Thursday, May 13, 2004

But...but...I want it NOW

Stuck in my head: "Not guilty" by the Beatles
I am: regretful, amused, and tired all at the same time

Lol people fight over the stupidest of things. Seriously! In a perfect world, people would look at each other, say a few sentences in an agressive tone and then go back to normal. I think that my dream of this
"perfect argument"
is possible. For instance, today I really wanted my Sandman issue 1 comic back that I had lent to Natalie mostly because someone else would like to borrow it. Now everyone must understand I am VERY attached to my books. They are like my children (I know it's a sick attachment). Anyway I called Nat last night and asked her to bring it today. Unfortunately she forgot. So I admit I got a bit agressive with my tone and asked her to bring it to my house after school. Of course my aggressiveness only cause her to become agressive and as you can imagine there were ill feelings by the end of the conversation. My point is that Natalie and I can have this sort of "argument" and get over it. Why? Because we're mature enough to realize that a stupid graphic novel is not worth fighting over. We're not going to run off and start talking about how the other person sucks because there would be no point!! It's a freakin' graphic novel!! I have already gotten over the fact that she didn't bring it and now can admit that I was over-reacting. See? This is how everyday life SHOULD BE. Unlike in other enviroments where friends fight then talk about each other behind their backs and blah blah blah. Natalie and I already delt with that Sophmore year. It's not as fun as the brochure promises.

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