Thursday, March 18, 2004

I'm having a bad life

"I'm having a bad life"...I think that's a quote from some teen movie.

I came to school today expecting to have a super day because that's what's supposed to happen! You're supposed to have a really crappy day and then the next day will be super! theory is crap.

First block was fine. The final was easy. It was second block that killed me. Bylander looked at the portfolio and said nothing...nothing. She gave me a B!!! Yet she wouldn't give me some constructive criticism. NONE. I worked my butt off this year to become better at drawing. Appearently I haven't improved.

It doesn't help that like 5 dozen skinny people came up to me this past week and told me that THEY'RE FAT. I hate that so much!! I hate that I look over at Ashley and she's all skinny and toned because she's been going to the gym every day and I TRY to go to the gym and I am GAINING weight.

HAHaha and to top it all off, I don't like going to work anymore. A certain someone makes my life hell there. I'm a person DAMN IT!!! So treat me like it!!!!

When I go home today I am going to burn my sketch book and take a picture of the beautiful flames. Then I'm going to get the film developed and show Mrs. Bylander. I'll tell her it's my best work yet then laugh manicly MUAHAHAHA!!!!

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