Friday, May 28, 2004

I am Nerd, hear me roar!

Theme Music: "Every You and Every Me" by Placebo
I am: the biggest dork on earth

Tonight's ride home really got me thinking. Mostly about why I have this obsession with proving that Disney is an evil company puting out subliminal sex-messages in every movie they make but also about why I still care whether or not I make a massive fool of myself.
See, I used to be uber caught up in trying to be cool. I'd spend a good hour and a half just deciding upon what I would wear (more like 'what other people would like me to wear') then I'd spend another hour worrying about what kind of conversations I would have with these "so called cool people." It was quite sad. No one should ever do that to themselves. Seriously! I know that I definitely don't want to spend half my time worrying about what questions I could possibly be asked and how I should respond to them! I have better things to make jello sculptures. I want people to like me for my quirkiness not for some kind of fake barbie-doll-like personality and if people can't deal with that then they can just suck-a-toe!

  1. I will not curb my passion to play video games.
  2. I will not hide the fact that some of my art work is deeply tied into my emotions and therefore can be quite weird at times.
  3. I will not deny my love for the following bands: Garbage, SuperChick, Kutless, Switchfoot, Reliant K, Offspring, Green Day, and ect.
  4. I will not even conceal that I have the ability to write HTML and am interested in learning CSS.
  5. Finally, I will not harbor my love for graphic novels of all sorts!

I will not conform DARN IT!

On a completely random note:
Dear Lord, I just spent about 15 mins trying to figure out where this high-pitched beeping sound was coming from and when I discoved that it was from the smoke detector I quickly took out the battery. Who would have thought that it would continue beeping. So I spent another 5 mins trying to rip it from the ceiling in hope that maybe it would stop then.
So I did the only thing left to do. I screamed and yelled until I came up with the idea of smothering it with a pillow. Guess what? I can no longer hear the beeping! Yay for me!

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