Sunday, April 11, 2004

Hahaha...yeah so...yeah.

Wow, if the Sp. 8 had to do a vote of who worries the most, is the most annoying/drama queen, or is the most self-concerned I'd win by a long shot (so I hear). WHOO HOO! Dude, I'd finally win a contest! Do you know how long it's been since I've won a contest?? I totally deserve a trophy (lol) !! I'm serious...I want my darn trophy (lol)!!!!

So Natalie, Hannah, and I hung out the other night. It was so great getting together with them because they're my only friends who read Neil Gaiman stuff. The night was filled with talk of Sandman and Good Omens. We ended up seeing Ella Enchanted, which really sucked, and then hanging out in the lobby talking about the most random stuff. I'm so glad that I can talk to someone about how John Williams is composing the same music for EVERY MOVIE HE DOES (Star Wars, Indiana Jones, ET, Minority Report, Harry Potter). I had been ranting about that since we had gotten the new Harry Potter trailer and all my co-workers thought I was crazy. Then we got onto the topic of which season of X-Files I should buy. I don't think we really decided but I do remember hearing Season 2 mentioned quite a bit. I almost told Hannah about me finding out that David Duchovny did some porn (I found that out the hard way...ew. Long story. Let's just say I STILL have problems watching X-Files without getting nasty mental images). I believe we also discussed why Ewan McGregor's new movie is rated NC-17. Justin calls it "porn with a plot". I mean, we could probably guess why it was rated that way but there was a debate whether or not we should view it and just fast forward through the nasty parts.

I really need to hang out with them more. I think I'll go to this week's MOrawk meeting.

So Natalie, Hannah, and I had this HUGE debate over who would make the best Sandman, if there series ever happen to make it to film and we concluded that Johnny Depp would perfect. I mean has the long face. It also helps that he's really hot and has that creepy look to him. If anyone else has read the Sandman series feel free to comment on our choice but I highly doubt that anyone else who reads this blog is dorky enough to read Neil Gaiman's graphic novels.

I've decided that my second choice in life would be to grow up to be a hobbit. Let's face it people, hobbits rock. Sure you have to deal with the big hairy feet and height issue but that's worth it when you consider that you'll be merry all the time! Dancing on tables, finding wicked awesome rings that make you invisible, and even hanging out with hobbits that are cool like Elijah Wood! Dude, that would rock!!!

Kristen has invited me to her murder mystery party and I'm totally excited. At Ashley's party I was "Ineda Man", the local flirt who worked at the post office, and I really didn't have that much of a part but this time I'm hoping that I'm the murderer. Kristen can you do that for me? I want to be all sneaky!!

Longfellow Deeds: Whoa, you kinda snuck up on me there...
Emilio: I am, very very sneaky Sr.

-Mr. Deeds

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