Friday, May 14, 2004

Art teachers will be the death of me

Stuck in my head: "Blame" by Cadet
I am: Pissed off and yet still happy at the same time

ARG! My art teacher is making me come back to school on the 24th for her final because I have an A-. Yes, you read that correctly. I have an A- in ART!! I am so ticked off right now. I think my face is red from anger.
When she told me that I'd have to take the final I asked her what grade I had. Her irratiated response was
"Laura you only have an A-"
. First of all, the whole school knows the rule for Sr.s is that if you have an A (minus or not) you don't have to take the final. It's the teachers way of giving the Sr.s a break. Second of all, my entire family is coming up on the 24th for graduation and we're supposed to have a little get together then!! I am an excellent student and therefore deserve a straight A. I do darn it!

I start MIT-Training (or for those of you who have no idea what those letters stand for ....manager-in-training-training) today. Everyone has been coming up to me and asking me what I'm going to wear. Even Chad asked me (which is weird beyond all belief). I think i told two people last night that I was wearing "clothes" when they asked. They didn't think it was as funny as I did. Hmm.
I'm excited but I feel like I really shouldn't show it. I mean it's great that I'm getting promoted but I don't want to throw it in other people's faces. That's just not cool man. Just not cool.

Speaking of Chad...the other night, over the walkie-takie, he said,
He didn't say "laughing out loud. He said "L-O-L." It was hillarious. I called him a dork. He had no decent come back. I couldn't stop laughing for like an hour.

Oh! Before I end this tiny post, I want to recommend that everyone listen to "blame" by Cadet. Then, when you're finished with that song, you should listen to Cadet's entire CD. Then send them lots and lots of money along with notes saying that you don't want them to break up.
I was listening to that song in my car last night and it hit me who that song reminds me of. We, and when I say "we" I mean I, shall refer to this person as X because the name really ain't that important (and don't try to guess who it is because most likely you're wrong. MUHAHHAHAHAHA lol!), what's important is that I found their theme song lol. Anyway "X" is up and down like a roller coaster. One min. they're mad, then sad, then ticked at random stupid stuff, then moderately happy, then ticked off again. Most of the time they're mad. Only the Lord knows why. Those types of people get on my nerves. Some people get so caught up in the small stuff that they forget about all the things that they've been blessed with.

So yeah. I can pretty much assign a theme song to anyone. In fact my next post shall be a list of my friends and their theme songs. YAY!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Drew once said "Comma" in the course of conversation. Like, "Well comma I think that..."
