Sunday, December 14, 2003

Me 2 Kristen

1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that you have in common with me.
3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you.

(Comparing me to Kristen)

01. My parents don't even remember my first word and yet I still love them.
02. I can play the trumpet and know how to move to the beat yet, I still dance like a white girl.
03. I've been saying the word "hunky-dory" a ton lately and people look at me strange when I do.
04. I DON'T like looking at pictures of myself thanks to the wonderful pieces of metal in my mouth.
05. I hate stress.
06. I've never been out of the country.
07. I hate when people say things about me behind my back
08. I also hate when people TypE LyKe D1s.
09. I'm addicted to cheese sticks and buy them at every restaurant I go to
10. I LOVE Thai and Indian food!
11. I study French.
12. I am really tired
13. It troubles me when my friends have problems and I don't know what to do for them.
14. I haven't bought a few gifts for people at my work only.
15. I love Cartoon Network.
16. I hate the song "White Christmas" with a passion.
17. I'm not sure what to do about college and it's freaking me out.
18. I have a lot to learn
19. I don't like cats as much as dogs.
20. I have issues at work with an employee but can't talk to anyone b/c everyone loves him/her.
21. I really think that the world would be a better place if it weren't so overpopulated.
22. I have well over a hundred jelly bracelets.
23. I love hugs... and kisses (hehe I added that in)
24. I have read many craploads of books in my time and I like to think about each of those books becoming a part of who I am.
25. I can't wait for college
26. I need inspiration.
27. My head itches.
28. I think solar power is the greatest thing ever and everybody should use it.
29. I enjoy school this semester except for English (in my case Grammar and Comp), which really isn't that bad.
30. I love animals.
31. I don't like labels, but I tend to label everything around me to gain a better understanding of things
32. I am not freaked out about spending the rest of my life with someone.
33. I wish I had a lifelong supply of fudge.... and hotsauce (hehehe I added that in too)
34. I hate fakely ripped jeans and fakely vintage-ized clothes.
35. I need a haircut.
36. I wear makeup sometimes. When I think about it.
37. I have a 29 year-old sister who is 4 inches shorter then me and still gets carded everytime she orders a drink.
38. I love Queen with all my heart
39. I don't emulate celebrities and it annoys me when people think that's the only way you can have a style.
40. I want a certain someone to call me right now.
41. I really enjoy thoughtful gifts, even if they cost nothing.
42. I get giddy when I get to go to work because it no longer feels like "work" and more like fun.
43. I need more clothes because I girl can never have too many clothes
44. I've never had a "REAL" boyfriend
45. I strive to be the best that I can be even if that means being normal
46. I'm 5'4"
47. I'm sadly only american and wish that I had some kind of foreign blood.
48. I want to be more then I am
49. I constantly want to be around people even if that means sitting around and just listening or watching
50. I want to change the world... but I don't know where to start.
51. I like silence sometimes
52. I don't want to be alone
53. I love to find money in my coat pockets.
54. It makes me incredibly happy to have my room clean
55. I like to spend time with my sister but it's hard to reach her
56. I'm the best in my family at cooking but shhhhh, well maybe 2nd compared to mom (lol!)
57. I don't like close-minded people
58. I freak out and go crazy at concerts
59. I always spell opportunity wrong on the first try.
60. I would love to live in a musical.
61. I can't believe that no one likes Skillet when the band clearly rocks!
62. I'm addicted to the dollar store
63. I want to get several holes pierced in my ears
64. I can't imagine being old
65. I want to live at Disney World
66. I am frequently confused by politicians and political decisions in this country
67. I wish I could fly.
68. I think perfection is impossible.
69. I can't stand posers.
70. I hate being alone on weekends
71. I feel like high school is way overrated by the people in it.
72. I procrastinate too much.
73. I reeeeeeaaally want to be in a band.
74. I love the sent of rubber cement and Kristen's special glue stick
75. I wish I had a 4-wheel drive in the snow
76. I need to call people more
77. I wish life was like a Dr. Pepper commercial.
78. I've been hurt and broken but there is always someone there to pick up the pieces
79. I just don't want to be hated
80. I can't believe certain people make more then me when I've worked longer then them.
81. I jump up and down a lot.
82. I don't see why people can't just get along.
83. I think an accent makes almost any guy hot.
84. I live in Kansas for 11 years.
85. I like to eat dry pasta.
86. I'm moving Switchfoot over for Skillet because SKILLET ROCKS!
87. I'm praying for someone
88. I often feel socially inept.
89. I'm scared of aliens.
90. I hate it when things I like get really popular and then they're not mine anymore. (ex. Harry Potter, Punk rock, torn jeans, ect.)
91. I'm a Christian
92. I have issues trusting people
93. I love taking long trips with friends.
94. I hope it snows tonight.
95. I think life is really mostly beautiful.
96. I can't comprehend what I was thinking two years ago
97. I eat chips with cottage cheese.
98. I've really made some good friends online and I think that makes me a loser.
99. I don't have any tattoos.
100. I like to sing at random moments.

Rant of the Day: GAMES...

I don't like playing games with people, and no I don't mean games as in Taboo which happens to be one of my favorite games. I like to get straight to the point because I don't tip toe-ing around. There is no reason to sit back and let things happen right in front of you when you know you can do something about it. Lately I've been saying "I don't want to play this game anymore" because that's all that's been happening. Games. No more backstabbing and no more highschool antics; some people need to grow up.

Natalie's party was nice. Almost everyone dressed up which made us all feel more comfortable in our formals. OO and to make everything better, Natalie had my hotsauce! I was so happy I thought I was going to hug her! I'm glad that she set this whole thing up because I got to meet a whole bunch of really cool people whom I'd love to hang out with again.

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