Friday, September 12, 2003


Petty petty people! I can't stand people who can sit around and pick out every little detail about someone and complain about it! And please tell me, how is it possible that "laughing alot" can be a bad thing? Seriously? I'm sorry but I don't focus on the bad things on life. Today, some girl in class made fun of my skirt and you know what I did? I FORGOT ABOUT IT AND WENT ON WITH MY LIFE!! Geeze people.

I maybe over generalizing but CHRISTIANs ARE HAPPY, POSITIVE, people. Christians realize that everyone has their faults but not to obsess on them. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you may think you want to be friends with people but then you meet them...and they suck. My advice today is "get right with God so you can get right with yourself".

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