Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Reality check on cannibals, hobos, and zombies

11:58 PM
Andrew: boobs
Me: boobs
Andrew: i find it's a very good conversation starter
Me: true dat true dat
Me: do I sound cooler when I use "dat"
Andrew: a little
Me: street lingo makes me feel awesome

Me: what do you think cannibals snack on?
Me: flesh chips?
Me: Dehydrated flesh chips?
Andrew: gross
Andrew: and yes, i would think so
Me: or do you think they keep a bucket of fingers around the house
Me: kind of like a bucket of chicken
Me: only it's fingers
Andrew: i guess we should befriend some cannibals and hang out at their pad to study them more closely
Me: yes
Me: this sounds like a very excellent plan
Me:sometimes I wonder if Justin fights back cannibalistic urges
Me: he gets that "look" in his eyes
Andrew: he does have a hairy chest
Me: What does having a hairy chest have to do with cannibals?
Andrew: think about it
Me: nope, I'm still confused
Andrew: well, i can't explain it to you then
Andrew: either you get it or you get it
Andrew: or i'm just messing with you
Me: my head hurts
Andrew: as well it should
Me: If you touch a hobo do you have to get a tetanus shot?
Me: or does that only apply to zombies?
Andrew: i don't know, but either way, Scott and I are covered
Me: Good to know

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