Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Now I’m falling asleep...

In my Ears: "Mr. Brightside" by The Killers
I am: not suprisingly, going to be very very tired in the morning

As I was surfing around this morning/evening/whatever you would call it 30 minuites ago, I glanced upon an article about the "Top 10 Dumb Chick Victims" . I must say that I agree with everything that was said, COMPLETELY. What makes me giggle, just a tad bit, was the one part about Final Destination and the TERRRIBLE "dumb chick death" featured in that movie (which is quite funny because I was thinking this exact thing while watching FD on TV a few nights ago)...

As the writer says....

7. Amanda Detmer / Final Destination
Who walks BACKWARDS into the
street and NOT notice a huge bus coming their way? Two words. Peripheral vision. Unless you are completely blind, you should be able to tell from the side of
your eye if you are about to be plowed by a big f*cking bus. Granted, this
character was doomed from the moment she stepped off the plane, and was probably going to die anyways in some other lucrative and imaginative way, but come on!! Use some common sense, girl! Didn’t your mother teach you to look both ways before crossing the damn street?

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