Monday, August 15, 2005

Well, excuse me, Miss "I'm-so-smart-I-can't-wait-to-go-to-the-Island!"

I am: Still hacking up pieces of my lung
iTunes: "Got To Give it Up" by Marvin Gaye

I snagged this sweet baby from work on Saturday:

Oh Ewan. If only you weren't married and had a kid, I'd lust over you ten times more.

I also snagged a "final" of Waiting.

Yeah. I know what you're thinking. Look, one bad picture means nothing. Shhh. Just let the moment pass.

This morning was terrible. I had this awful dream in which I found myself in awkward position of being in the middle of the beautiful Canadian mountains with Jason Statham who was trying to car-jack me. Sadly things went from bad to worse when a struggle broke out between Ray Liotta (he was in the car with me? I apparently have guest stars in my dreams.) and Jason Statham resulting in a large avalanche. Now imagine my reaction when I woke up to find myself literally covered in, what must have been at least 1/2 a foot, of Kleenexes. Let's just say that, at 6am the entire house was awakened by the delightful sound of my wheezed screaming.

Think of what a duck with strep throat would sound like screaming. That was me around 6am.

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