Tuesday, May 06, 2003

::Killer French Poodles from Mars::

::Killer French Poodles from Mars::
So I'm in French 3 right now and I am not at all entertained. We're doing this exercise where we have to put verbs in their subjuctive form or just conjugate the verb all together. The thing is that the phrases that we're reading are really weird. For instance I sware one just real something like "my dog is from outerspace" and even one that said "Bobby needs drugs". Why in the world would anyone put these things in a French Book??? I blame this all on public schools!

So yesterday Hannah made this list of super powers (and some dorky powers ex: speed reading. Hannah what were you thinking..shame shame) that she wants now that she saw X2. I have created my OWN list which will blow her's completely away just read...
4.Manipulation of metal
3.Controll fire (hehe just like Pyro. Now how hot was he????)
2.Freezing stuff
1.Super Healing along with cool blades that come out of my hands.

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