Monday, November 10, 2003

Crushes are an evil evil thing

I don't want to go to work but I know I have to. Bad things happened on Sat. and now all I want to do, when I'm there, is crawl under a rock and hide. I felt like a total screw up and I don't deal with failure well. I can usually find the positive aspect of a situation but not this time. There was no hidden joke or witty comment to be made.

"I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,
And in His word I do hope"

-PSALM 130:5

God rocks. He seems to make everything better.

I want tickets for the Everybody Wants to Rule the World Tour. I want to see Relient K in concert REALLY BAD. ACK, they're coming to KC on the 12th! NOOOOOOO I'll never be able to see them again! Grr. Now THAT band has a bunch of cute guys! Hehehe, I'd feel like a little teenybopper if I ever had the chance to meet one of them.

I can't believe it but the short story "1408" by Stephen King is being turned into a movie. I'm so happy! That story is my favorite out of Everything's Eventual. They've changed what happens slightly but it should still be pretty freaky.

"The point is Mr. Enslin, that if you can't be swayed from your intention by a record of twelve suicides in sixty-eight years, I doubt if the gasps and fibrillations of few chambermainds will stop you."

"He paused by the evening-dressed lady and reached into the darkness, feeling for the light switch. He had just one moment to resister ( it feels like skin like old dead skin).
Something wrong with the wallpaper under his sliding palm, and then his fingers found the switch."

"This is nine! Nine! This is Nine! Nine! This is ten! Ten! We have killed your firends! Every friend is now dead! This is six! Six!"
