Friday, April 02, 2004

If bitten, I do bite back.

Tonight I decorate Alyson's car (not you ALISON. You have nothing to fear). It shall be beautiful. I have enlisted the help of Justin (co-worker) and possibly Daniel (guy training me in Booth/projection). Justin knew originally that I was going to do this so I really didn't have to ask him to keep a secret. As for Daniel, the only way he'll let me go on break is if I let him help. [Sandor, you are welcome to help but we have to do it around 11-ish. If we do it too early then things will start falling off.] I'm so afraid that when Alyson finally sees the car she'll attack me. She'll go right for the hair, I know it!!! I'm praying that she won't assume it's me but frankley, everyone knows that I do this whole car decoration gig. There's no use in trying to hide it. Maybe, if I'm lucky, she'll think Amanda did it lol.

Lori kind of knows what's going on but she couldn't and still can't figure out who I'm doing it to. Her first guess was Andrew probably because when we were at lunch the other day she was talking about how I could really get him good. I do plan getting him, but I have to do it at the least expected time. Anyway, so Lori couldn't figure out who tonight's victim is but I told her I'd show her the job once I was done. Which reminds me. I need to run home and grab the digital camera as well as a disposable?camera.

You all should see all the crap I got to put on Alyson's car. MUHAHAHA.

2-500 ft rolls of streamer. Green and Blue.
2-200 ft rolls of Saran Wrap
2-100 ft rolls of clear wrapping paper
4 or 5 "Window Chalk" pens
5 or 6 sporkes decorated with random sayings about sporkes
other random items that shall be taped to the car

I saw Hell Boy last night and it really wasn't bad! In fact I'll probably rent it on video. Laurie kept making really funny comments all the way through the movie. I almost poked her a few times so that I wouldn't laugh during one of those sappy love scenes. There's just something funny about a big red guy with filed down hornes kissing a girl who's who covered in blue flames.

Twords the end of the movie Laurie and I decided that we need a tail like Hell Boy. That way we could use it to do things that once seemed impossible. Like pat our heads and rub our bellies at the same time.

Laurie said I looked really cute in my new 99 cent scarf and bright green V.S. top (Ashley you saw that top. It's the one I wore when we went downtown). Which is awesome because I was a little skeptical of that whole ensemble. DARN THE REST OF YOU PEOPLE FOR NOT COMMENTING ON HOW CUTE I LOOKED!!

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