iTunes: "
I Turn My Camera On" by Spoon
I am: lethargic
I love Wal-Mart. Wait. Correction. I love the toy section of Wal-Mart. I was hanging around there today and ran into the new Furby that apparently recognizes speech. You pat it's belly and it'll ask you "You...friend?" and then you are supposed to respond.

So there I am. Standing in front of this adorable and yet freaky thing while it asks me if I'm it's friend over and over. I look around...make sure no one was around...and quietly respond "yes" in hopes that it would shut up. Then it starts freakin' out and made what sounded like some sort of obnoxious "crying" noise. Naturally it drew all sorts of attention. I have never been so embarrassed. Clearly this "Furby" is made by Satan.
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