I am: Stuffed. Reminder to self: No more frosty-s with fries.
Every time I wear some sort of shirt that is a little low cut in the back someone mentions my tattoo which don't mind at all. Usually it's Kevin or James saying "OH MY GOD! WHAT IS THAT ON YOUR BACK?!!" To which I respond by turning with intense speed thinking that some grotesque insect is crawling up my spine. That joke never seems to get old with them. Today it was just Becca being her super nice self.
Becca: "Oooo I love your tattoo!"
Me: "Wa (distracted by the fact that someone's hand is now on my back poking at the fleshy area between my shoulder blades)."
Becca: "Oh I was just saying how much I like your tattoo!"
Me: "Thanks. I like it too."
Becca: "It's so beautiful!"
Me: "Yepper-o."
Becca: "No...it's really awesome."
Me: "Oh, I know."
::silence as she stares at my back::
Me: (jokingly) "I can give you the name of the guy who drew the design for me..."
She's been talking about getting one for a few months now but I just can't see her with a tattoo. Psh, no one guessed that I would get a tattoo.
Yesterday I went out and bought a Digital Voice Recorder since I have 4 lecture classes and do not have the ability to write faster then my professors can talk. It's pretty flippin' sweet.

Oh isn't it beautiful?! I have yet to figure out all it's functions but I'm pretty sure it's a combination Digital Voice Recorder and coffee maker--also makes Julienne fries. Will not break! ::taps it on table:: will not--::it falls apart::-it broke.
Now I'm off to finish spray painting an envelope. Don't ask.
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