Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Has anyone seen my nose?

My nose has run off...if found please return to me...here....thanks.

I honestly think that going to Kickapoo is going to kill me (one day at a time). I walked into the school this morning and snot just started dripping out my nose. It was so nasty. The entire day I was sniffing (it was so funny because people thought I was crying lol).

Yesterday I had a total mental break down at the end of Portfolio. When the bell rang I just sat in my seat crying because I want to have all this talent that I clearly don't have. I was looking at some of my old work and I for some reason its better then my new stuff. I'm working on this new color pencil piece that could finally get me out of my slump (that is if God will help me). I feel like one of those ducks covered with spilt oil that you see on TV. I try and flap my wings and all I get is caught in the oil.

Anyway, I hope that I don't have to work on my friend's birthday. Which is totally going to rock. I guess we're doing a mystery dinner party and one of us "dies" and we have to figure out how commited the murder.

I fear that I won't get the day off because I've asked for Halloween and Thanksgiving off. I put in the "ask off book" that I was willing to work Christmas and Christmas Eve (which is a BIGGGGGGG deal in my family). I hope I don't get disowned.

Song of the moment: For no real reason I find myself listening to "Tempted" by Squeeze. Its a good song what can I say? I like oldies.

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