Thursday, May 05, 2005

Obsession is a 9 letter word

I am: Less itchy more...uh..twitchy
Theme Music: I haven't listened to my iPod in at least a week because of the "pox" so this category will be left blank for the moment

NEED....SOCIAL INTERACTION......WITH...... REAL HUMAN BEINGS!! Dear Lord, I have been stuck in this house for so long that I am about to go insane. INSANE I SAY! Last night I was so bored that I started drawing random things like, a pencil, some tape, and then RYAN REYNOLDS! GOD NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Actually the picture looks really awesome BUT I PROMISED MYSELF I WOULD NEVER DO FAN ART!! NEVER!!! Oh the new lows I have sunk to! Now I'm one of the sick, sad, pathetic, people known as fan artists. WHY??? WHYYYYYYYY?!

Disclosure: I totally still think you're cool Hannah. You are the exception to the rule. Your Jude Law picture rocked my face off.

On a side note: I haven't had hot sauce in 2 weeks now because it is stuck at my dorms and I am stuck here. My tongue misses that sweet sweet taste. I had to eat fried chicken last night without it. Uck. It was disgusting. Then today I had to eat cottage cheese without it! Double UCK! I'd love to go to the store and buy so but I'd also love to not contaminate the entire city of Springfield with chicken pox. Hmmm. What will I do?

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