Today was nice. I was able to see both Lady Killers and Eternal Sunshine... . Sure both movies were a giant let down but hey, atleast I can tell people that they suck.
I learned an important lesson today, no matter how you say it, guys will always be insulted if you call them small, short, tiny, or any label of that kind. See I don't hang around many guys so I learn things like this the hard way. Lol as I've said three times today, "I'm a bit slow on the uptake."
Hehe that reminds me. The PETRA (rock climbing place in town) guys came today to my outdoor living class to teach us how to repel and how to get our harnesses on. It was so funny because these poor guys kept walking over to me and help me with my knot problems. I must admit some of the screw ups I did on purpose just so that they come over. This guy in my class, Chris something was seriously worried about me attempting to rope climb lol. He kept walking over and making sure I was doing everything the "right way." Then at the end of class he walks over and says "so do you think you'll be able to get the hang of this by next friday (when we'll be tested over what we've learned. If we don't pass then we don't rock climb.)?" I just laughed. Ooo those PETRA guys were hot.
I spent most of 2nd and 3rd hour helping Mrs. Bylander frame some pieces of art work for the Senior show. The best part of doing all that framing was the humor that came from trying to remove the tiny spring-like pieces that held the picture down against the glass. Mrs. Bylander had made a special point of telling Kristen and I that we had to be careful because one could fling out and poke an eye out. Sure we didn't listen too closely, honestly, we didn't believe her. Hehe yeah we probably should have been more careful because during the last 15 mins of class a spring popped out and flew half way cross the room. I could feel the breeze from the spring. I couldn't stop laughing. Kristen was just moderately amused.
Alison came by my 2nd hour to show off her dandy new nose piercing. Lol it looks so tiny!! I was expecting a ring not something like a nail through her nose. It's cute! She has the right amount of nose dimpling for it.
Nose Dimpling (sometimes refered to as Nose Dimple-ige by Kristen and I)- A small natural indentation in the flesh on a part of the human nose around the nostrils.
Alison and I have the best online conversations.
ALiSoN283 (This is Alison) : mwhahaha
ALiSoN283: gay badger
ALiSoN283: haha
HOTsauceOBSESSED: you have GOT to stop with that gay badger stuff
HOTsauceOBSESSED: it's way weird
HOTsauceOBSESSED: funny but weird
ALiSoN283: lol
HOTsauceOBSESSED: everytime you say it I picture a badger in a tutu
ALiSoN283: hahaha
ALiSoN283: good
ALiSoN283: lol laura i have face jewelry
ALiSoN283: :-D
HOTsauceOBSESSED: yes, yes you do
HOTsauceOBSESSED: I'm going to poke your nose tomorrow
ALiSoN283: i kep jsut wanting to touch and i'm not supposed to mess with it
ALiSoN283: lol go ahead
HOTsauceOBSESSED: I will jab it
HOTsauceOBSESSED: and I shall jab it with all my might
ALiSoN283: that sounds alittle kinky laura
Then later...
ALiSoN283: *mutters under breathe* gay badger
HOTsauceOBSESSED: That's fine
HOTsauceOBSESSED: I'll just say Gay Leprechauns on Steroids
ALiSoN283: just put gay on everything
ALiSoN283: makes it more interesting and people think you are crazed
ALiSoN283: its great
HOTsauceOBSESSED: yeah it's too late for them NOT to think that
HOTsauceOBSESSED: I am way wacko
ALiSoN283: lol do you smoke the wacky tabacy?
HOTsauceOBSESSED: I can't believe you just said that
HOTsauceOBSESSED: that is the most uncool thing you've ever said
ALiSoN283: thanks
ALiSoN283: lol
HOTsauceOBSESSED: and I look up to you and your coolness
HOTsauceOBSESSED: because you're mondo cool
ALiSoN283: i'm mondo huh? wow never been called that before
ALiSoN283: lol
HOTsauceOBSESSED: there is a first time for everything
HOTsauceOBSESSED: I had to stop using wicked awesome because it was becoming over used
HOTsauceOBSESSED: so now it's mondo cool
HOTsauceOBSESSED: and Alison, you are mondo cool
ALiSoN283: wicked anything can never be over used
HOTsauceOBSESSED: oh but it has
ALiSoN283: lol i use "wicked sweet" and "hella" all the time
HOTsauceOBSESSED: I'm trying to use "awesome, awesome to the max!!"
