Tuesday, May 11, 2004

I swear if that noodle falls on my head...

Stuck in my head: Dream On by Aerosmith
I am: annoyed

I am in the library center...for outdoor living...doing nothing....again. I am hidden myself in the young adult section once again so that I may read my graphic novels and play on the computer in peace. It's quite nice. It gets my mind off of ANNOYING PEOPLE WHO WON'T SHUT UP. I keep looking up to see this sculpture of a bunch of pool noodles intertwined with a bunch of hola-hoops. I've very afraid of it falling on my head. Pray for me.

I'm regreting not bringing in my sketch book at the moment because I had this white colored pencil on black paper, piece that I'm re-doing that I'd like to finish this week. It's all that's been on my mind the past 2 days. I wanted to finish/start it yesterday in journalism, since my pages are all turned in, but something came up that I had to attend to first. Grr. I really shouldn't "grr" at that. I did agree to help out even though I REALLY just wanted a day off. Oh well. There shouldn't be anything that needs to be done today so maybe I can work on some art.

I did get a chance to play an exciting game of spoons yesterday. I almost won too but then Brandon had to be a jerk and claw his way to first place. Grr Brandon. Grr. David and I decorated some of the plastic spoons afterwards. I must say yesterday was the first time I had ever seen a "peturbed" spoon. David is a wiz with those weird faces!

I gave Kristin the Harry Potter 3 trailer that I save from the trash. It was so funny because she wasn't sure what it was at first. Then she read the lable on the film and she got this huge smile on her face. There is just something so rewarding about making someone's day. I should try and save another HP3 trailer for Katelyn.

ACK! Brandon just took my picture!! DARN HIM! I must go steal the camera out of his hands and make him pay.


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