Yes. In case you were wondering I AM cool enough to make my own "I (Brain) Zombies" shirt. Does anyone else find it funny that you can clearly see my dorky toothbrush in the background?
EDIT: So I am proud to say that my entire church, with the exception of Andrew and possibly James, thinks I'm insane for wearing this shirt, which is awesome because now I can blame random outbursts during service on my mental instability. Whoohoo!
METAL class is getting better...well not really better but more tolerable (watch today go horribly). I turned in my ring project...ugh. On a side note: there is this girl in my class who says I look like a character from her web comic, "College Bound". She is so convinced that I am this character that she calls me "Brick". In fact she took a picture of me the other day to send to her boyfriend so that they could discuss how much I look like this character. I'll admit it's a bit creepy but what are you gonna do?
I am often told that I remind people of some sort of cartoon character. I guess it's because I'm so ANIMATED!! Ha-ha-ha!!! ::rofl:: Oh, the joke was bad...but anyway...I usually just take that as a compliment or if I am referred to as the "right" cartoon character I kick them in the shin and run off. I swear if I get called Velma ever again I scream like Dakota Fanning in War of the Worlds and don't think anyone wants that.