HOTsauceOBSESSED: but it didn't catch on
HOTsauceOBSESSED: ooo I should use "hella good" alot
ALiSoN283: yeah saying awesome twice in a sentence just looses its edge
even later in the night
ALiSoN283: my nose itches and i cant scratch it!
HOTsauceOBSESSED: I'll scratch it!
ALiSoN283: lol you are evil
HOTsauceOBSESSED: look alison I'm doing something you can't do
ALiSoN283: You're the DEVIL!
ALiSoN283: but my nose is so damn cute!
ALiSoN283: its worth the hole
HOTsauceOBSESSED: I'm sure it is
HOTsauceOBSESSED: holes are the trend this year
quote of the day : "Well ok, but I don't want people to think we're robo-sexuals. If anyone asks, you're my debugger." -Bender Futurama Season One Episode One
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
And sometimes Hanson does make your day better
I feel so weird saying this but Hanson (their new single, which rocks by the way) has really brightened my day. BRING ON THE BAD NEWS!! I have Hanson to cheer me up!! lol
Tehehhehe. Mistakes were made, computers shall be blamed.
You know that feeling that you get before you get on a rollercoaster? That anticipation; the lump in your throat and the turning stomach, it gets people everytime. It mostly causes people to back out when really they regret not going because you never know if you would have had fun or not. Man, the first time I was in line for Wildfire ("Steal your" Dollar City's newest rollercoaster) I was freakin' out. Ashley just kept telling me that I would be fine but for some reason I just kept imagining myself flying right out of my seat and falling to my death hundreds of feet below. My heart was pounding so hard that Ashley said she could hear it. I watched the people in front of me get into their seat and joyfully wait for the ride to start. A few seconds later they were off and the sounds of screams followed. I kept trying to back out of going but some part of me just wanted to go for the experience. When it came for our group to go we all piled in. I was so scared that I was shaking. The first drop came and I felt my stomach go into my throat. Then there were the various loops. In the end I came out laughing. I had never had so much fun in my life. Now Wild Fire is my favorite ride. Yeah, I hate that feeling of anxiety. Last night on the Real World, Leah had to do this bungee jumping mission and she totally flipped out. She started crying and hyperventelating. Then they had to call an ambulance to try and get her to breathe. It was so sad. I really felt her pain. Sure I would have ended up jumping and possibly NOT FAILING THE MISSION FOR MY TEAM but I understand how anxiety can get the best of you. I guess my point is that when you're given a new experience you should go for it because you'll always regret it if you don't. You'll always question the outcome. Trust me, I've passed up on a bunch of stuff and I regret it.
I've got this massive blister on my finger from the beautiful teapot that sits in my kitchen. Who would have thought that a ketal stays hot for so long. DARN THE TEAPOTS OF THE WORLD!!! It's really starting to annoy me (the blister, not the teapot) because it just won't go away. I've been wearing a band-aid for about 3 days now.
I think I've told about 5 people that they are helping me move into my dorm next year, all of which are girls and can't lift all that much. I know Amanda said she's coming with me to go dorm shopping and possibly help me decorate. I'm worried about bringing my PS2 and brand new TV. First of all I doubt the new TV will even FIT in the dorm room considering how big it is. Second, I really don't want my lovely PS2 to get stolen. I'd cry if it did. Well, I'd hunt down the theif, brutally murder them, and then cry because most likely I wouldn't be able to get it back. I'd probably slaughter them before they had a chance to tell me where they took it.
I stocked up on car vandilizing supplies the other night. I have a brand new "Car Chalk" pen and some streamers. I am making plans but nothing is final. I think I should go all out on the next car I do. I'm thinking 2, 500ft rolls of streamers and possibly tying some coke bottles to the exhaust pipe. I'm also considering some antenna decoration. Ribbons? Home made antenna balls? I'm just not sure. The next two cars that I do will have to be my best work yet. The last random vandalising that I did was so boring. It consisted of me just writing on Amanda's car, Megan's car, and convincing Chad that he probably wouldn't get fired if he wrote on Andrew's car (he only wrote the word "CORK". Whoo hoo. Big freakin' deal!!!
So here I am sitting in journalism waiting for something interesting to happen and wondering why that stupid Hulk action figure won't stop staring at me. I'm a little freaked out by it. It looks all nasty. It's teeth are just so...weird looking. And they way the made the muscles makes him look like he has some serious steroid issues. Yuck. If I had a digital camera I would totally take a picture of it because people must know the horror of this doll.
