few weeks ago they decided to finally put me in box. Sure it sucked the first day but when I worked it last night it was great!!! I feel really confident about what I'm doing now. Not only am I working box but I'm also going to get 2 free frappuccinos. One of my managers told me that if I sold 30 large drinks he'd buy me one and obviously I did (33 to be exact). You'd be suprised how hard it is to get people to buy large drinks! At one point I was trying to convince people that it would save their relationship with their significant other ("You know, if you get a large drink you wouldn't have to fight over who gets the last sip because there is SOOOO much that its highly unlikely that you'll finish it before the movie is over") I can't believe that worked.
Then last night I stayed and extra 2 hours to help out with the 'Pirates' rush which earned me another frappuccino. I love it when managers bribe you with caffeine.
At one point we had to make the line go out the door because of a fire hazard so Blair starts shouting "If you have tickets and are waiting to be seated we need to start making the line go out the door." and some lady turned around and screamed at her "EXCUSE ME BUT ITS HOT OUTSIDE AND SOME OF US DON'T WANT TO BE IN THAT KIND OF HEAT!" It was so funny. I thought Blair was going to turn around and smack her or something but she kept her cool. I was impressed.
song of the moment: My Sharona- by The Knack
The ONLY reason I picked this song is because we have this promo DVD that plays the trailer for Charle's Angels 2 with that stupid song on it. I SWARE IF I HEAR THAT SONG ONE MORE TIME.....arg! Yesterday I kept singing the lyrics over and over which I'm sure scared the customers (they kept giving me weird looks but that could have been because I'm weird).
And then I said...
to see if I've said anything new.
I just got home from taking Megan to the movies. Once again my car was flatter by her compliments (inside joke). That girl lives too damn far away from the theater!!! Then again, this is coming from the girl that lives in the middle of no-where.
::Yawn:: LXG was...not as exciting as I would have hoped (well boo!) but atleast I was able to finally see it. Bad Boys II was SOOO much better. That opinion may be bias though. I think Will Smith is a hottie and any movie he's in is awesome. ::drool:: Will Smith ::drool::
I would post more but my mind just doesn't work very vell (did I just type "vell"???!!! I mean "well". Gee Wiz I need sleep!)at 12:40 am. I wonder why?
Monday, June 30, 2003
Thursday, May 08, 2003
People change...yeah in nasty sick ways.Hypicritical freaks. Don't yell at me for crap when you are doing the same!!! Gr...
I am just in shock at the moment. I..I ...I just can't believe some stuff that's been happening. Sure I assumed that that was happening when you hear it straight from the horse's mouth. I can't really say much about it because this is a PG-13 Blog but use your imagination. Yeah that's what some of my friends do with their spare time. They sit around and yeah.....but they'll "never get an STD because that just doesn't happen to people who do that". NO!! IT DOES SO STOP!! ITS NASTY AND YOU NEED TO STOP. I can't talk anymore tonight I'm just to sickened.
Song of the moment- You make me sick by Pink
(Picked not really for the song but more for the song title. YUCK!)
Tuesday, May 06, 2003
::Killer French Poodles from Mars::
So I'm in French 3 right now and I am not at all entertained. We're doing this exercise where we have to put verbs in their subjuctive form or just conjugate the verb all together. The thing is that the phrases that we're reading are really weird. For instance I sware one just real something like "my dog is from outerspace" and even one that said "Bobby needs drugs". Why in the world would anyone put these things in a French Book??? I blame this all on public schools!
So yesterday Hannah made this list of super powers (and some dorky powers ex: speed reading. Hannah what were you thinking..shame shame) that she wants now that she saw X2. I have created my OWN list which will blow her's completely away just read...
4.Manipulation of metal
3.Controll fire (hehe just like Pyro. Now how hot was he????)
2.Freezing stuff
1.Super Healing along with cool blades that come out of my hands.
Tuesday, March 25, 2003
:: No Escape From Reality::
Once again I seem to be mentioning Queen again. I guess you could say that I'm just addicted to the stuff.
The days has started off slow but is gaining speed. I already vacuumed the house and did all the dishes. Yes I did ALL of the dishes that includes the hand wash. You know it really bugs me when people don't wash their plate after eating. I know I do it but I guess I really never realized how annoying it is when your doing the hand wash!! GRRR PEOPLE!!
I am so excited about tonight because I get to watch my new DVD, "The Ring". I don't want to watch it alone because I'll really freak out if I do so I have some friends coming over to eat some pizza and scream like crazy. Good times, good times.
Its official, I am on spring break!! It is so nice to not have to worry about grades, teachers, and other High School drama for a week. I don't even have to work so that's even less drama!! WHOO HOO!!
Song of the moment- We will Rock you by Queen
You got mud on yo' face
You big disgrace
Kickin' your can all over the place
This is THE song for getting pumped up for anything. I guarantee you that if you were to ever get into my car this song would be blasting on the stero.
Monday, March 24, 2003
::more fun then a bucket of green jello!::
Yesterday I washed my car. Yes I actually WASHED it. You know its really dirty when the bacteria was evolving into its own country. I took the 'Bush' approach and bombed the heck out of that dirt. (lol, man am I going to regret saying later) Anyway, back to washing my car...It was quite fun. I got to breathe in this thing they call "fresh air". Amazing what it can do for your health. I has just been so beautiful these past few days. I just can't wait to go to Eureka Springs on Fri.. I can only hope that the weather doesn't go all 'L.S.' on me and turn into a thunderstorm. LOL ::sigh:: I really crack myself up. Just in case your wondering, that was an inside joke.
Did I mention that I didn't even have to go in to work yesterday? Well, I didn't! One of my managers called me up and said "look its really not busy so we don't need you". I felt so happy to be unwanted!! Then when I realized that I had nothing else to do all day I was 'sad'. Lol, I can't believe I WANTED to go to work. How crazy is that???
OO I have tell you about this other bit of info, I am now a 'irresponsible teenager'! My parents are so proud! I can't really post too much info about it but lets just say that someone of high authority at my school thinks I am a bad person. Lol I just love my high school!!!! At this moment I could be taking this very badly but the whole situation is so hilarious that all I can do is laugh about it! I mean this person is just crazy, and you'd think with age they would have more sense!!! Lets just say that SOME PEOPLE need to chill. Oh how I wish....
La ala ala I really can't finish that sentence above.
Song of the moment-Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy,
Because I'm easy come, easy go, Little high, little low,
Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me, to me
How could you NOT love this song?? Basicly I picked these lines because that's how I've really felt lately. I've been very easy going. I honestly could care less about the stupid stuff that happens in life. If you find a spot on your glass of life then you wipe it off with some windex and get on with it. I just feel like some people are strung way too tight!!! LIVE PEOPLE LIVE!!!!