Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Wha...? Why is your face the size of an orange jenny?

theme music: "Batman theme song"...dunna nana nanananannanana BATMAN!

Ok, so I let me dog, Jenny, outside today and when I let her back in her face was HUGE!! It had swollen to the size of a grapefuit! Of couse I flipped out and made a mad dash for the phone in hopes that my mom or dad would somehow know what to do. I ended up running all over the house looking for that stupid vet book that we keep around for when the dogs get sick. I found it..but it was of no help. DAMN YOU DR. SO-AND-SO!!! Well, my mom made a special trip home just to take her to the vet. It's funny because I always thought that vets were supposed to make the situation better. I think it should be a rule of thumb that when you see a patient that you don't say
"Dear God, What happened?"
because that really doesn't make people feel better. The vet gave Jenny 3 or 4 shots and her face when down but not before the vet could say "she looks like a possum" and "her face is as big as my fist."

The conclusion was drawn that Jenny had picked a fight a with an angry bee.

Bee: 1
Jenny: 0

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