Well actuall I can probably find a picture of it online....
Here it is.....
Isn't it freaky? What's up with the purple pants? I mean purple with green?? Where they on crack when they came up with that color combination. He looks like a gay leprechaun on steroids!!!
I guess that's it for the day. Enjoy my weirdness!
I've got this massive blister on my finger from the beautiful teapot that sits in my kitchen. Who would have thought that a ketal stays hot for so long. DARN THE TEAPOTS OF THE WORLD!!! It's really starting to annoy me (the blister, not the teapot) because it just won't go away. I've been wearing a band-aid for about 3 days now.
I think I've told about 5 people that they are helping me move into my dorm next year, all of which are girls and can't lift all that much. I know Amanda said she's coming with me to go dorm shopping and possibly help me decorate. I'm worried about bringing my PS2 and brand new TV. First of all I doubt the new TV will even FIT in the dorm room considering how big it is. Second, I really don't want my lovely PS2 to get stolen. I'd cry if it did. Well, I'd hunt down the theif, brutally murder them, and then cry because most likely I wouldn't be able to get it back. I'd probably slaughter them before they had a chance to tell me where they took it.
I stocked up on car vandilizing supplies the other night. I have a brand new "Car Chalk" pen and some streamers. I am making plans but nothing is final. I think I should go all out on the next car I do. I'm thinking 2, 500ft rolls of streamers and possibly tying some coke bottles to the exhaust pipe. I'm also considering some antenna decoration. Ribbons? Home made antenna balls? I'm just not sure. The next two cars that I do will have to be my best work yet. The last random vandalising that I did was so boring. It consisted of me just writing on Amanda's car, Megan's car, and convincing Chad that he probably wouldn't get fired if he wrote on Andrew's car (he only wrote the word "CORK". Whoo hoo. Big freakin' deal!!!
So here I am sitting in journalism waiting for something interesting to happen and wondering why that stupid Hulk action figure won't stop staring at me. I'm a little freaked out by it. It looks all nasty. It's teeth are just so...weird looking. And they way the made the muscles makes him look like he has some serious steroid issues. Yuck. If I had a digital camera I would totally take a picture of it because people must know the horror of this doll.
Well actuall I can probably find a picture of it online....
Here it is.....

Isn't it freaky? What's up with the purple pants? I mean purple with green?? Where they on crack when they came up with that color combination. He looks like a gay leprechaun on steroids!!!
I guess that's it for the day. Enjoy my weirdness!
Monday, March 29, 2004
I love Cumulus Clouds!!
Sure the sky is about to open up and pour like it's never poured before but hey, why not enjoy the beautiful calm before the storm. I only wish I had some blue paint because I love Cumulus Clouds!!! Watch me turn into some weirdo who paints clouds for a living.
I shall become a ninja this week. I'll be as quick as the wind. Muhahaha. I need some kind of awesome ninja name. Hmm. I'll see if Alison has any ideas. Last night she had no faith in my ninja abilities. She says that I'll probably end up falling on my face. Which is probably true.
I think I'll go sit by my window and finish reading "The Shining".
I shall become a ninja this week. I'll be as quick as the wind. Muhahaha. I need some kind of awesome ninja name. Hmm. I'll see if Alison has any ideas. Last night she had no faith in my ninja abilities. She says that I'll probably end up falling on my face. Which is probably true.
I think I'll go sit by my window and finish reading "The Shining".
Sunday, March 28, 2004
smoooooth ridin'
::sigh:: today was nice, except for the fact that I had to work concession. ARG! Anyway, I got more compliments on my hair WHICH ISN'T CUT (I just started using a different gel so it looks COOLER). I must admit that my hair does look pretttttty darn cute.
Ashley and I had a great time in Branson. I found a really cute scrarf for 99 cents!!! How awesome is that. I ended up getting really cranky halfway though the trip. Mostly because I found this really cute skirt but my pudgy ankles ruined any chance of my buying it. Oh well. When I think about it, it really wasn't that cute.
I have to start drawing II tomorrow with Bylander. I'm a little freaked out. I totally went balistic in that essay that we had to write for our drawing II final. Geeze I feel like a prick for writing what I that's a lie. I love what I wrote.
I have decided that if I every meet Ewan Mcgregor I will do what I can to get him to give me a kiss on the cheek because boy that man is FINE!!! Ooo I totally want to have a dream where Orlando Bloom and Ewan Mcgregor fight over me!!
