Monday, August 08, 2005

Sing it back, whoa-a-a-a-a-a

iTunes: "Sweetness" by Jimmy Eat World
I am: HAZAAH (I realize that you can't be "hazaah" but the word seemed to fit the situation)

HAZAAAH I SAY! I am happy to announce that I will be attending the Jimmy Eat World concert in my hometown of Lawrence, Kansas on September 18th with numerous friends. I have volunteered my services as the driver for the day since I do know my way around my own hometown. I don't believe I can properly express how psyched I am about this trip. Lawrence has the best venues around and we don't have to listen to 12 opening acts to get to the good stuff like we did with Chevelle. Don't get me wrong. The Chevelle concert was hardcore awesome. I just hated listening to the first 6 bands produce what one could only assume was some sort of "music".

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