Thursday, August 04, 2005

Now the two key words for tonight - "caution" and "flammable"

I was able to get my copy of WE3 today. Grant Morrison is pretty much a genius...well, as genius as you can get without being Neil Gaiman. Anyway, this book is all about these three animals that are turned into somewhat cyborgs. The Army uses them in super secret missions to kill crime lords and whatnot. I don't want to give too much away but it's pretty sweet. Oh man, if my dogs were cyborgs we could play "SUPER ultimate Frisbee" and I'd have them hunt down my mortal enemies. Stellar. I have to admit that no book or comic book has EVER made me cry, not even Watership Down and that's saying a lot. I wasn't even half way through WE3 when I found myself tearing up. Just thinking about the story makes me get all gooshey. ::sniff sniff:: It's just that good people...just that gosh darn good.

I was surprised to see that the USA network is playing "TORNADO!" aka a crappier version of Twister with Bruce Campbell. The only good thing about this movie is Bruce. Oh Bruce, your such a stud ::sigh::.

On a random side note: Bruce Campbell's character in "TORNADO!" went to the University of Missouri making Bruce Campbell even cooler, if that's even possible.

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