Ashley and I had a great time in Branson. I found a really cute scrarf for 99 cents!!! How awesome is that. I ended up getting really cranky halfway though the trip. Mostly because I found this really cute skirt but my pudgy ankles ruined any chance of my buying it. Oh well. When I think about it, it really wasn't that cute.
I have to start drawing II tomorrow with Bylander. I'm a little freaked out. I totally went balistic in that essay that we had to write for our drawing II final. Geeze I feel like a prick for writing what I that's a lie. I love what I wrote.
I have decided that if I every meet Ewan Mcgregor I will do what I can to get him to give me a kiss on the cheek because boy that man is FINE!!! Ooo I totally want to have a dream where Orlando Bloom and Ewan Mcgregor fight over me!!
There are no words to describe my fustration
Damn me and my ability to think!!
Damn me and my ability to think!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
I have a shopping problem
I CAN'T STOP SHOPPING!!! Someone stop me before it's too late!! I found some of the most awesome shoes in the entire world and I am deeply affraid that I will buy them. Then I found out about this new brand of shoes called "Sugar Shoes" that are beautiful!! As if that weren't bad enough I have discovered the VAST WORLD of Neil Gaiman Graphic Novels. Sure I knew about the Sandman Series but I had no clue about the last temptation, The Death Series, and many more!!
Thursday, March 18, 2004
I'm having a bad life
"I'm having a bad life"...I think that's a quote from some teen movie.
I came to school today expecting to have a super day because that's what's supposed to happen! You're supposed to have a really crappy day and then the next day will be super! theory is crap.
First block was fine. The final was easy. It was second block that killed me. Bylander looked at the portfolio and said nothing...nothing. She gave me a B!!! Yet she wouldn't give me some constructive criticism. NONE. I worked my butt off this year to become better at drawing. Appearently I haven't improved.
It doesn't help that like 5 dozen skinny people came up to me this past week and told me that THEY'RE FAT. I hate that so much!! I hate that I look over at Ashley and she's all skinny and toned because she's been going to the gym every day and I TRY to go to the gym and I am GAINING weight.
HAHaha and to top it all off, I don't like going to work anymore. A certain someone makes my life hell there. I'm a person DAMN IT!!! So treat me like it!!!!
When I go home today I am going to burn my sketch book and take a picture of the beautiful flames. Then I'm going to get the film developed and show Mrs. Bylander. I'll tell her it's my best work yet then laugh manicly MUAHAHAHA!!!!
I came to school today expecting to have a super day because that's what's supposed to happen! You're supposed to have a really crappy day and then the next day will be super! theory is crap.
First block was fine. The final was easy. It was second block that killed me. Bylander looked at the portfolio and said nothing...nothing. She gave me a B!!! Yet she wouldn't give me some constructive criticism. NONE. I worked my butt off this year to become better at drawing. Appearently I haven't improved.
It doesn't help that like 5 dozen skinny people came up to me this past week and told me that THEY'RE FAT. I hate that so much!! I hate that I look over at Ashley and she's all skinny and toned because she's been going to the gym every day and I TRY to go to the gym and I am GAINING weight.
HAHaha and to top it all off, I don't like going to work anymore. A certain someone makes my life hell there. I'm a person DAMN IT!!! So treat me like it!!!!
When I go home today I am going to burn my sketch book and take a picture of the beautiful flames. Then I'm going to get the film developed and show Mrs. Bylander. I'll tell her it's my best work yet then laugh manicly MUAHAHAHA!!!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Taking life one breath at a time
I am invisible.
Maybe if I sit here and not say anything they won't notice me. Maybe if I breathe really softly they won't take a second look.
My scultpure was cut out of the All Schools Art Show. Mr. Fielding said that it was a "group concensous." They didn't want it to represent our school I guess. He looked me in the eye and basicly called it crap. It didn't hurt at first. I was just kind of numb. I smiled and said "ok, I'll just pick it up after school." I walked back into Mrs. Bylander's room and avoided eye contact with everyone. I put on my head phones and blasted Cadet for a while. When my ear drums were throbbing I pulled off the head phones and told Carissa that I didn't make it. She could have cared less. She said she wanted to see it. I told her I'd rather her not. From there I just mumbled about how the same people go every year. How Kristen, Francois , and her were lucky to have such a beautiful ability. She didn't hear me. It's best that way. She left the room for a bit, my guess was to find my sculpture. She came back 10 mins later and said that she saw Kristen's tea pot and thought it was really "cool." I knew she had seen my sculpture but she didn't say anything. That's how it is with people and my art. They figure if they can't say anything nice then they just shouldn't say anything at all. Chad did it, Sandor did it, Courtney did it, Lori did it, Mr. Fielding does it to me all the time, as well as Mrs. Bylander, and not to mention the numerous people in my life whose names I cannot remember because obviously they weren't that important.
