Saturday, November 08, 2003


I'm twisted or so I've been told but I'm not really insulted by that. I like to think that I have a different point of view. For instance...I happen to really enjoy this one artist named Mark Ryden. Now at first glance you might think "Oh MY GOD!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY!! HE'S PSYCHO!" but I really like his style of art. Sure the blood is a little freaky but it doesn't bother me. I like the way he paints people and their eyes. He's got this one Oil Painting that just cracks me up every time I see it. Its called "Dead Characters". Hehhehehe. Its just funny to me. I also really like that movie Nightmare Before Christmas. Its so great!! That one song...

"Kidnap the Sandy Claws
Throw him in a box
Bury him for ninety years
Then see if he talks..."

Good song man! It cracks me up!

The Nightmare Before Christmas rocks. It has got to be the BEST movie of all time. I enjoy being weird and so what if people think that I'm twisted. REAL friends would support me being different from the crowd (lol).

I SAW ELF LAST NIGHT AND IT WAS GREAT! I sat next to Daniel and Courtney (who brought Andy S. who has to be the coolest ex. employee/MIT ever!! Anyone who wears a "Free Kobe" shirt deserves to be ranked the coolest!) Amanda kept kicking my chair and I swear she attacked my head once or twice. Lori made some kind of comment about having to sit close to the screen because she couldn't have tall people in front of her (Poor poor Lori. It's pretty sad when people at Silver Dollar City think you're 11 when you clearly look like you're in your 20s). It was fun hanging out with all the Sp 8 people. I miss being able to go to those late showings with them. All summer I went and now that school has started I don't have any time to.

Katelyn came into my work today with her sister and father to buy tickets for Brother Bear (at least I think that's what they were seeing). I wanted to talk but it was hella busy. I kind of gave her a "Umm bad time to talk come back later" speech. I hope she didn't take that badly. I was hoping that I would see her when she came back to see her movie but I didn't run into her again. ::sigh:: I'll just have to wait till Monday.

I have this Cappies workshop tomorrow which I'm somewhat excited about because Mimi and I are going to get to hang out. She is so much fun to be around! Just say something like "mmmm bacon" or "hey let's go eat some pig products" and you'll see what I mean. That girl is obsessed with pigs! I saw her car for the first time a few weeks ago and it is covered with all sorts of pro-pig stickers. Hehe I want to get her some kind of "I ::heart:: pigs" sticker to add to her monumental collection.

I was listening to Nirvana the other night (Heart Shaped Box) and I really want to draw a picture to go along with the lryics. I was sitting there in my car just thinking of Kurt Cobain holding his guitar, head bowed while his dirty blonde hair cascades over his face pale face only revealing his mouth utting these confusing words. I really want to draw that now. DON'T TAKE MY IDEA!! MUHAHAHA!!!

I realize I never really end these posts. I just stop, as if I had more to say but just randomly posted it because I felt like it. Hmm.

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