Monday, September 30, 2002

Things still suck....

One of my managers called today. I guess I need to sign some evaluation. Yikes! I hope I did ok. No worries right? Yeah...Hannah isn't home. I tried to call her a few times but no one answered. I think she is avoding me (lol). I also think I call that house WAY too much. Her mother actually jokes about me calling. I hope that's a good sign (lol). I guess she is still at OTC. Bummer.

At the moment I am talking to Ashley. She's telling me about the wreck she had last June. It messed up her bumper up pretty bad. Lol, I sware, I think Ashley's car is ATTRACTED to other cars (not in the romantic sense although seeing two cars go out on a date would be pretty ammusing. I'd pay to see it happen!). She keeps getting into these accidents that are't her fault. I was with her the other day when this lady completely backed right up into her! It was soooo funny (as you can tell we weren't hurt, if we were we probably wouldn't of been laughing). The lady got out and all she could say was "I'm sooooo sorry. I was totally listening to my daughted and not paying attention to the road. I'm soooo sorry!!". All Ashley and I could do was laugh. I mean this lady was just such an air-head. I hav no clue how she got a car!! Lol, anyway I hope nothing bad happens next time she's driving.

Now for some Bealtes Lyrics:
Born a poor young country boy
Mother Nature's Son
All day long I'm sitting
singing songs for every one

Sit beside a mountain stream
See her waters rise
Listen to the pretty
sound of music as she flies
tu tu tu, tu, du tu

Find me in my field of grass
Mother Nature's Son
swaying daisies sing
a lazy song beneath the sun
tu tu, yeah yeah yeah

Ah, Mother Nature's Son

Ok I am convinve that this song is refering to drugs. I am have to be right!! I mean come on.."field of grass". I think we all know what that means. Yeah well still listen to the song. Its really kick @ss!

Mood Music: Mother Nature's Son- The Bealtes

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