I fought back tears for 45 mins. I tried not to think about the fact that it's my Senior year and I have yet to be in a show. I thought about how I was starting to like what I was drawing; feel really proud of how I was progressing.
I don't know what to do now. I'm not going to break down, I have too much pride to do that. All I can do is breathe. I'm just going to sit here and pretend that life is sugar plums and lolly pops for the next hour and 45 mins.
I guess this whole experience is a reality check for me.
Maybe if I sit here and not say anything they won't notice me. Maybe if I breathe really softly they won't take a second look.
My scultpure was cut out of the All Schools Art Show. Mr. Fielding said that it was a "group concensous." They didn't want it to represent our school I guess. He looked me in the eye and basicly called it crap. It didn't hurt at first. I was just kind of numb. I smiled and said "ok, I'll just pick it up after school." I walked back into Mrs. Bylander's room and avoided eye contact with everyone. I put on my head phones and blasted Cadet for a while. When my ear drums were throbbing I pulled off the head phones and told Carissa that I didn't make it. She could have cared less. She said she wanted to see it. I told her I'd rather her not. From there I just mumbled about how the same people go every year. How Kristen, Francois , and her were lucky to have such a beautiful ability. She didn't hear me. It's best that way. She left the room for a bit, my guess was to find my sculpture. She came back 10 mins later and said that she saw Kristen's tea pot and thought it was really "cool." I knew she had seen my sculpture but she didn't say anything. That's how it is with people and my art. They figure if they can't say anything nice then they just shouldn't say anything at all. Chad did it, Sandor did it, Courtney did it, Lori did it, Mr. Fielding does it to me all the time, as well as Mrs. Bylander, and not to mention the numerous people in my life whose names I cannot remember because obviously they weren't that important.
I fought back tears for 45 mins. I tried not to think about the fact that it's my Senior year and I have yet to be in a show. I thought about how I was starting to like what I was drawing; feel really proud of how I was progressing.
I don't know what to do now. I'm not going to break down, I have too much pride to do that. All I can do is breathe. I'm just going to sit here and pretend that life is sugar plums and lolly pops for the next hour and 45 mins.
I guess this whole experience is a reality check for me.
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
The essence of Velma
Velma: All you care about are swimsuit models.
Fred: Hey. I'm a man of substance. Dorky chicks like you turn me on, too.
Hahahahaaa, that's actually more entertaining then that Office Space quote.
Fred: Hey. I'm a man of substance. Dorky chicks like you turn me on, too.
Hahahahaaa, that's actually more entertaining then that Office Space quote.
I'm a people person
Tom Smykowski: Well-well look. I already told you: I deal with the god damn customers so the engineers don't have to. I have people skills; I am good at dealing with people. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?
Monday, March 15, 2004
There's nothing like a chicken patty to make your day
Work was utterly pointless. Projection training was...informative but utterly boring. I'm sure it would have been a lot more entertaining if we were aloud to actually thread the projectors.
Today's lunch consisted of a brown, bread like meat that appeared to jiggle. I wanted to poke it. So there I was in the lunch room staring at my food wondering if food poisening would give me a chance to sure the school distric. I'm sure Ashley looked over and thought I was crazy.
I was thinking about my old clique and Natalie is probably the most successful of the bunch. I mean only the lord knows where Linzy is, Tamila has been reduced to a clone of Matt, and I...well I'm in my plastic bubble but Natalie is achieving things. She's got these wicked awesome friends OUTSIDE of school and she's going places.
I was thinking about how Linzy had these amazing plans to be an artist and now that she's finally out of school she's stopped drawing. That's why I'm not going to take a year off before college. I want to stay focused on what I want. I want to create and nothing will every stop me from doing that. When I met Kristen last year I told her she reminded me of Linzy mostly because the way she used to draw people looked almost exactly like how Linzy did but the more I got to know her the more "Linzy personality" I saw in her. I sware, if Linzy had a sister it would be Kristen. If you look at the two of them you'd see that there's all these possibilities in the art world. Linzy could have gone anywhere she wanted had she of applied herself but...she didn't. Then look at Kristen. She worked at school and achieved a really high GPA and a almost perfect score on the ACT. It's soooo cool that Kristen is on the track to real stardom. She's already been acepted to Kansas City Art Insitute but I'm encouraging her to go to Chicago A.I. because there are a lot more classes that have to deal with animation specificly. I can see really great things happening for her!
