Tuesday, April 13, 2004

We thoughts you wass a toadddd....

I was driving home today when I started to think about all these little inside jokes Linzy, Tamila, Natalie, Hannah, and I had. I started laughing so hard that I almost had to pull over. It was great.

The one that really got me laughing had to do with the time when I was over at Natalie's for some kind of sleep over. See, I had told Tamila that there was all these dirty things in Disney films but she didn't believe me. So I started to give her examples. I told her about the "crude image" on the Little Mermaid poster, the word "sex" in Lion King", how Aladdin says "all teenagers take off your clothes", and then I told her about how there was a naked woman in The Rescuers. By that time everyone at Natalie's house (Linzy, Sam, Erin, and who knows who else) had been listening to our conversation. Tamila was really ticked that I could even THINK that Disney would do something dirty like that and said that she required proof. So I said "Fine, I'll just get on the internet and show you. I found this site the other day that has all the proof you'll ever need." So we left to go to Natalie's room to go check out the site on her lap top. Well, as we were in there I can hear the rest of the gang laughing and saying how disgusting is was we were looking at Disney porn. When I heard that I screamed "IT'S NOT PORN!!!" It was so funny because it echoed through the entire house. We all couldn't stop laughing.

Another one that still cracks Hannah up is the time, (once again we were at Natalie's house), that we had all gone out to get Sonic and we had gotten to the point where we had run out of topics to talk about. Some how we got on the topic of Ambesol and how it was supposed to be great for numbing your gums. Hannah then mentioned something about how she wasn't sure that the stuff worked too well. For some reason I decided to show my stupidity and say "One time I put it on my lips, just to test it, and they went numb for like 15 mins!" I swear I had never seen Hannah laugh so hard in my life. I believe Natalie was almost on the floor crying.

But that's just a taste of our little inside jokes. Hehe.

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