Friday, August 05, 2005

Friday Five

iTunes: "Caring is Creepy" by The Shins

Most of you know what a "Friday Five" is but for those "uned-ja-ma-kated" few I offer this explanation:Every Friday I or (in the rare instance that I am being lazy) someone else creates a list of five questions centering around one topic. The responses and questions are then posted on various blogs. So here it goes...

1. What Zombie movie deserves your seal of awesome-ness?

My vote would have to go for "Shaun of the Dead." With lines like 'Who died and made you king of the zombies? ' how can you not LOVE that movie?

2. If you were placed in a zombie movie, approximately how long would you live and why?

Hmm with my brains and good looks? I'd say I'd live right up to the last 15 minutes of the movie when a surprise plot twist results in a zombie attacking me from the behind and biting my neck.

3. What weapon have you found to be most useful against zombies?

My "boomstick"!!

4. Zombies. Good, bad, or just misunderstood?

Clearly misunderstood. Their need to eat brains is really them trying to reach out.

5. Cillian Murphy. Will he ever get past being type-cast as the hot creepy dude?

No. After seeing the Red Eye trailer I think it's clear that Cillian will always be the loveable creep next-door.

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