Today's lunch consisted of a brown, bread like meat that appeared to jiggle. I wanted to poke it. So there I was in the lunch room staring at my food wondering if food poisening would give me a chance to sure the school distric. I'm sure Ashley looked over and thought I was crazy.
I was thinking about my old clique and Natalie is probably the most successful of the bunch. I mean only the lord knows where Linzy is, Tamila has been reduced to a clone of Matt, and I...well I'm in my plastic bubble but Natalie is achieving things. She's got these wicked awesome friends OUTSIDE of school and she's going places.
I was thinking about how Linzy had these amazing plans to be an artist and now that she's finally out of school she's stopped drawing. That's why I'm not going to take a year off before college. I want to stay focused on what I want. I want to create and nothing will every stop me from doing that. When I met Kristen last year I told her she reminded me of Linzy mostly because the way she used to draw people looked almost exactly like how Linzy did but the more I got to know her the more "Linzy personality" I saw in her. I sware, if Linzy had a sister it would be Kristen. If you look at the two of them you'd see that there's all these possibilities in the art world. Linzy could have gone anywhere she wanted had she of applied herself but...she didn't. Then look at Kristen. She worked at school and achieved a really high GPA and a almost perfect score on the ACT. It's soooo cool that Kristen is on the track to real stardom. She's already been acepted to Kansas City Art Insitute but I'm encouraging her to go to Chicago A.I. because there are a lot more classes that have to deal with animation specificly. I can see really great things happening for her!
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
Alison's blog rocks!
I just check out Alison's blog and she posted one of those stupid little surveys that you get through e-mail and though I really hate most of them I thought it would be nice to fill this one out. I must admit it was fun...but shhhh don't tell anyone!!
No Doubt
The Beatles
Jim Croce
Linkin' Park
Blink 182
Walking at graduation
finishing college
moving out
learning projection
meeting new people while in college
meeting really hot guys in college
FUTURAMA ON DVD!!! (March 9th)
Half life 2
Finishing my deadline in Yearbook
My Cross
My new Nintendo jacket
My new "Home Movies" and "Family Guy" shirts
My converse all-stars
Any of my Ewan McGregor buttons
Eye shaddow
Either my keychain earrings or my moon and star earrings
Orange Nail polish
Stupid people
mean people
rude people
vain people
people who are constantly bring attention to the fact that they are on a diet (aka people who check the lables of everything they eat to see how much fat is in it)
People who do things just to fit in
manipulative people
"Man...that sucks"
"Well, God loves me"
"What the crap??!!!" (I wouldn't have started sayin' that if I didn't hear it every time I went to work)
dress my self
day dream about really hot guys
Make notes of my world domination
[inset super secret name here]
Family (Mom, dad, and especially Tracy)
Moulin Rouge
Fight Club
Every You Every Me (Single Mix) - Placebo (On the Cruel Intentions soundtrack)
Vitamin - Incubus
No Doubt
The Beatles
Jim Croce
Linkin' Park
Blink 182
Walking at graduation
finishing college
moving out
learning projection
meeting new people while in college
meeting really hot guys in college
FUTURAMA ON DVD!!! (March 9th)
Half life 2
Finishing my deadline in Yearbook
My Cross
My new Nintendo jacket
My new "Home Movies" and "Family Guy" shirts
My converse all-stars
Any of my Ewan McGregor buttons
Eye shaddow
Either my keychain earrings or my moon and star earrings
Orange Nail polish
Stupid people
mean people
rude people
vain people
people who are constantly bring attention to the fact that they are on a diet (aka people who check the lables of everything they eat to see how much fat is in it)
People who do things just to fit in
manipulative people
"Man...that sucks"
"Well, God loves me"
"What the crap??!!!" (I wouldn't have started sayin' that if I didn't hear it every time I went to work)
dress my self
day dream about really hot guys
Make notes of my world domination
[inset super secret name here]
Family (Mom, dad, and especially Tracy)
Moulin Rouge
Fight Club
Every You Every Me (Single Mix) - Placebo (On the Cruel Intentions soundtrack)
Vitamin - Incubus