Monday, September 29, 2003

Because I'm not a jerk...

Pitty Whore - One who whores for pitty (lol). You know those people who go around fishing for compliments by saying things like "I'm ugly, I'm stupid, I'm fat!" yeah those people are what I like to call pitty whores because they know good and gosh darn well that they are not these things that they call themselves. I can't stand those types of people!! THEY KNOW that they look good and yet they still complain! Grrr...arg. Feel free to use my phrase for your friends or co-works.


Today was pretty nice. I got to wear my Nightmare Before Christmas jacket which I bought at the wonderful Hot Topic store in the mall. My art teacher thought it was "freaky weird" that I was wearing it. Well you know what, she's a bit weird herself. While I was at Hot Topic I found the Fight Club pin that was stolen from me. That is I found another copy of the exact same pin. Fight Club is the most awesome Brad Pitt movie ever. I want to make a whole bunch of pins that just have Fight Club quotes on them. Some of my favorite include....

"I wasn't really dying, I wasn't host

to cancer or parasites; I was the

warm little center that the life of

this world crowded around."


"I wanted to destroy something beautiful."


Narrator: When you have insomnia, you're never really asleep... and you're never really awake.

Narrator: This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time.


I've almost finished writing my paper on my friend Liz from Joplin (hey Liz!!!) I plan on posting a link to it as soon as its all done. To sum it all up..."Don't judge people by the way they dress. Stereotying someone because they dress Goth is not cool." (lol) I think she was really flattered to hear that she made such an impact on my life. I'm so happy I could bring her some sunshine!

I'm going to buy a button maker darn it!! I need to make some buttons for the people who sit with me in art. They're going to say "...because I'm not a jerk". Hehehe that's Katelyn slogan for the rest of the year. I also want to make a whole bunch of pins for my friends (hey that rhymes).

Random note: We don't have school on friday!! WHOOPEE!!!

So my best friends boyfriend smacked another girl (that he's lusting over) on the butt. HOW NOT OK IS THAT?????!!! Then, ohh it gets better, he tells my best friend that he's lusting over her foreign exacange/roommate and using her drama friend for eye candy. Then he claims that he feels bad about doing so. COME ON! Who tells their girlfriend that? STUPID STUPID MAN!!! All of this happening on her birthday weekend!