Sunday, May 29, 2005

As if X-Files needed to get any cooler

Theme Song: "Old School Hollywood" by System of a Down
I am: not amused

I was surprise and quite impressed to find out that, yes Virginia, X-Files can get cooler. Upon stumbling upon an old episode at 1 AM, I was shocked to see... the one, the only, BRUCE CAMPBELL! That's right...BRUCE FREAKIN CAMPBELL WAS ON X-FILES! I immediately went all wide eyed and quite possibly stopped breathing for several minutes. Sadly the "not-so-genius" creators of this fine show did not use Bruce to his full potential. For you see, he was playing a devil that was impregnating Multiple women, then stealing their babies in hopes of attempting to father a "normal baby" (aka a child who literally does not sprout horns while still in the womb). It saddens me to say that the make-up that was pasted onto Bruce was...well shoty. While in "devil/demon" form he sported red face paint, plastic horns, and a very pointy beard/chin. Talk about cliche. ::shakes head in disappointment:: I believe a little piece of every Army of Darkness fan died that day.

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