Thursday, October 06, 2005

Nice gate...yeah...

iTunes: "Right Through You" by Alanis Morissette (the acoustic version)
I am: popping Tylenol like it's some sort of sweet, sweet candy.

My lungs/chest/whatever are killing me this morning. This is the second time in the last week I've had these terrible pain attacks that have lasted over 24 hours. I probably have a lung tumor or lung cancer or maybe even some sort of freakish virus that causes my lungs to turn to mush. I'm probably going to die. Try to get Muse to play at the Wake. Invite George Lucas and then when he walks in the door, jump him. Just thought I'd let you know.

Anyway, why didn't anyone tell me about this Jagged Little Pill Acoustic album sooner? I typically do not enjoy the "Emo-ness" of Ms. Morissette but this album is toned down compared to the original. I hate you all for not mentioning it. None of you will be included in my will.

In other news I have had this package for someone sitting on my desk for over two weeks now because I cannot seem to find the time to drop by the post office and get it out of my hair. I feel super bad about it because I told the person to be expecting it...and that was like, what? A month ago? I am a super fabulous person. Super. I am considering just giving the silly thing to Andrew with a stack of cash and asking him politely to mail it for me. Then if he won't I'll attempt to blackmail him. And when that doesn't work, I will beg.

Saw A History of Violence last night. Talk about your inappropriate sex scenes. Uck. It's pretty bad when the entire audience laughs uncomfortably at a sex scene. The movie was slow, but awesome. The dialog sucked but the fight scenes rocked my face off! I give it 3 stars.

Example of the worst dialog since Episode One:
Character 1: "Nice gate..."
Character 2: "Yeah."

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