Friday, August 19, 2005

I want my message read clear

iTunes: "Capricorn (A Brand New Name)" by 30 Seconds to Mars
I am: Stoked

JARED LETO'S (Fight Club, Alexander, American Psycho, Requiem for a Dream, Panic Room, and the fabulously upcoming Lord of War) BAND IS THE MOST AWESOME BAND IN THE WORLD! You heard me right. Now buy their CD.

If for some strange reason I happen to run into Jared Leto on the street I just might just have to hug him and say, "Thank you Jared Leto for showing other actors that it is possible to make music that doesn't suck. Now can you please tell Will Smith to stop rapping?" Sure he'd think I was utterly insane and sure, he'd start to freak out when our little hug turns into a 40 minute squeeze fest but for those brief few moments that I would be touching Mr. Leto maybe, just maybe, some of his genius will rub off onto me and I too can create beautiful things like "30 Seconds to Mars." Granted he will be trying to pry me off with a crowbar because I will be attached to his t-shirt like a blood sucking leech, but hey, it'll be ok. He'll respect me for that.

By day he is just your average, every day good-looking actor trying to get by but by night he becomes...


Now for those of you who love Chevelle, Breaking Benjamin, A Perfect Circle, Three Days Grace, or any band that sounds remotely like any of the above needs to come to me so that I can let you borrow this CD so that you too may bask in the genius that is Jared Leto.

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