Friday, October 24, 2003

::takes deep breath::

I'm very fustrated. I always end up being the bad guy when it comes to little cliques. There's always a whole lot of talk and not a lot of do...and frankly when it comes down to it I'm a more action person then just talk person. If I have a problem with you I'll tell you to your face and try to work it out. I will not sit there for days on end letting it fester in my brain. If I did that then I'd be an implosive person and well as we all know , thanks to ANGER MANAGEMENT those types of angry people are the most dangerous.

its funny because I handle stress very well. It used to be that when i was confronted with a problem in which I am being beaten down, I'd just go off and cry like a little baby but now that I've matured I can sit there and take it. I am very proud of myself. I didn't cry!!! I HAVE GROWN UP (it only took 16 years)!

I... I... just can't type anymore.

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