Thursday, March 16, 2006

Rolling like a celebrity!

iTunes: "Beverly Hills" by Weezer
I am: Chillin' like a villian

I dislike homework more than I dislike Hillary Duff (and that's quite a bit). On Sunday night I had planned to finish up what I had left in Anthropology because it was pretty much DUE the next day. I get home around 9:30 work for about 45 minutes when my dad yanks me downstairs because of the impending tornado. Then the lights go out till 4 am. "Fantastic" I say to my self, "I'm so glad that all of my Anthropology work was done ON A COMPUTER RUN BY ELECTRICITY!!!". So I've been way behind on homework all week because of that. I wasn't able to go to Hannah's show on Tuesday and I couldn't even go to The Magic Bean on Wednesday to see Ben play. No, I was stuck at home worshiping the homework God. Uck.

Best Hannah story of the week (well aside from the Taney County sheriff's department searching for her for various reasons):

Paraphrasing Hannah....Because I suck at remembering things...
"Did you ever hear my story about the proofreading class [she may
have actual said it was a publishing class. I don't remember.] I took a few
semesters ago? Oh my God. Yeah, well the class was filled with communication
majors. At the beginning of class one of them stands up and asks, 'We're going
to have to KNOW how to spell? Isn't there someone that does that FOR us? Can't we just use spell check or something?!' I though I was going to die."

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