Sunday, December 07, 2003

White on rice

"I wanna be on him like white on rice [on a paper plate], in the middle of a snow storm."

I love that quote from Tamila more then anything else she ever said because its true. Guys need to be aware that certain colognes drive girls crazy! OMG this one guy at my work wears this amazing sent that just, ugh, makes me go crazy! The other night he was wearing it and I was tempted to follow him around all night just so that I could smell him. I talked to Ashley and Charlee about this thur and Charlee says that it's a fact that cologne can make any guy seem ten times more attractive.

Hehe, I love working at a movie theater because you get to see everyone, and you know what that means don't ya? Ohh yeah, eye candy galore! Megan and I almost crawled over the counter today at the sight of this group of guys. Our mouths literally were hanging open. ::drool::

No matter what mood I am Queen seems to be able to have a song for it, today it was somebody to love . It's not one of those depressing songs that you want to cry to instead it's something you want to sing along with.

Everyday - I try and I try and I try -
But everybody wants to put me down
They say I’m goin’ crazy
They say I got a lot of water in my brain
Got no common sense
I got nobody left to believe
Yeah - yeah yeah yeah

Oh lord
Somebody - somebody
Can anybody find me somebody to love?

Got no feel, I got no rhythm
I just keep losing my beat
I’m ok, I’m alright
Ain’t gonna face no defeat
I just gotta get out of this prison cell
Someday I’m gonna be free, lord!

EEK, guess what???? My theater is having a christmas party!! I'm so excited because I'm helping out by coordinating the "white elephant" gifts. OOO and Amanda had this awesome idea of what to get the managers as a little thank you for being there for us this entire year, I can't really say what it is but it's going to rock!!

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