Wednesday, March 31, 2004

You say petite as if it were a bad thing

Today was nice. I was able to see both Lady Killers and Eternal Sunshine... . Sure both movies were a giant let down but hey, atleast I can tell people that they suck.

I learned an important lesson today, no matter how you say it, guys will always be insulted if you call them small, short, tiny, or any label of that kind. See I don't hang around many guys so I learn things like this the hard way. Lol as I've said three times today, "I'm a bit slow on the uptake."

Hehe that reminds me. The PETRA (rock climbing place in town) guys came today to my outdoor living class to teach us how to repel and how to get our harnesses on. It was so funny because these poor guys kept walking over to me and help me with my knot problems. I must admit some of the screw ups I did on purpose just so that they come over. This guy in my class, Chris something was seriously worried about me attempting to rope climb lol. He kept walking over and making sure I was doing everything the "right way." Then at the end of class he walks over and says "so do you think you'll be able to get the hang of this by next friday (when we'll be tested over what we've learned. If we don't pass then we don't rock climb.)?" I just laughed. Ooo those PETRA guys were hot.

I spent most of 2nd and 3rd hour helping Mrs. Bylander frame some pieces of art work for the Senior show. The best part of doing all that framing was the humor that came from trying to remove the tiny spring-like pieces that held the picture down against the glass. Mrs. Bylander had made a special point of telling Kristen and I that we had to be careful because one could fling out and poke an eye out. Sure we didn't listen too closely, honestly, we didn't believe her. Hehe yeah we probably should have been more careful because during the last 15 mins of class a spring popped out and flew half way cross the room. I could feel the breeze from the spring. I couldn't stop laughing. Kristen was just moderately amused.

Alison came by my 2nd hour to show off her dandy new nose piercing. Lol it looks so tiny!! I was expecting a ring not something like a nail through her nose. It's cute! She has the right amount of nose dimpling for it.

Nose Dimpling (sometimes refered to as Nose Dimple-ige by Kristen and I)- A small natural indentation in the flesh on a part of the human nose around the nostrils.

Alison and I have the best online conversations.

ALiSoN283 (This is Alison) : mwhahaha
ALiSoN283: gay badger
ALiSoN283: haha
HOTsauceOBSESSED: you have GOT to stop with that gay badger stuff
HOTsauceOBSESSED: it's way weird
HOTsauceOBSESSED: funny but weird
ALiSoN283: lol
HOTsauceOBSESSED: everytime you say it I picture a badger in a tutu
ALiSoN283: hahaha
ALiSoN283: good
ALiSoN283: lol laura i have face jewelry
ALiSoN283: :-D
HOTsauceOBSESSED: yes, yes you do
HOTsauceOBSESSED: I'm going to poke your nose tomorrow
ALiSoN283: i kep jsut wanting to touch and i'm not supposed to mess with it
ALiSoN283: lol go ahead
HOTsauceOBSESSED: I will jab it
HOTsauceOBSESSED: and I shall jab it with all my might
ALiSoN283: that sounds alittle kinky laura

Then later...

ALiSoN283: *mutters under breathe* gay badger
HOTsauceOBSESSED: That's fine
HOTsauceOBSESSED: I'll just say Gay Leprechauns on Steroids
ALiSoN283: just put gay on everything
ALiSoN283: makes it more interesting and people think you are crazed
ALiSoN283: its great
HOTsauceOBSESSED: yeah it's too late for them NOT to think that
HOTsauceOBSESSED: I am way wacko
ALiSoN283: lol do you smoke the wacky tabacy?
HOTsauceOBSESSED: I can't believe you just said that
HOTsauceOBSESSED: that is the most uncool thing you've ever said
ALiSoN283: thanks
ALiSoN283: lol
HOTsauceOBSESSED: and I look up to you and your coolness
HOTsauceOBSESSED: because you're mondo cool
ALiSoN283: i'm mondo huh? wow never been called that before
ALiSoN283: lol
HOTsauceOBSESSED: there is a first time for everything
HOTsauceOBSESSED: I had to stop using wicked awesome because it was becoming over used
HOTsauceOBSESSED: so now it's mondo cool
HOTsauceOBSESSED: and Alison, you are mondo cool
ALiSoN283: wicked anything can never be over used
HOTsauceOBSESSED: oh but it has
ALiSoN283: lol i use "wicked sweet" and "hella" all the time
HOTsauceOBSESSED: I'm trying to use "awesome, awesome to the max!!"
HOTsauceOBSESSED: but it didn't catch on
HOTsauceOBSESSED: ooo I should use "hella good" alot
ALiSoN283: yeah saying awesome twice in a sentence just looses its edge

even later in the night

ALiSoN283: my nose itches and i cant scratch it!
HOTsauceOBSESSED: I'll scratch it!
ALiSoN283: lol you are evil
HOTsauceOBSESSED: look alison I'm doing something you can't do
ALiSoN283: You're the DEVIL!
ALiSoN283: but my nose is so damn cute!
ALiSoN283: its worth the hole
HOTsauceOBSESSED: I'm sure it is
HOTsauceOBSESSED: holes are the trend this year

quote of the day : "Well ok, but I don't want people to think we're robo-sexuals. If anyone asks, you're my debugger." -Bender Futurama Season One Episode One

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