Thursday, February 03, 2005

Everything's coming up Milhouse

I am: not well. My lungs hurt. My lungs hurt alot. I probably have lung cancer. Great. Just great. The day after my birthday and I have lung cancer. Ah yes, the birthday present that never stops giving.

Theme song: If there was some sort of song entitled "I am a bitter bitter child" then that would be my theme song for the day. I'm sure there is and I'm almost positive that it is written by Fred Durst.

As you can tell my birthday celebration was not what's the word...riveting, as promised. I expect more over the weekend. YOU OWE ME WEEKEND! YOU OWWWWWE ME!!!

Anyway today has started off slow. I must say that I am quite eager to read the new Vanity Fair which feature the cast of Episode 3 on the cover. For some reason it appears that Natalie Portman is uncomfortably touching George Lucas. It's quite funny. She has this nasty smile on her face that makes me uncomfortable. Ewan looks much older on the cover then he is. I feel dirty thinking about how hot he is in Episode 1. On the plus side of things, if you unfold the cover to it's full length (which is quite long) you'll find that they have included the stars from all of the Star Wars movies. Including Jake Lloyd. Who was not good enough for the very front cover so they put him on like the 4th flap. It's great. That poor kid looks like he's been on crack for the past few years. Haha- NO OSCAR FOR YOU JAKE LLOYD!! YOU RUINED EPISODE ONE WITH YOUR CRAPPINESS!!!

Thus ends my blissful afternoon.

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