Thursday, October 30, 2003
Alison and I start these weird conversations...
Justin Timberlake will hire us to work for his Birthday party. He'll pay us thousands. "We could meet celebrities and perform our disappearing act on those unworthy such as... Brittany spears (he would love that) and so on". We'll be rich and buy lots and lots of computer games. Yes, we have found our purpose in life. As she says "WHOO HOO finally."

You are Trinity, from "The Matrix."
Strong, beautiful- you epitomize the ultimate
What Matrix Persona Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Puppet theater cracks my butt!
Looks like the mutant's hiding in this old darkened cathedral.
Jean Grey:
...Which means there's probably mountains of religious symbolism coming.
Fear the reverb on my German!
We come in peace. Now take off your shirt.
Wow, you guys are right to the point...
I kill anything that moves with my claws!
Marry me.
Guess I'll go ahead and do what every fangirl in the audience is dreaming of right now.
We hate you, Mystique.
Argh, Rogue or Jean Grey...can I have both?
I refuse to take any more of this abuse. *DIES*
Jean Grey:
There's no other choice...I must sacrifice myself and let you all escape.
I could help you lift the ship.
Jean Grey:
I could teleport you to safety.
Jean Grey:
I could make winds push the water back.
Jean Grey:
Just let me kill myself already!
Noooo, my lover is dead!
Well, I mourn her more!
No, I mourn her more!
Woohoo, less competition!
This site is so great. I totally suggest that you all vist it. There are even little pictures to go along with the dialog. ITS SO GREAT!
Monday, October 27, 2003
Buttons rock!
Friday, October 24, 2003
::takes deep breath::
its funny because I handle stress very well. It used to be that when i was confronted with a problem in which I am being beaten down, I'd just go off and cry like a little baby but now that I've matured I can sit there and take it. I am very proud of myself. I didn't cry!!! I HAVE GROWN UP (it only took 16 years)!
I... I... just can't type anymore.
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
I called to get my work times today then I remembered that I have this art club/service learning hours project on thur the same time as when I work. So I asked Rebecca to cover my shift then made sure everything was ok with my manager(s). I don't think he was pleased. When he first picked up he sounded all cheery but then when I asked if it would be ok for her to cover my shift his whole tone changed. I think I upset him (something which I had no intent on doing). I hate putting people in a bad mood, I think its because I have this obsession with pleasing certain people. Its weird because I can piss off Ashley and care less (lol).
I took this great care bear quiz today. It made me laugh.

Raver Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Thursday, October 16, 2003
OOoo someone with a point!
My finger hurts. I burned it on the hot glue gun, who would have thought that a "hot glue gun" would be so hot. The bad thing about the hot glue is that when it gets on your finger (and burns all heck out of it) it stays there unlike boiling water which you can wipe off. I've got this BIG blister on my finger now. Its kind of cool.
I went to quizialla today and took some fun tests. I am pretty sure that this sounds like me. If you disagree then please comment. I love the picture though! How cool is that??
You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal.
"And The Phoenix's cycle had reached
zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He
emerged from his own ashes, to be forever
Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl
(Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum
The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life,
the number 0, and the element of fire.
His sign is the eclipsed sun.
As a member of Form 0, you are a determined
individual. You tend to keep your sense of
optomism, even through tough times and have a
positive outlook on most situations. You have
a way of looking at going through life as a
journey that you can constantly learn from.
Phoenixes are the best friends to have because
they cheer people up easily.
Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Not again
made another comment about me and this time it was to Kristen. Appearently he said something like "Oh my God is Laura wearing the Same sparkle eye shaddow as you?" I guess some other things were said. Whatever. I'm sick of being friends with people who are friends with this jerk. So I refuse to hang out with "THOSE PEOPLE" (they know who they are). I think they'll take note of it tomorrow.
Now he's telling Ashley that he knows I'm copying Kristen because I put on eye makeup right after she did!! ITS ALL CRAP!! I don't even carry eye makeup!! SHe didn't even put on eye makeup today!!
I want to hit him and my fear is that I will.
