Thursday, June 23, 2005

I glued my head to my shoulder, now I have two owies

I have come to the realization that "Just a little while" is one of the DIRTIEST Janet Jackson songs I have ever heard. Let's face it people, Janet Jackson has some pretty gosh darn dirty songs out there. She's not the little Janet we all grew up to love. Why I still have this song on iTunes is beyond me.

Repeating on iTunes: "New Born" by Muse
I am: contemplating world domination

Yet another memorable conversation with Hannah:

Me: I could totally apply at the Mud House but I don't think they'd hire me. I'm not indie enough.
Hannah: I believe that makes you over qualified to serve coffee.
Me: I guess, but during the interview process they'd ask me what my favorite Pixies song was. I'd pretty much be screwed then considering I'm not a fan.
Hannah: Just answer Caribou and you'll be fine.
Me: Yeah I guess, but what if I end up hanging out after work with a bunch of the employees and we get on the topic of what the meaning of life is? I'm CLEARLY not indie enough to answer that!
Hannah: Just say Caribou. They'll think you're a genius. ::mimicking Mud House staff who apparently speak in a somewhat British accent:: "Wow, I never though of it like that. You are so right! Caribou is the answer to life!"
Me: ::silence:: ::thinks:: Ok, so that might actually work for a while but at some point I'd blow it by saying something like, "I enjoy dancing around in a tutu and blowing bubbles on the weekends."
Hannah: Hey! Maybe you'll meet a cute indie boy with glasses who works there who enjoys that sort of thing.
Me: Yeah...(sarcasm) that's what I want. A guy who's fetish is me dancing around in a tutu.

The genius Michael (Natalie/Hannah friend that I am only a friend with through association. Therfore we really aren't friends but then again I am a friend with all creatures of God. I'm just that cute) who respects Jim Croce as much as I do, or atleast he did when I last talked to him at that New Year's Eve party a few years back if I remember correctly which I probably don't, has posted quite the interesting post. I do encourage those of you "Who Put Letters to Other People On Their Blogs, Especially When the People To Whom The Letter Is Addressed Will Probably Never Read The Blog In" to read such post. So I beg all of you, do not give into the trend, stop posting random angry letters, love one another, and rant in the normal way.

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