Saturday, September 24, 2005

Chipper Friday five

AHH! My McSweeney's and art that I bought from the Mud House came today!

Five things that make you giggle:
Becca's honking, the "Just Friends" trailer, the rabid squirrels on campus chasing the Freshmen, the "Caper" email by Strongbad, and Andrew's voice mail.

Five things that made you smile today:
Finding out that my McSweeney's books and art from the Mud House came, the mental image of my mother trying to put a tiny sweater on our Dachshund, "Moo-ze", "Is that a Star Wars Fraternity?", and hearing that Deborah has used her valuable time to teach her bird how to bark.

Most entertaining word:

Most enjoyable time of the day:
The second I see my replacement come in to work and know that I get to go home and cuddle with my Xbox.

Best 5 seconds of your life:
Hm. Tough one. Probably the first 5 seconds I got to put my arm around Jared Leto and got a nice whiff of his awesome cologne. Mmm.

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