I want to throw up. I want to just puke everything that I am up. Its totally not fair that he's doing this to me! I did nothing to deserve this! HE is just like MATT COLEMAN!! He dresses like him
There is a reason I tired to be invisable all through high school; to avoid these kind of butt-heads that want to mess with your life.
Monday, October 13, 2003
In the famous words of Ottis Redding
"And look like nothin's gonna come my way
So I'm just gonna sit on the dock of the bay
Watching the tide roll away
Ooo, I'm sittin' on the dock of the bay
Wastin' time
Look like nothing's gonna change
Everything still remains the same"
Thursday, October 09, 2003
Bless me!
CSI is on tonight ya!!! I'm so happy. Greg, the DNA guy, is my hero!! I LOVE HIM SOOO MUCH!!! AHH! He's so cool!
So I have to work concession this weekend. Yuck...I had finally gotten to the point where my clothes and car didn't smell like popcorn.
Crap is happening at work that people are really pissed about (I'm not quite as upset as them but whatever).
Look if you can't take the teasing don't dish it!! Little underclassmen need to grow up and learn that teasing is teasing, its not serious! I'm really sick of this guy who can't take a joke. Sure he can dog peopple all he wants but once someone else says something to him he freaks out and goes "YOU DON'T LIKE ME!!! BOO HOO!! I'm so sad!"
Sunday, October 05, 2003
The weirdo speaks again!
I feel like a freak and not in that "oo cool, now I'm a freak" sort of way. Never before have I had a problem with being one until now. I am constantly being called weird and for some strange reason its just now setting in that, that could possibly be an insult (lol). Its not my fault that I say the wrong things at the wrong times, that's just me trying to say the right thing but failing horribly.
Seriously, if you think you say the wrong things then you should hear me! The stupidist things come out of my mouth and I sware when I hear it in my head they sound soooo different. I may also, possibly, be annoying but I'm not sure (I'll have to get back to you on that one lol). I have had people tell me that they are amazed that I stay so calm when I embarrass myself. My comment back to them is something like "I embarassed myself? When?"
I just want to be a fun person to be with and I hope I am (my friends tend to think so).
Friday, October 03, 2003
n : an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
A small exclusive group of friends or associates.
I hate cliques with a passion. I know I usually ended up in one from 7th to 11th grade but now that I'm a Sr. I hate them with a passion. Its just not cool to exclude other people. In fact its really immature.
The way I see it a clique consists of these main parts:
1. The Ringleader
This is the person who controls the entire group and holds the most power. Seen as the most popular or attractive, The group typically follows his/her every move. Gatherings are almost always at the ringleader's house.
2. Second in Command
The Best friend too the Ringleader. Like the vice president he/she fills in where needed. Holds the second most power.
3. The Suck-ups
Their only purpose is to kiss up as much as possible. The ONLY REASON why they are third, power wise is because the ringleaders think they are perfect little angels who could do no harm when the truth is they are secretly out to overthrow the leader.Sad Sad people.
4. Wanna be's
These are the rest of the people in the clique. They prance around admiring the ringleader.Consisting of the "funny one", the "Arty one", the "sporty one", or whatever other label you can slap on them.
When it comes down to it they think they're better then everyone else. They are usually tightly knit and don't let "outsiders" in very easily. It sucks. Its not nice to other people and I'm ashamed that I was ever in one. I never want to exclude anyone from anything EVER.
Its been a bad night. If you know me then you know that I am constantly smiling or laughing about something but that's not the case tonight. Do you ever feel like your invisible, like no one really notices whether or not you're there? I hate that feeling. Usually I just shake it by thinking all the funny things that happened that day or about Katelyn O'Connor saying "Because I'm not a jerk!" (lol!) but there comes a point when a person can smile no longer. I don't feel like being all happy and ditzy today or tomorrow. I don't think people even notice that I do that to make a positive impact on them. Tomorrow I don't think I'll smile and see if anyone notices. Chances are they won't because they haven't before but whatever.
I feel very....forsaken (is that the right word?). Like no one cares whether or not I laugh at the hard stuff and try to be positive. I don't know. Its late and I'm sure I'm only saying this because I'm so tired. i'll be back to my bubble-ly self soon enough. No worries!